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Putin’s Strongest Weapon, the TRUTH!
by mitch Thursday, Dec 3 2015, 4:47am
international / prose / post

Putin has exposed for the entire world to see, NATO Turkey’s role in the illegal support of ISIL, particularly facilitating the trade in stolen oil and supporting the movement of Jihadi fighters and weapons/supplies on the ground. Of course any NATO member is tightly associated with Brussels and Washington, and we note that immediately after the shoot down of the Russian bomber over Syria that Obama himself immediately expressed support for Turkey on behalf of NATO and the US, silly (complicit) boy!

The shoot down of the Russian bomber, which was engaged in legal, sanctioned by international law and the UN, military operations eliminating Jihadi fighters and their western supplied resources on the ground, was simply a criminal act and an overt declaration of war on Russia, which now has carte blanc to deal with Turkey or any of its supporters as it sees fit under international law.

Need more proof of NATO/US complicity? Consider the illegal trade in oil with tanker convoys extending for MILES all headed for Turkey from Syria and Iraq, and as Putin openly stated to the UN GA the stationary US spy satellites hovering above Syria and Iraq could hardly have missed them, notwithstanding the many surveillance drones from the US and Israel, now connect the dots if you dare and choke on some rotten apple pie, dreamboats!

Washington made a huge mistake taking Putin off the payroll, YES, he was once part of the criminal elite, especially during the time of the Bush regime; he knows almost all the sordid dealings of this elite and their agenda. But he was foolishly turfed out because he wouldn’t play 100% lackey to the US elite and so the elite turned on him/Russia, they first engaged in economic warfare which resulted in Eastern nations making rapid necessary progress in economic co-operation and mutual support – oops, another imbecilic neocon strategy, one of many over the past 15 years, which blew up in their moronic faces!

Are you shocked to hear that Putin was ally to the current criminal elite, don’t be, his own military was planning to have him eliminated because he was allowing Russia to be compromised militarily by western interests something no Russian officer could tolerate, the plan, though not verified, would have taken the form of an attack by a ‘lone terrorist’ assassin, who would then have been killed in the operation but Putin is ex-KGB and got wind of the plan and was forced to assert his nation’s rights and secure its interests (and his life) which only enflamed Washington/NATO the more -- Putin had previously abandoned former traditional ally Yugoslavia and then shamelessly abandoned Libya all the while allowing NATO to install offensive missile systems along Russia’s borders without so much as an ‘excuse me!’ At that time Putin’s life would have been worth 2 cents, and Washington was hoping for the anticipated outcome.

However, Putin a supreme coward in fact, began to oppose Washington directly in Georgia, the Ukraine and then Syria; as a result he was demonised by the elite CFR controlled western media and threatened with destabilisation via Muslim insurgents in the region, Saudi prince Bandar went so far as to state that he controlled the terrorists and threatened Putin to his face, that’s how much he was respected in the world at that stage.

Yet as most people know cowards fear for their lives more than most and so Putin fell into line – or else. He is now a staunch Russian patriot unlike the corrupt mouse he was only a few years past, notwithstanding he may be a corrupt rat today! However, so far so good for Putin, Russia and its allies, though Putin should not ignore former Serbian province Montenegro’s recent invitation to join NATO, a pathetic western strategy to distract Putin from Syria, the west wishes to see exactly how far Russia can reach militarily and on that basis it is recommended that Putin does not abandon Balkan Serbs again – he is easily able to deal with both issues as the majority of Serbs support him, though Putin has already made mouse like squeaks indicating that Montenegro is NOT a priority, silly boy, Vladimir – if NATO gets confirmation that you are unable to deal with two relatively minor issues then prepare for more assaults from the criminal western elite. It’s guaranteed!

And so we have Putin today simply revealing, supported by physical proof, what he has known for years, the sordid Truth about western elite designs for world hegemony, especially redrawing maps of the Middle East using proxy extremist fighters on the ground.

Now I would leave readers with this image, have you ever seen a rat cornered by a cat, the running rat transforms into a fighting mini-monster and usually prevails over the cat who looks for less aggressive prey, an analogy not far from real events as they are being played out in the world today. But we shall see.

Meantime, I urge neocons to wake up and attack before it’s all lost and you all end up in jail or worse, victim to a pre-emptive Russian-Sino nuclear strike, every superpower today is aware that the only chance for victory is a first strike -- how do those NATO Eastern European missile installations look now, Vladimir?

You think it unlikely? Well, I’ll see you all when you’re glowing in the dark, doodles.

While Putin is clearly loath to engage in all out war with the west, the imbeciles -- proven over the past 15 years -- in western halls of power have given him no choice, in fact they continue to apply evermore pressure today. China is acutely aware that if it doesn't support ally Russia it will be next -- make no mistake. So when the inevitable occurs realise you only have your cowardice and moral weakness to blame for allowing undisguised criminals to lord over you and lead you to destruction -- well done world!

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