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The Rise of Extremist Demagogues
by ben Wednesday, May 11 2016, 12:10am
international / prose / post

It’s a sad indictment on humanity when demagogues are so easily able to manipulate the masses. True, people everywhere are sick and tired of sell-out, lying politicians, they are easily identified; and so demagogues are exploiting the public’s disenchantment with the political establishment/status quo.

HOWEVER, is this phenomenon a natural reaction or the result of social (d)evolution or manipulation? The recently elected Filipino president brags he is a brutal killer, rapist and is sexually obsessed, clearly this man is a sociopath and a severely flawed personality – a recent meeting between the new president and the business community in the Philippines was marred by the new president talking about his sexual exploits rather than meaningful discussion on policy, so what do we have here and in the USA with Trump, is it a natural reaction to disillusionment or is it a created phenomenon? This question must be asked.

True, demagoguery relies on mindless emotions, angst and ingrained prejudices, many psychopathic historical leaders have demonstrated their ability to gain leadership using these sordid, simplistic methods; demagoguery is nothing new BUT it only succeeds via mass communication/propaganda and that is the key, so we must ask who it is that gives these types massive amounts of FREE media time, of course the answer is obvious, those that own the mass media.

It is no secret today that the mass media is owned by a very few individuals/corporations, in fact mass media ownership is more concentrated today than ever before and so we must ask do these media moguls have an agenda, is it accidental that demagogues are now prominent on the world political scene? Not likely, as the means to such power/popularity is mass communication, and media interests like all of us do have an agenda.

Propelling and assisting a demagogue’s rise to power is not accidental, it is a well thought out strategy to, I would argue, ‘familiarise’ the masses with extremist solutions/methods, brutality in a word, something civilised society should dread. However, stirring mindless emotions and creating divisions is a tried and proven well known political strategy and so the more extreme and outrageous a demagogue’s rhetoric the more he gains popularity, as they offer quick simplistic solutions to very complex matters, and if history is to be our guide, these extremist brutal solutions ALWAYS FAIL, so be very careful what you wish for, you are being led to destruction not by the demagogues but by the elite owned concentrated mass media. Trump’s unpaid for presence in the mass media is unprecedented and so we should ask why? It seems that Trump was/is favoured to run against Clinton, which means that Clinton’s rise to the presidency becomes a no brainer, watch the vested mass media turn on Trump when the crucial time comes and watch Clinton, a puppet of the elite, slide into office and serve her masters and it would all appear to be a contest, yes one made and engineered by a minority elite cabal pursuing their agenda for world domination; you think not, then watch what I just described unfold before your mesmerised, moronic eyes. Clinton was PROMISED the presidency at the Bilderberg meeting in Virginia some years back, she was told to wait her turn AFTER Obama. If you would care to investigate and assess reality you would prove it for yourself and be less inclined to be swept up by simplistic babblings and sensationalism.

Clinton’s presidency is a GIVEN – and so we must view the other sordid reason that extremist solutions (brutality) are gaining favour and are now accepted by the public as a means to an end, when history informs us these means and methods always wreak havoc and end in destruction. Someone/group wants to normalise brutality and make it socially acceptable, goodbye civilisation if that occurs.

Maybe it’s been too long since we emerged from the tribal brutalism of incessant counter-productive wars and we have forgotten how much misery these events actually create, it would explain to an extent the populism of psychopathic, moron demagogues assisted by the ‘CFR’ (look it up) directed, privately owned mass media.

And so, two principal purposes seem to stand out, engineering election outcomes and the re-introduction of violence and brutality on a mass scale, WAR!

Now ask yourself who it is that has a de-population agenda, and lo and behold the same interests that founded the CFR and control the mass media today, the Rockefeller CFR, coincidence, not likely!

However, it is also true the people deserve their governments and governments today ALL deceive the people, brutalise and penalise them, yet the media controlled masses always fall for the ruse and elect puppet candidates and THERE YOU HAVE IT – YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GET and man, are you morons and dreamboats ever in for a big, horrific surprise. Goodbye!

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