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France Bombs Raqqa Eliminating Major ISIL Targets
by sol Monday, Nov 16 2015, 9:57am
international / prose / post

In retaliation for the Paris attacks French air force planes conducted 30 bombing raids on Raqqa, the proclaimed capital of IS, which attacks allegedly destroyed major arms and fuel depots. Now, Raqqa is a captured civilian city and civilian casualties must have occurred but of course no mention of that in the partial and extremely selective western mass media, which continues to cover the Paris attacks with no analysis whatsoever – the public are being fed a continuous stream of superficial stories/distractions including emotive Facebook pictures of the casualties instead – smell a rat do we? How about some analysis regarding the massive intel FAILURE in this age of pan surveillance, which somehow always fails to 'keep us safe' or prevent major attacks – tell it to your demented grandmother as it is all unravelling at the propaganda, false flag seams?

Oz FM and US lackey, Julie Bishop, snubbed in Vienna
Oz FM and US lackey, Julie Bishop, snubbed in Vienna

What is tragically amusing is that numerous targets hit by Russia and now France seemed SOMEHOW to have eluded the US after years of bombing and ‘fighting ISIL’ but don’t worry your inbred Ozark population believes the crap that issues from Washington, however, it fools virtually no-one else in the very aware world today, the world is no longer buying US propaganda and outright American bullshit. Perhaps if the USA ceases to support al-Qaeda affiliates on the ground maybe then people will listen, who do you think you’re kidding, doodles?

As for the Vienna ‘peace’ talks, in your dreams, they were convened by the USA simply as a delaying tactic to allow it to strengthen its opposition to Russia, probably with NATO involvement, which hurriedly had to drop its military exercises along Russia’s borders and re-group to oppose Russia directly in Syria – what a total transparent farce recent events have become.

And now a word to the MASSES that allowed nefarious elites to OPENLY lie in their braying faces – ARE YOU NOW AWARE THAT YOU ARE EXPENDABLE TRASH, TO BE KILLED TO FURTHER ELITE AGENDAS? I hope you enjoy your new status as sheep in a slaughter yard and I do not gloat over the fact that I told you so, more often than I care to count – and to be specific, any illusion that you would be spared, or ‘kept safe’ when YOU allowed criminals, liars and mass murderers to hijack your governments was a dream – are we getting the picture NOW and waking up?

Russia’s spectacular successes in Syria have caused America and its pathetic vassal allies (Australia) to lose face and have exposed the pretend war on ISIL, as America’s undisguised real agenda is to eliminate Assad as it did with Gaddafi and Saddam, however, the cat is now out of the bag hence the emergency talks in Vienna which fool no-one, least of all Russia and China (in the background).

So please do as anticipated and involve NATO nations and Israel in an illegal invasion of Syria, of course to establish ‘no-fly or safe zones,’ for your moderate terrorist forces and to illegally appropriate the territory of a sovereign State as you did with Kosovo. Do not be deterred by me outing the entire nefarious plan I have done it on numerous occasions in the past, rest assured that no-one is listening so go for it, the sooner you demented evil bastards trigger WWIII the sooner Western Europe and continental America will be reduced to ashes and WHO IS REALLY TO BLAME? Not the criminals or their terrorist groups but the MASSES that allowed it all to occur, SO, you deserve everything you get now and in the future, call it a reward for your cowardice, acquiescence and social disconnect; in the Buddhist East they call it KARMA!

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