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Engineered DEBT and the Australian Federal Election
by dulcie Tuesday, May 10 2016, 12:01am
international / prose / post

The pivotal political discourse that 'occupies' most western nations today is debt and national deficits, but have you ever asked yourself to whom is national debt owed, because you should? The never ceasing political rants about debt, revenue and spending are merely surface rhetorical discourse. Debt, private and national is largely owed and/or underwritten by the mega-banks, the largest of which is the US ‘Federal’ Reserve, a private enterprise to be sure, as there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve. However, this privately owned banking enterprise has set up a global network of Reserve Banks (with governors - lol) that are all linked to the head of the octopus in the US. Sure, many dollar outlets, exist, IMF, World Bank etc., however, they ALL answer to the cartel which is the Global Reserve Banking cartel.

Now comes the absurdity of this outrageous structure. The Federal Reserve prints un-pegged paper money (the greenback, currently the default world currency) from thin air and lends it to the world via its affiliates at interest, nice scam to say the least. The debt must be covered by goods, resources and production or REAL value items in contrast to the worthless toilet paper money lent and printed whenever this private cartel wishes; today’s euphemistic name for this outrageous money production is called ‘Quantitative Easing’ something which, if allowed to continue would destroy all international currencies linked to the American dollar; however, the major point here is that REAL goods and production are required to repay loans of intrinsically valueless paper money. This has got to be the biggest scam or criminal enterprise in history, I give you paper and you must repay that debt with your sweat, blood, assets personally (labour) and nationally (resources). So Australia and other nations must sell their real value assets and enslave their populations to repay a contrived, built on fantasy, debt.

It would be interesting to offer to repay paper with worthless paper and use the gold standard for international trade, as the value of this false default currency is entwined with international trade especially oil and other crucial commodities/resources, which then invests it with value by association.

Now imagine this rort in a microcosmic sense; grab some paper stamp it with a design and then lend it to someone and demand real value items as payment then run as fast as you can, as you’re likely to have your faced remodelled by the offended party. Yet this international syndicate of mega-bankers is allowed to run rampant with this OVERT ENSLAVING CON. The reason is simple, they have subscribing nations by the financial balls, principally due to the fact that once democratic governments subscribe to the scam without question. Offending governments actually inject value in a paper medium of exchange, which is owned and controlled by a few mega-wealthy families and a few other large banker/corporate interests.

For those not familiar with this scam, I wouldn’t blame your disbelief but please, confirm the above claims for yourselves and then realise that indeed, bigger fools and dupes than you exist, namely politicians which never question this outrageous scam. Nations locked into this scam are essentially enslaved to the mega-banks as they are never able to balance the books, as interest on debt ensures that outcome, notwithstanding other instruments owned by this banking elite, Wall Street, The City of London and international stock markets, which are controlled by the largest most financially powerful investors that use markets as a playground. Especially currency trading which is utilised to wage financial war on those that refuse to be a party to this enslaving scam and/or for personal advantage after which manipulation the currency is returned to its former realistic value, notwithstanding, players would have made $zillions manipulating the markets in this way. In fact the entire global financial system, since abandoning the gold standard is a monumental rort/fraud and confidence game that serves the interests of the most powerful (though extremely vulnerable) criminal syndicate the world has ever known.

Now to local considerations. Australian puppet politicians never mention this overt scam simply because people would demand the removal of this depleting parasitic influence which has no equal. Freedom is as simple as China’s policy, which nation prints its own sovereign currency and values and devalues it according to its advantage -- something that has irked the rogues on Wall Street and the ‘City’ for decades; you see the deal was that mega- investors responsible for financing China’s unprecedented meteoric rise over a few decades, imagined they would be able to maintain control of the Chinese economy via its currency, however, China has never surrendered its currency to Wall St rogues and so it maintained its sovereignty, which has earned it a place on the US list of enemy nations, ‘enemy’ status is simply applied due to the fact that China refused to surrender its sovereignty to Wall St rogues.

So, if any nation wishes to regain its independence and sovereign status it should withdraw its floated currency from Wall St rogues and prudently print its own currency to enable it to develop real value products and assets utilised for international trade. Fabricated enslaving debts would be eliminated overnight and with a clean financial slate, that nation would gain its freedom from the vampire octopus of the criminal Global Reserve Banking cartel.

Of course Russia and China are doing just that and will succeed but for the USA attempting to provoke a war with its perceived ‘enemies.’ Now ask yourself, whose enemies, really? A handful of blood-sucking banker families, most notably the Rothschilds and Rockefelles.

I note neither major party in Australia has offered to eliminate parasitic bank fees and relieve a major public burden, so who do your major parties really represent, not the people that is sure.

Now there is an obvious cure, though that cure incurs the wrath in the form of sanctions, embargos and rigging the price of internationally traded commodities, such as oil for instance, which trade war was largely designed to destroy the Russian economy, something it has failed to do, nevertheless, Russia has suffered as a consequence of this planned and orchestrated attack, so expect the worst until the dollar falls through the floor or until you are militarily invaded by the USA, the stand-over man of the banker elite which owns the USA lock, stock and barrel.

Nevertheless, real freedom is price-less only slavery has a price. All nations would do very well indeed to withdraw from the above described criminal con and create national banks that print and own their own currency for development; this action alone is by far the most effective remedy for the disease that infects the world today.

So the next time you hear politicians babbling nonsense realise to whom they are subservient and you will have no trouble restoring real democracy and FREEDOM to your enslaved nation.

It should not be forgotten that all western Reserve Banks are affiliates of the NY privately owned 'Federal' Reserve Bank.

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