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Turnbull’s Amazing Disconnect -- Sales’ Pathetic Interview On The ABC
by justin Thursday, Jun 9 2016, 1:25am
international / prose / post

Pretender PM, Malcolm Turnbull, was interviewed last night by Leigh Sales, and what a tragic but highly revealing interview it was.

Leigh Sales interviews Malcolm Turnbull -- tragic performances from both
Leigh Sales interviews Malcolm Turnbull -- tragic performances from both

Turnbull true to disconnected elite form rambled on with his meaningless slogans “jobs and growth” and ‘his’ (corporate’s) “economic plan” -- hollow, UNSUBSTANTIATED words, ALL of it!”

Sales quite rightly questioned his approach but failed to follow through. She drew his attention to the fact that his popularity ratings were going through the floor due to (inferred) his inability to reach and connect with average Australians -- the voting MAJORITY.

Turnbull’s response was so utterly disconnected from reality it staggered the imagination. ‘His’ “plan” is simply the FAILED (historically proven) ‘trickle down economics’ of laissez faire economist, Milton Freidman, which was embraced in the UK and America and ruined both economies -- both economies are now ‘surviving’ on untenable money printing (QE).

Trickle down economics is simply supporting the wealthy business elite in the HOPE that the benefits they receive, at tax-payers HUGE expense, trickle down to the real economy, which history has proven not to be the case, as the business elite ALWAYS hog everything they get.

Giving corporate elites and bankers tax breaks and tens/hundreds/thousands of $millions in assistance, WHILE IGNORING THE PLIGHT OF AVERAGE WORKING AUSTRALIANS -- THE ENGINE ROOM OF THE REAL ECONOMY -- simply does not work, FACT!

Turnbull is living in his own private ‘Potts Point’ and revealed he has no idea how to run a production based REAL economy. In fact, he borrowed a failed plan from the past, which failed to resurrect stagnant western economies in crisis, which were actually ruined by Big Business corporate banker elite ROGUES, historical fact -- the 2008 global economic collapse was the result; however, rogue bankers and corporates did not suffer, the global economy died while they bathed in cash extracted from national treasury coffers (depleted as a result) and QE.

Western economies have remained on life support ever since -- ‘Quantitative Easing,’ is a euphemism for printing money from thin air! It should also be noted that the group that prints this essentially non-production based (therefore worthless) currency is the global Reserve Banking cartel with headquarters in New York. Australia’s Reserve Bank is an affiliate. So if you’re wondering to whom national and private debt are owed, it’s the interests that print money from thin air -- is that not the greatest rort/con that has ever been imposed on the people of the world?

These sordid criminal interests, to which Turnbull is enslaved, are now preparing for nuclear war as their crimes, rorts, INCOMPETENCE are unravelling as I write, they have run out of tricks, so WAR is their last resort -- a little research reveals that western Europe (NATO), the US, vassal nations in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States are RAPIDLY increasing their preparedness for a nuclear war with China and Russia, though no threat exists. However, the privately owned western mass media is in saturation mode painting Russia and China as aggressors while REALITY indicates the only forces that have gone on invasive military campaigns over the past two decades have been America/NATO and their vassal states -- I would add that Australia is now a primary nuclear target due entirely to Oz governments kowtowing to the mass murdering yanks and allowing them to use Oz as a convenient platform to launch nuclear attacks on China. Please bear with me, I am not digressing, it’s all connected, as we live in a global mutually-affective world, Mr Nick Xenophon, pulling the shutters does not protect nations from radiation fallout and nuclear blasts, you clown.

Australia, must LEAD in our region, not hide or kowtow to the useless and incompetent, war mongering yanks, which resort to the gun to settle all problems. You see, the banker corporate interests that control the US have reached the end of their line, nations like Oz that have not had their treasury coffers and economies completely absorbed and ruined are now embarking on that course, which would transfer all existing wealth to the criminals that created the problem in the first instance! A little research goes a long way Ms Sales, you ornamental journalist/interviewer!

