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Hillary, the Bilderberg-CFR Errand Girl that has been PROMISED the Presidency
by drake Friday, Apr 8 2016, 9:48am
international / prose / post

The charade that is the presidential elections in the USA is as transparent as it could be, almost the entire non-American world is aware that the presidential race is a contrived/orchestrated media charade run primarily so rustic Americans continue to believe they live in a democracy not the oligarchy/plutocracy that the USA has been from almost day one of the founding of the elitist Masonic Republic.

The chosen ones
The chosen ones

Indeed, the American class system is actually stronger and more pronounced than the British, which reduces to an educated ruling mercantile elite and a bunch of rustic, ignorant to the extreme, brutish slave class, which is utilised for the dirty work, while the gentry never get its criminal, exploitative, mass murdering hands dirty.

One would expect the CFR owned and controlled American mass media to play its part in the charade, however, astonishingly, the American alternative media, which brags a few respectable and competent journalists/analysts and reporters also fall for this tissue thin charade. They are just as polarised as the masses and seem to believe there really is a free election process, give me a break!

Hillary was promised the presidency at the Virginia Bilderberg gathering which decided that it was time that a black man took the highest office in the land – historians and other aware Americans knew that the chosen one at the time was Colin Powell, however, he declined the offer, he apparently had had a gutfull of the treachery that is characteristic of the ESTABLISHED American ruling elite, notwithstanding that he lost most of his credibility when he was either tricked or consciously participated in one of the greatest scandals of the century, incriminating Iraq for 9/11 and supporting the brazen lies of WMD, a la waving a tube of baby powder to the world and claiming that Iraq had chemical and other weapons of mass destruction, all of which claims were a total bag of brazen bullshit. Nevertheless, he was the chosen one and could have easily gained the office of president (puppet of the elite). But when Powell declined the offer, the second black choice in waiting appeared and saved the ruling elites agenda; puppet Obama became president with virtually no political background, however, he was supplied straight from the offices of 'Kissinger and Associates,' and that is a good enough credential for any compliant narcissist willing to sell his/her soul (and arse in Obama’s case)!

And of course the entire world knows what type of elitist, mass murdering un-prosecuted criminal Henry Kissinger is. So it was a done deal and a black homosexual puppet became president and faithfully continued the elite agenda for his masters.

Now to the current contrived gambit; of course a preselected president must have a strong but vulnerable opponent, enter braggart, fascist billionaire Donald Trump, the perfect (maggot) magnet to attract the support of the disenfranchised rustic class of American peasants, which group of morons haven’t noticed that Trump relies exclusively on slogans and bluster not coherent realistic policies to attract his moronic following – perfect, as he is better than a person designed to fall into disgrace at the critical time real policies must be addressed.

So get over it American suckers, nothing has changed since the day the elitist Masonic Republic was founded.

Enjoy the show, as that is all it is; Hillary is a certainty you dumb American fucks – and that includes much of the alternative American media!

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