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It’s About TIME!
by darcy Monday, May 16 2016, 12:33am
international / prose / post

Any clown out there that imagines that the western world is not in crisis in dreaming, the corruption and rot of financial debt-enslaving institutions and tax-avoiding multinationals have brought the world to its knees – these corrupt, mega-wealthy criminal thieving interests have already plunged the world into an economic tailspin (2008) from which it hasn’t and can never recover, the western world continues its downward spiral and makes the $trillions in so-called ‘stimulus’ or QE look like charity for the wealthy one percent; millions of people in Europe, UK, America face AUSTERITY, refugee floods, due to US regime change wars and or economic exploitation, ask your parents about the standard of living they enjoyed if you wish to apprehend today’s reality.

Take a GOOD look at REALITY not the shit that spews from the mass media propaganda machine, owned by the same corrupt interests and engineered (by the CFR) to maintain order and deceive billions of people everywhere; the REALITY is starkly different, the opposite in fact of what is portrayed in the mass media – recovery my arse, the world is a cot case!

Most people have eyes to see, in fact even blind Freddy sees today, as it’s Freddy that is denouncing the bullshit that issues from the mouths of ALL our puppet politicians, I mean the thin transparent rhetoric of traditional politicians is pathetic; in Oz, which is no different to other western democracies, we have a former merchant banker millionaire PM, Malcolm Turnbull, spouting shit, EMPTY words about “jobs and growth,” WITHOUT ANY SUBSTANCE behind those WORDS whatsoever; he hopes his meaningless slogan will secure him the national leadership, well it may if Aussies are dumber than Americans but Australians are considerably more literate, socially aware and smarter; nevertheless, this elitist candidate, surrounded by American trained marketing and advertising consultants, has already served his economic class by granting them tax and other breaks and has BRAZENLY ignored the plight of 75% of the population in the national budget – but he hopes that spouting the slogan “jobs and growth,” will dupe the population and somehow blur their vision of REALITY; Mr Murdoch has told him so, as it is Murdoch who is responsible for installing and overthrowing Australia’s political leaders -- and to which club does Murdoch belong? Why, the very same corrupt thieving elite mentioned above, which have hijacked every western democracy by installing puppet politicians to do their bidding and serve their elitist agenda; this unfortunate circumstance sticks out like dog’s balls in the western world today, almost everybody sees it!

Turnbull will choke on that slogan if his party foolishly attempts to use it without any real outline/map or historical account/model of where or how supplying more money to the wealthiest, serves all the people of a nation, because it simply doesn’t, the UK and US tried it and they have failed to restore their nations which today are suffering more hardship than ever before; how Turnbull hopes to create more jobs and stem Australia’s backward moving economy is simple, he has ALREADY demonstrated how by attempting to destroy Australian culture and adopting the American dog-eat-dog model, which serves the interests of bankers, multinationals, corporatists, which stand to make ever more profits by exploiting a slave workforce locally and globally, this system pitches the masses of nations against each other and disguises the fact that all our problems are a direct result of a rotten to the core criminal hyper-wealthy global elite which desire a compliant, contained slave population – simply look at the evidence and SEE for yourself what has already happened to your liberties and freedoms, with legislation passed by puppet politicians and enforced by new police state tactics, notwithstanding the OTHER means of enslavement, economic deprivation, we are not free if we are broke and the criminal minority, possess all the available wealth.

Now I need pursue the point, I need only direct the gaze at a monumental absurdity/irony of the current situation, and what is that, dreamboats? Please take a guess and then when you fail to pinpoint the real problem take a look in the mirror, as it is as it’s always been, the masses/people always retain their power to determine the reality in which they live – that is the simple fact the elite do not wish you to know, they must keep you, all of us divided and believing we are powerless, when in fact we are easily able to destroy them and the treasonous political puppets that serve them.

Today we are all able to see clearly how corrupt minority rule functions, very badly to say the least. Supported principally by its global media arm we live if we choose in a dreamworld constructed on lies and fabrications, a house of cards, which could collapse overnight as the reality the media would have us believe is pure fantasy. So what is the reality, put succinctly more for the few nothing for YOU, Australia’s unelected PM has already proven this by ignoring the democratic majority in his elite serving national budget and this clown hopes we cannot see the stark reality of his scandalous duplicity.

What we are seeing is massive destabilisation and failure as a result of the unbridled avaricious greed of a tiny minority – does the state of the world today indicate SUCCESS TO YOU? Where has our relatively stable world gone? Stability, equality and a peaceful prosperous existence are things of the past, if you are not a member of the 1% club you are expendable?

Forget the mass media telling you otherwise or distracting from reality, simple truth/reality confronts all us in the FACE. Servile puppet politicians attempt to spin the same old crap, which has little effect today, demagogues everywhere are exploiting the situation but most notably in the US (Trump) and its vassals particularly the Philippines. The elite now require brutal murdering leaders as the people are waking up to their ruse and LIES.

If we allow the mass media to alienate us and keep us divided globally then the criminal elite wins and the world would inevitably end in oppressive dictatorships – do you have trouble determining an obvious trajectory? Well yes, if you succumb to media bullshit, like it’s them not us that are responsible, some demonised hapless scapegoat to vent our frustrations on – in fact the masses have always been ONE everywhere we are the MAJORITY and have no trouble restoring fairness, justice and peace to our corrupt failing nations/world, however, if we continue to be duped and soft-minded we would have earned our horrific future. But I think not, view the ‘news’ (propaganda) objectively and listen to our sell-out politicians and then ask yourself where’s the PROOF or SUBSTANCE behind the lying, empty words?

It’s time to wipe the slate clean and eliminate the rot, as there is no salvaging the current rotten, enslaving system as it stands – real FREEDOM is only an enlightened decision away.

Are you capable of enlightened clear thinking -- that is the question? Never vote for major parties or the ‘candidates’ that support them. That strategy alone is a good start and one easily exercised by all of us, teach the treacherous treasonous liars a lesson they will never forget, well at least until they are either hanged or spend the rest of their criminal lying lives in prison.

audio New Beginning - Tracy Chapman

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