Now back to Oz and Turnbull, who is about as useful to Australia as a tits on a bull. Sales failed to refer to Australia’s outdated failing infrastructure and the need to modernise it. A huge boon for the nation/economy and a picnic for all manner of jobs, but Turnbull is a ‘paper shuffling’ banker with no idea how to run a production based economy and get the nation MOVING -- Australia has all the resources it needs locally, except the most CRITICAL, COMPETENT GOVERNMENT!

Rather than offshoring jobs and dismantling our manufacturing base, favourite endeavours of the conservative party, we should embark on expanding jobs by upgrading infrastructure and producing new alternative technologies, we have the ability! Nevertheless, who could forget a conservative senator stating openly in parliament that he ‘wouldn’t trust Australian ship builders to build a canoe,’ the Libs were ready to offshore all jobs relating to wasteful military spending, which is now costing the nation hundreds of $billions, when in fact our best option is missile technology for defense, land, sea and air; HOWEVER, American and allied weapons manufacturers require chumps to dump their outdated weapons on. Turnbull’s HUGE wasteful expenditure can be traced to his kowtowing to Washington a la Tony Abbot and Julia Gillard, after all, Lockheed Martin would go into bankruptcy if Oz wasn’t saddled with buying its now proven multi-billion dollar flying lemon, the F-35 strike fighter. The effects of enormous government mistakes can be seen in a depleted national treasury and rising national debt. The only reason our manufacturing sector has been left adrift is due to INCOMPETENT governments, there is no other reason.

South Korea is now the western world’s ship building nation, however, South Korea was nowhere in the 60‘s, Australia at the time was world equal in almost all industries but was allowed to fail due to successive incompetent governments of both stripes. Make no mistake, our major parties are to blame for all of Australia’s current problems.

Now, what is the favourite solution for conservative governments? Penalise the PEOPLE for government incompetence/mistakes and ride them into the ground as is occurring as I write, Monsieurs Turnbull and Shorten.

Now the question arises, where does the money come from, which no Aussie journalist is willing to research? Money comes from essentially the banking cartel mentioned above, which prints it from thin air and lends it out at interest, currencies are no longer pegged to gold, they are purely paper, supported by subscription -- a completely untenable situation, as clearly, it is production (China's astounding rise) that drives real economies and generates untold jobs and REAL growth/wealth, NOT hollow words and failed economic plans, Mr Turnbull.

Well, quite clearly, no-one in their right mind would allow anyone to to give them coloured paper at interest and place (enslave) them in debt when they are able to print money themselves and regain currency sovereignty -- pure and simple. But of course pure simple REALITY always evades incompetent journalists and servile politicians.

Now back to pathetic journo Leigh Sales, and TOTALLY disconnected Malcolm Turnbull -- what a duo!

Essentially Turnbull said nothing of substance during the entire interview and Sales failed to nail him; Turnbull clearly failed to satisfy the Australian people but ran rings around clearly hopeless Sales, all Aussies heard was the same ol’ DISCONNECTED discourse from a known member of the elite who has no idea what the people are enduring with plummeting living standards, leapfrogging price hikes for everything, including the basics, and wages effectively going backwards.

On top of that the Libs were/are ready under Abbott AND Turnbull to penalise the people for government mistakes and incompetence by destroying the health, education and pension safety nets, while always favouring the rogue tax-avoiding business class with evermore worker taxpayer funds -- give me/Australia a break!

So after three fuckin' years in power all the Libs can offer is more pain for the people, no effective real solutions but more favours and benefits for the elite corporate end of town -- it’s in your face Australia! Reality speaks very clearly unlike the constant divorced from reality drivel that issues from the mouths of our major party, thoroughly incompetent, politicians.

Aussies need to get back to work and get this country going AGAIN and governments need to provide the funds necessary to restore the nation by taking back our sovereign right to print and value our own currency -- like China, which has never and would never surrender its currency to Wall St.-- or have it exploited as a trading commodity by sleazy bankers and rogues on Wall Street. Never forget our currency would be supported by the REAL natural wealth of the nation AND its capable (if given a chance) population, which is in desperate need of REAL solutions and a real progressive, bullet-proof plan, not green debt-paper from New York or the empty words of our useless, owned political parties and lying political leaders, which couldn't lead a gaggle of geese or develop a viable vision for the nation if their lives depended on it -- plain to see, Ms Sales.

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