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Hey, Australia, ever heard of Democracy?
by cyd Thursday, May 12 2016, 2:41am
international / prose / post

The current elite serving PM of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, is a disconnected former merchant banker and former employee of Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most criminal large bank in the world today; he has also acted as legal advisor to Kerry Packer, who among other things, was a plutocrat. Turnbull has also been named in the Panama Papers for using shelf-companies in order to evade tax, but disavows any illegality, how so? Well, you see, the multinational globalists that today engineer ‘free trade deals’ in secret, to serve THEIR interests also created tax havens to be utilised only by the well-heeled in society, so of course multi-millionaire lawyer/banker/tax avoider, Turnbull, availed himself of these legal rorts, so technically no laws have been broken only moral codes of fair play, ethics and Christian values.

Turnbull, smug, elitist, sellout, prick!
Turnbull, smug, elitist, sellout, prick!

Turnbull is a liar, fraud and an elitist hypocrite, characteristics diametrically opposed to Australian traditional values.

However, as is plain Turnbull favours the American dog-eat-dog model, so Australia is now quite literally fighting for its national and cultural survival and every effort should be made to safeguard our cultural and national uniqueness.

Turnbull’s budget, upon which he hopes to win the upcoming federal election, intentionally IGNORED 75% of the population and gave tax and other breaks to the big end of town and the elite few, Turnbull’s own kind, so should we be surprised? Not at all, of course birds of the feather etc., BUT ‘someone’ has forgotten Australian values, namely egalitarianism and the fair go; furthermore, the population seems to have forgotten the meaning of DEMOCRACY. You see, by serving the elite few and ignoring the masses openly, Turnbull, true to form and character, spits in the eye of traditional Australian values AND Democracy. By serving minority interests and IGNORING the plight of the MAJORITY, Turnbull, wearing his perpetual smug, superior smile on his elitist face, transmits what he really thinks of the Australian public, utter contempt! His budget BRAZENLY shits on the masses, however, Turnbull hopes to gain office again by lying and deception, sound familiar (Abbott)? Turnbull like Abbott has nothing but contempt for average Aussies and the vulnerable in the community, yet like Abbott, he hopes the masses will install him into office, which is not only the height of social disconnect, it's arrogance beyond measure. Any vestiges of integrity Turnbull once may have had are gone, his behaviour today betrays the fact that he's a sellout.

Turnbull, like all dishonest, disconnected, narcissistic elitists, imagines that people will fall for his empty words, the meaningless babble of his ministers and semantic double talk; the TRUTH is Turnbull's economic policies have been tried before, they are essentially the ‘trickle down’ economics of Milton Friedman, which failed miserably, as it is now history that the elite by habit and character hog everything they make and selfishly exploit any concessions that are foolishly given to them -- NOTHING 'TRICKLES DOWN' to the masses, the elitists hog it all -- a now proven historical fact! So who is full of shit, Mr Turnbull, it's all hollow deceptive words designed to benefit the elite only?

The Oz public need not be aware of the failure of Friedman's economic theories, they only need to be aware that Turnbull ignored the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY of Australia, which, it so happens, determine election results! Now, if someone shorted you intentionally and spun a monumental LIE about it, would YOU tolerate them, not likely!

Well, as a thinking Aussie, the obvious answer is NO WAY, Turnbull, Morrison, Dutton and the rest, so dream on Mr disconnected Turnbull, your lawyer tricks and CON will not succeed here, why not give the banjo-playing yanks a go, they would vote for any barking mongrel dog made to look the part.

Wake up Australia, we have, as a MAJORITY, just been kicked in the guts by Turnbull. True, both major parties are beholden to the corporates so make your vote count and restore Australia to the unique enviable nation it once was. The only thing this country lacks is politicians with integrity.

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