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Oz Election: Final Word
by cyd Friday, Jul 1 2016, 6:11am
international / prose / post

On the eve of voting day it would probably assist those who have not as yet seen through the utter garbage issuing from the mouths of both major party puppet leaders.

Eureka Stockade
Eureka Stockade

Firstly, THINK Australia, does any citizen actually know what Turnbull’s “plan” is? Ask yourself, if in doubt. ‘Plan’ is a word which carries meaning, however, it becomes MEANINGLESS if that plan is not outlined in detail like all plans should be; imagine walking into a boardroom and saying I have a plan and then not defining it or outlining what that plan is, you would either be kicked out on your ear or laughed out of the room and that is exactly how we should react to Turnbull’s consultant-led empty deceitful campaign -- clearly,Turnbull is a FRAUD and supreme coward, too frightened to commit himself to anything of SUBSTANCE, as he fears that people would then become aware that he lacks integrity; transparent Malcolm is a salesman surviving on bullshit and deception, and, I would add, even as a salesman he doesn’t make the grade.

No-one, absolutely no-one when questioned on Turn-bull’s “plan” was able to tell us what it is! Are Aussies as demented as slogan-fed uninformed, yanks? I think not, the people will react adversely to the Libs over their inept insincere, media, conjuring trick campaign. However, we have, like all societies, our share of mental lepers, one such easily mesmerised idiot actually resorted to Turnbull’s three word (an improvement) slogan and answered, “jobs and growth" -- LOL! Talk about a mindless Aussie dunce. ‘Jobs and growth’ is simply an empty, hollow, slogan the Libs are using to deceive and dupe the public, as that slogan carries no SUBSTANCE whatsoever; ask yourself HOW Turnbull hopes to REALISE increased jobs and economic growth and you will see Turnbull’s facade fall apart before your eyes. His fanciful dream is based on the HOPE that by GIFTING $50 billion, which the PUBLIC would inevitably fund, to the already bloated wealthy corporate/banker business sector, the benefits would somehow ‘trickle down’ to the community in the form of jobs and growth. HOWEVER, ‘trickle down economics’ has already been tried in the UK by Thatcher and in the US by Reagan, and it FAILED miserably in BOTH nations, as the wealthy never part with their money or share any benefits they receive from ignorant, fraudulent politicians that are not aware of economic HISTORY and economic REALITY.

Furthermore, the mega-wealthy didn’t gain their wealth by sharing their benefits! In fact, as everyone should be aware, wealthy entities go to great pains to safeguard and INCREASE their wealth by not sharing or allowing benefits to go anywhere outside their own interests; in other words a ‘plan’ built on a failed model MUST necessarily ALSO FAIL, but don’t tell that to the morons that vote Liberal, they have an aversion to REALITY.

Turnbull’s entire campaign is based on hot air, NOTHING but empty words, furthermore, Turnbull was installed as leader by the party specifically to win the election, NOT to lead, as is clearly evident; Turnbull is enslaved by the deceitful ultra-conservative faction, which group has him totally in their grip. Turnbull is also advised by marketing and advertising consultants, which use deceitful manipulative means, characteristic of their profession, to achieve results. It’s all media-hyped crap, the entire Liberal campaign -- there’s not an iota of SUBSTANCE BEHIND IT. We shall see how many media-lobotomised Aussies fall for it.

Labor on the other hand stuck its neck out and outlined real policies though they were very careful not to admit that their policies would result in increased debt until exposed, which debt has no hope of decreasing anytime in the near to medium future. But at least they offer something to analyse and appraise, so I give them credit for that and indeed Labor has been far more honest with the community than the Libs which continue to arrogantly, and contemptuously treat the Australian population as morons. They may soon regret it, as the Australian population is far more intelligent and socially aware than Turnbull’s consultants/advisors imagine.

However, Labor is also in the grip of the elite corporate sector, numerous previous Labor policies prove it, to mention a few: Keating deregulated the banks which instead of working diligently for profits immediately began charging fees for services, a reprehensible parasitic method of ripping the public off and gaining profits. He also floated our currency which resulted in the loss of economic sovereignty as now rogues on Wall Street utilise it as a speculative trading commodity, plus Gillard allowed our sovereign nation to be occupied permanently in peace time by a foreign power, indeed, Anglo Aussies have never severed themselves from their cringing, colonial past -- there are many more examples of Labor kowtowing to the ruling elite. Rudd is on record as saying to Peter Garrett, “once we gain office we won’t have to do anything,” implying that the elite corporate sector would dictate policies! So you see, both majors are washouts as far as the population is concerned.

In view of the above and many more examples of our inept, servile major parties and their knee-walking leaders, the only sensible thing to do is VOTE independent and shock the majors back into reality. It is essential for Australia to become what it once was, a leading developed nation with the best standard of living in the world, not the struggling backwater both Labor and Liberal government incompetence have made Australia today.

We all must force the majors to cease taking the talented and hard working Australian people for granted and for mugs! Teach them both a lesson they will not soon forget. Support REAL DEMOCRACY and vote representative independents into both houses of parliament.


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