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The Real Election Issue is Trust
by jim Wednesday, Apr 27 2016, 12:14am
international / prose / post

Australia, like many other nations around the globe is facing yet another federal election to determine which of the two owned -- by big business -- major parties will more compliantly serve minority corporate/banker interests -- and doesn’t the public know it!

Malcolm Turnbull, arrogant, conceited, useless prick!
Malcolm Turnbull, arrogant, conceited, useless prick!

Indeed, the public is fully aware that professional politicians of whatever stripe lie to the people only to run with the corporatist agenda once they gain office. In other words, major parties have lost ALL credibility and the long suffering Australian public is looking for viable alternative political solutions. After years of duplicitous deception by major party politicians, the Australian public has had enough double-talk and incompetence -- the public is sick of being taken for granted or worse, being treated like mindless fools, too stupid to take seriously or to be supported. However, Australians are not dumbed-down Americans, WE SEE the erosion of job security, public services and diminishing living standards, all the result of conservative, elite serving governments, whose recent motto is, “the age of entitlement is over," which of course translates as, over for the tax-paying public but not for tax-avoiding avaricious white-collar criminals that populate board rooms. CEOs whether they fail or succeed in the VERY short term are given (begrudgingly) tens of millions in severance pay by shareholders and allowed to walk without a kick in the arse if they fail and in some cases -- the financial sector -- receiving no jail time for their outrageous frauds and crimes, while average Aussies are cast on the scrap heap, Queensland Nickel and SA automobile industry style, and never mind the layoffs in the once booming resources sector. They no longer need to retain employees, they only use them when THEY choose -- job security my arse?

In Australia, we currently have a lack-lustre opposition leader crying for a Royal Commission into the banking-financial sector, a nest of crooks and social parasites, but the public have short memories upon which political spin doctors and marketing/PR consultants rely.

So let’s have a good look at historical REALITY and ignore the constant stream of sewage that issues from the mouths of professional politicians, especially at election time.

Labor is the party which is using the threat of a Royal Commission into the financial sector purely as an election bid, after all no-one likes the parasitic banks which inflict parasitic fees on customers for everything except breathing. An outrageous deregulation GIFT to the Banks made by former Labor treasurer and PM Paul Keating, a hero of the party. Now, if this workers’ turncoat deregulated the vampire banks and then surrendered our sovereign currency to the rogues on Wall St. in the first instance, what credibility does the Labor Party have today, particularly noting that no mention of removing parasitic fees has yet to be made by the opposition leader? Furthermore, Labor party politicians are fully cognisant of the reality that they serve unrepresentative minority interests NOT the people. And so, no terms of reference for the RC have been outlined by opposition leader Bill Shorten, which clearly indicates that any Royal Commission will be a diluted toothless affair, which would hardly impact on the financial sector, and the bankers know it!

Again focusing on Labor; it was former PM Kevin ‘photo-op’ Rudd, who attended a job interview over lunch with Rupert Murdoch in New York, after which Rudd was installed as PM, surprise, surprise! Rudd was later recorded as stating to shadow minister Peter Garrett, “once we gain office we won’t have to do anything,” of course implying that unrepresentative big business elites would dictate national policy.

Then came, ‘there will be no carbon tax under any government I lead,’ Julia Gillard, whose fawning obsequiousness to Washington resulted in her allowing a foreign power to permanently occupy once sovereign Australia, colonial style; furthermore, the Americans have remained on Oz soil ever since and are now planning for an attack on China from Oz, 'should the need arise,' which makes our nation a primary nuclear target in the event of a (provoked by America) war with China -- ‘good one’ Labor Party. Now you tell me how much more could the Labor party sell out Australian national security and the people? This female “witch” as she was called by the then conservative opposition, has never been held accountable for her treasonous actions, I would add that we have strong ties with numerous nations but to allow any FOREIGN nation's military to permanently occupy Australia and use it as a convenient piece of real estate is simply not on -- war monger Hillary Clinton was overjoyed when she inspected all our ports along capital coastal cities, which were also freely offered for use to the US for their nuclear naval vessels, notwithstanding the free use of Oz’s strategic military airfields -- give me a break Labor party!

Now consider, is making Australia a primary nuclear target in our nation’s/peoples’ best security interests, NO WAY! Australia’s destiny is to be a neutral nation of critical geostrategic importance interfacing East and West, but of course that would take a real statesman to realise, not the pathetic, cringing, Liberal and Labor party puppet scum Australians have been forced to endure for decades -- but no longer as the public have had enough of the two party sell-out, merry-go-round. Today’s Labor party is clearly no longer the peoples’ party, plain to see.

