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People Power: Chinese FIGHTING for Their Rights
by staff report via quin Sunday, Jul 29 2012, 11:29pm
international / prose / post

The Chinese Uprising and Cringing Western Populations

Watch out cringing, indefinite detention round eyes, the Chinese/ASIAN PEOPLE are becoming aware of their MASSIVE and overwhelming GROUP STRENGTH/POWER; they are now flexing their muscle for the WORLD to see. The issue -- as USUAL -- is financial global corruption and the partnership between corrupt government and criminal corporate elites.


But it seems the Chinese PEOPLE have had enough after years of reprocessing huge quantities of toxic waste from the West. Indeed, Transnational Corporations have been using China as a dumping ground (shit house) for years. Rather than clean up their act which affects their bottom line, corporations have typically taken the easy approach and shifted their poisonous manufacturing plants/habits to developing nations that were once able to impose on the people via bought and corrupt politicians, but it’s all over now!

Informed social and cultural commentators have known for some time that western populations have been completely vanquished by strategies minority ruling elites have implemented over the past half century; proof of the degree of social dislocation, fear, ‘emotional/physical’ disconnection and the inability of western populations to oppose minority ruling elites is evident after a decade of democratic abuses characterised by the erosion of hard won rights and liberties, many of which were ‘guaranteed’ in founding national documents. Almost all highly valued rights to privacy, social dignity and liberty have been trashed without so much as a whimper let alone a FIGHT from the American/western masses.

It has all culminated in the draconian indefinite detention law and monstrous, mafia style, presidential ‘kill list’ phenomena – both are an outrage to any freedom loving moral nation/people. YET the American and most other western populations sit passively contracting in fear while monied criminal elites run rampant. The more the people are abused and oppressed by criminal elites and corrupt government the more they are clearly unable to UNITE and RESIST. BUT NOT SO IN ASIA!

The West is CLEARLY and undeniably undergoing a downward spiral while the East is on the RISE – you see, it’s the character of the PEOPLE in any given culture that is the most accurate barometer of cultural disposition. And so we have China, Korea, Japan, India and numerous other ASIAN PEOPLES rioting in the streets over important issues that affect their quality of life – and how very sweet that is, in the sense that it is clear Western criminal ruling elites have very tenuous grips on Asian nations. Recent months have seen hundreds of thousands of Asians in numerous nations on the streets FIGHTING for their rights – while western populations face increasing police state tactics and continue to cringe, cringe and cringe some more!

Those who are aware of the Asian cultural mindset and disposition have known for years Asian people have a certain vitality and eagerness to fight which is lacking in Western populations. Indeed, I have experienced Asian wrath first hand and have been assailed on numerous occasions by Asian men and WOMEN fiercely defending their cultures. In contrast, you could shit in the face of Westerners, as their governments (Oz Carbon Tax, US indefinite detention law) do on a regular basis and they PASSIVELY accept it -- whereas a wrong blink in Asia could stir a riot or rebellion these days!

We will continue observing and analysing the dramatic cultural and global power shift that is occurring before ALL our eyes. In the meantime research for yourself Japan’s nuclear demos and China’s anti-corporate demos and do not FORGET these actions are entirely of the PEOPLE:

One report from CommonDreams follows:

Thousands of Chinese protesting against pollution from a huge paper factory in eastern China have taken to the streets as rising public anger over corruption and environmental threats grows.

The protesters claimed victory Saturday as Chinese officials canceled the industrial waste pipeline project which triggered the demonstrations. Angry demonstrators occupied government offices, destroyed computers, overturned cars and threw documents out of office windows to the loud cheers from the crowd.

A sewage pipe from the paper mill discharges in the port of Lusi, one of four fishing harbors in Qidong.

Later Saturday hundreds of police, some in riot gear, arrived in the coastal town just north of Shanghai and took up positions outside the government offices.

Protests against environmental degradation and government corruption have increased in China, where three decades of rapid and unfettered industrial expansion have taken their toll.

Demonstrators seized bottles of liquor and wine from the offices along with cartons of cigarettes, items that Chinese officials frequently receive as bribes in return for allowing polluting projects to be built.

Discharges were set to climb to 150,000 tons of sewage a day when the mill was fully operational, according to residents quoted on Friday by the state-run Global Times newspaper.

One protestor, who for safety reasons only gave her name as Qin said there were 50,000 demonstrators. A microblogger using the name Qidong Longhuisheng estimated the number at 100,000.

''There are people everywhere, on walls, cars, rooftops, in streets,'' another microblog user, writing under the name Jiaojiaotaotailang, said adding that ''the air is filled with the smell of alcohol, and there are sounds of breaking glass''.

Such protests "suggest that the middle class, whose members seemed willing to accept in the 1990s that being able to buy more things equaled having a better life, is now wondering whether one's quality of life has improved, if you have to worry about breathing the air, drinking the water, and whether the food you're eating is safe," Jeffrey Wasserstrom, of the University of California Irvine told Reuters.

Earlier this month, Shifang city in the southwestern province of Sichuan scrapped plans for a copper plant after thousands of protesters, including high school students, clashed with riot police.

Chinese media urges leaders to recognise concerns of the People

BEIJING (AFP) - China's most influential newspaper on Monday urged authorities to listen to people's worries about pollution, after fears over a new waste water pipeline sparked weekend riots.

"The public's awareness of environmental issues and their rights is increasing at a rapid pace," said an editorial in the People's Daily -- the mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist party.

China should strive to "establish an open and transparent decision-making mechanism, and build a tolerant environment for public opinion", it said.

Authorities in the eastern Chinese city of Qidong agreed Saturday to cancel plans to build a new water pipeline after thousands of local people took to the streets, overturning cars and ransacking government offices.

They were concerned that the pipeline, from a Japanese-owned paper factory, would pollute a nearby fishing port.

China's dependence on manufacturing for economic growth has left the country struggling with a legacy of industrial pollution, and the riots were only the latest in a series of environmental protests.

Last year, a large-scale demonstration in the coastal city of Dalian forced the local government to relocate a chemical factory.

The People's Daily said the growing frustration surrounding pollution from industrial projects provides the country with an opportunity to shift away from low-end manufacturing towards less-polluting industries.

Many of the projects that have been the object of citizen protests had been approved by the local government without sufficient consultation with local residents, it said.

Such high profile protests highlighted the need "to promote interaction between citizens and government" when assessing the environmental impact of proposed industrial projects, the paper added.

© 2012 AFP


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