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Hyper-Saturation Terror Media Campaign Transmits Reverse of Message Intended
by julie Sunday, Nov 22 2015, 1:00am
international / prose / post

‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is the message intended in a worldwide media campaign relating to the Paris (false flag) attacks, which is CLEARLY designed to facilitate evermore oppressive Big Brother State control over the masses. However, take a step back and have a good un-emotive view and you’ll piss yourself laughing over the feeble attempts of sinister elites to implement their agenda for global control.


However, a little background is first necessary.

First year communications students learn that whenever the mass media goes into saturation mode there’s an agenda behind it. Now consider that only 130 innocent people died in the Paris attacks, now consider the lack of saturation coverage of the 229 innocent civilians that perished in the recent Russian airline terrorist attack that was minimally covered by western mass media outlets, or to highlight the point further, consider the absence of media hysteria over the deaths of 500,000 innocent Iraqi children due to deliberate US embargos and sanctions on necessary medical supplies in pre-invasion Iraq, or how about the deaths of over 1 million innocent civilians in post (illegal) invasion Iraq and another 5 million displaced persons and you may begin to get an ‘inkling’ of distortion, selectivity and outright convenient omissions that occur in the western mass media, but why, isn’t the media supposed to be impartial and keep us informed? LOL – in your 21st century, concentrated media ownership, CFR controlled, dreams!

Clearly, impartiality and balanced reporting went out the window decades ago as did any semblance of fair informative coverage, which has been shamelessly replaced by the most OVERT, transparent and pathetic PROPAGANDA witnessed since the Nazi campaign and Stalin’s totalitarian media and terror controlled USSR. So what gives here? Doh!

Okay, a little help for banjo-playing Americans. Take an unemotional objective view of the picture above, which is currently being bandied in the western hysterical media. What do you see? A ‘masked’ (chicken-shit) COWARD holding two ‘handguns’ (more evidence of cowardice) across his shoulders – note how carefully the picture is composed and the message intended, which is clearly ‘terror threat,’ ‘ISIL is coming to get everyone one of us,’ which former Australian dunce PM Tony Abbott prematurely let slip to a socially aware, not easily frightened, Oz public, which antic, I would add, helped to remove that idiot from power (told you so!)

However, Abbott had previously been made aware of the imperial US agenda as all ‘leaders’ of American vassal States are, but slave to his well-known zealotry (Jesuit training) and flawed personality, Abbott wished to lead the pack, as he is a known inadequate who continues to make an arse of himself worldwide; well needless to say it backfired, as the transparent false flag Martin Place attack of the time, which was designed to facilitate increased police powers and more State control, remains glaringly un-investigated regarding how every intel agency and police ‘force’ in the country ceased monitoring the known perp IN UNISON, a week prior to the attack, coincidence, hardly, staged (useful idiot attack) highly likely! But even so, the Oz cultural character, which continues to puzzle timid and easily spooked Americans, IMMEDIATELY supported the Oz Muslim community. Better luck next time, but try and remember you are required to assess the cultural disposition of any culture before you wish to manipulate.

Now to return to the picture and the ongoing concerted, saturation media campaign re: the Paris false flag attacks – and don’t think for a minute that western governments of today wouldn’t murder their own people to pursue their nefarious agendas – simply do a little research on previous 'false flag' attacks and the Northwoods Document for verification. However, even omitting that simple inquiry, consider the historical FACT that US/NATO forces first used ISIL goons on the ground in Libya in its illegal attack on that nation and to assassinate a non-compliant Gaddafi, “we came, we saw, he died,” blurted Hillary Clinton foolishly on the US mass media – ‘did I do good,’ you could almost hear that murderous psychopath asking her CFR masters?

So I say to the uninformed world, never swallow saturation media campaigns as there is ALWAYS a hidden agenda behind them; my limited experience of French culture would lead me to believe that the French, like the Aussies, are NOT so easily duped, intimidated or would readily sacrifice their hard-won FREEDOMS, as indeed the lost, fearful, beyond help, Americans have.

Now take another look at that Hollywood contrived picture and you will see quite differently – it’s pathetic!

Former Oz PM, Tony 'dunce' Abbott
Former Oz PM, Tony 'dunce' Abbott

PDF Document The Management of Savagery - ISIL's Bible of Cowardice and Barbarism

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