Now let’s take a close look at the pathologically lying conservatives, who view, to a member, the masses as an expendable resource fit only for debt-indentured slave labor, why educate this demographic or offer them health care, they are an abundant resource? Now note how prices (for everything) leap-frog and wages remain stagnant under conservative leadership; it was John Howard who inflated the non-productive housing market, which is now beyond the reach of average Australians, first time in history -- great work, Liberals! But please do not focus on our once thriving manufacturing industries, they have been left to rot by both parties. Of course short term thinking conservatives allowed resource industries to prosper without taking due consideration for environmental impacts on agricultural land, such is the service that conservatives offer to big business while shafting average and vulnerable Australians, which group has now lost job security and is thrown on the heap after paying a huge percentage of their incomes in taxes, a living pension for a lifetime of paying taxes is NOT an entitlement! However, for the immune, tax-avoiding big end of town which the conservatives protect and unashamedly support, they walk with millions and have no need for pensions, though they made their money off the backs of WORKERS -- the conservative philosophy is eat shit if you do not know how to deceive and rip people off! Well, the conservatives haven’t as yet been able to destroy traditional Australian cultural values, which are camaraderie, mateship and a fair go for all. I obtained a degree when education was free in this nation, now, since the conservatives have adopted the user pays American model, tertiary institutions have been deprived of funds and the standard of education in this country has plummeted, I recently offered to read and correct an essay written by a foreign student attending one of Sydney’s once prestigious universities and was astounded at the level of incompetence, it was roughly equivalent to junior high, and should have received a fail, however, the $70,000 the student would pay in fees for completing a degree course, earned him a conceded pass, yet his ‘essay’ was gibberish.

But the ‘best’ yet is the current unelected PM, Malcolm Turnbull, a former Goldman Sachs banker and lawyer to the plutocrats Kerry Packer and other elite interests; this man is so disconnected from the average Aussie it’s a pathetic joke, he treats the population as mindless and imagines he is able to mesmerise a hard knocked population with ‘exciting’ words like ‘innovation and agility,’ however, elitist Turnbull is so disconnected he hasn’t realised that his meaningless babblings and inability to do anything constructive for the people and the nation is about to make him the shortest term PM Australia has ever known, how bloody 'exciting' is that, Malcolm, you flawed personality and classic case sufferer of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Turnbull once defended himself in parliament when his elitism and disconnect was challenged, and responded that the opposition is now practicing the “politics of ENVY”, notwithstanding the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING to envy about elitist, narcissistic, Turnbull. In fact, the people would be far worse off under Turnbull than pathetic Labor. Turnbull’s snobbery and contempt for the public and anyone that disagrees with his world view, which is primarily his reflection in a mirror, is written all over his arrogant face, every expression and gesture screams, I am above you all, you pathetic servile scum, he even attempts to direct the interviews of journalists who are not giving him an easy ride, as though he is God and deserves adoration, and if they persist in nailing this clearly incompetent clown, he retreats into snobbery and elitist superiority, which action psychologists describe as classic psycho-pathology. Well, Mr babbling nonsense, Turnbull, my toothless grandmother could run a nation better than you and your pack of babbling nonsensical, lying fool ministers that have now lost their ability to deceive and scare the public! So what do Aussies have in the conservatives? Privatise everything, sell the family jewels (Baird) and leave the people/state/nation poorer than it has ever been in the past. Juggling funds/numbers and selling national assets is not economics it's banker/corporate fraud and incompetence, which is the only thing conservatives know, especially now that the conservatives have lost their ability -- thank you very much pathologically lying Tony Abbott -- to LIE and deceive the Australian public.

So what to do at the next federal election? Simple, vote INDEPENDENTS into BOTH HOUSES of parliament, particularly the Senate; vote for PEOPLE that represent the interests of the PEOPLE and NEVER vote for any major (owned) sell-out party again. Perhaps politicians may learn to represent the PEOPLE if the message is delivered by the public in no uncertain terms.

Australia is not yet lost to the dog-eat-dog American failed model, which the conservatives are breaking their necks to implement; so it’s up to all of us to ensure we maintain Australian values by supporting independent representatives; only then do we have a chance of restoring equality, equity and a fair go for all -- teach all the bastards, sell-outs and elitists a lesson they will never forget.

[Share and link this piece to all concerned Aussies.]

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