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USA Hell Bent on Provoking WWIII
by jess Tuesday, Oct 27 2015, 8:15pm
international / prose / post

America’s latest psychopathic provocation after utilising its vassal Gulf States to threaten direct military intervention in Syria, after Russia’s spectacular successes in eliminating ALL terrorists from Syria, is deploying a missile destroyer, USS Lassen, to navigate WITHIN the 12 mile maritime limit of China’s territorial waters -- from the ABC:

“The USS Lassen passed within 12 nautical miles - the normal limit of territorial waters around natural land - of at least one of the formations the rising Asian power is building in disputed waters.”

So there is absolutely no doubt as to who is responsible for the UNWARRANTED provocation in the South China Sea, the lunatics that control Washington! The feeble excuse America offers a SANE WORLD for its DELINQUENT ACTIONS is that it desires to ensure that international sea lanes remain open – well of course they will, as it’s in China’s economic interests to keep these critical (to China) waterways open to all trading merchant vessels, doh! How the USA expects anyone to swallow their feeble excuse, which hardly veils its brazen provocation, is one I leave to psychiatric specialists. However, recent historical, declarations of “Pax Americana” and “Full Spectrum DOMINANCE,” stated in the PNAC document, leave no doubt whatsoever as to which nation is the criminal, lunatic aggressor and which nation DESIRES WAR, as it is known that the global ruling elite that control Washington have traditionally resorted to war in an effort to ‘destroy and re-build’ while also profiteering immensely from war when their existing policies reach critical mass, as is now occurring globally, especially in the economic arena. However, NUCLEAR WAR is an altogether completely different scenario, which the psychopaths in Washington and Wall Street fail to appreciate – the combined military strength of China and Russia would and perhaps will reduce the continental USA to ashes, notwithstanding the huge destruction both defending nations would sustain.

Cognisant of the actual REALITY, it is clear America is a pathological State that has openly declared its intentions to dominate the free world – an utter impractical and unrealistic megalomaniacal insanity. It has also openly stated that it would prevent any competing power from interfering with its demented plan of “Full Spectrum Dominance.” Furthermore, a sick American Zionist, Richard Perle, working at the highest levels of government, once openly stated, to paraphrase, ‘what’s the point of having nuclear weapons if you don’t use them?’ Need I continue to offer more proof, like Paul Wolfowitz, stating that (illegally) invading Iraq would be a “cakewalk” and that Iraqis “would welcome invading Americans with bouquets of flowers,” indeed; however, what those statements clearly indicate is the very sick minds that control Washington policy, Wolfowitz was a founding member of PNAC and the insane notion of “Full Spectrum Dominance.”

What lunatic America hopes to achieve by provoking both Russia and China is WAR, make no mistake, which it imagines it could win – utter, unmitigated, INSANITY. Simply assess America's words/LIES with its performance/outcomes over the past 15 years to appreciate the abysmal REALITY

The tragedy of course is vassal nations like Australia, to its great shame and STUPIDITY, support this overt insanity to provoke WWIII both in Syria and the South China Sea.

Surely there comes a time when REASON AND SANITY MUST PREVAIL and it is hoped that Australia’s military would spell out the consequences of supporting a clearly pathological and dangerous nation to its servile politicians/parliament and its clearly spineless, knee-walking, current leaders. If ever there was a need to place irresponsible, treasonous and totally incompetent politicians up against a wall, it is NOW, and that applies world-wide!

Story from the ABC follows:

China slams US over warship sailing near artificial islands; US ambassador 'summoned'

The United States has defied China by sending a warship close to a series of artificial islands it claims in the South China Sea, prompting Beijing furiously to denounce what it called a threat to its sovereignty.

China's defence ministry said a destroyer-class ship and another vessel were dispatched to "warn" the US vessel, which Beijing said it had "shadowed".

Key points:

- US ambassador Max Baucus summoned

- Chinese destroyer-class ship and another vessel sent to "warn" US

- China says US actions have "damaged trust"

China's vice foreign minister Zhang Yesui called the US patrol "extremely irresponsible" and summoned US ambassador Max Baucus in response, state television said.

The USS Lassen passed within 12 nautical miles - the normal limit of territorial waters around natural land - of at least one of the formations the rising Asian power is building in disputed waters.

Washington's long-awaited move appeared to escalate tensions over the strategically vital waters, where Beijing has rapidly transformed reefs and outcrops into artificial islands with potential military use.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang also blasted the exercise, saying the ship had "illegally entered" the waters near the islands "without receiving permission from the Chinese government".

Beijing "resolutely opposes any country using freedom of navigation and overflight as a pretext for harming China's national sovereignty and security interests", he said.

He added it would "staunchly defend its territorial sovereignty".

An American official said the US action was part of its "routine operations in the Sea in accordance with international law".

"We will fly, sail, and operate anywhere in the world that international law allows," the official said.

China claims sovereignty over almost the whole of the South China Sea, raising concerns it could one day dictate who may transit its busy sea lanes.

Several neighbouring countries including the Philippines, a US ally, have competing claims and the dispute has raised fears of clashes in an area through which a third of the world's oil passes.

On Tuesday, Defence experts said they believed Australia would face growing pressure to join the US-led maritime patrols in the region.

China could respond strongly to US Navy destroyer: state media

Fiery state-run tabloid The Global Times hinted in an editorial that Beijing could respond more strongly if the US made similar trips in the future.

"We should first track the US warships. If they, instead of passing by, stop for further actions, it is necessary for us to launch electronic interventions, and even send out warships, lock them by fire-control radar and fly over the US vessels," it said.

"At present, no country, the US included, is able to obstruct Beijing's island reclamation in the region."

But despite the Chinese rhetoric, analysts said more such US manoeuvres could be expected.

The US, which is engaged in a foreign policy "pivot" to Asia, and China, which has the world's largest military and is expanding the reach of its navy, is jockeying for position in the Pacific.

The sail-by was "long overdue", said Bonnie Glaser, a senior China expert at CSIS, adding that the exercises "should be done quietly, regularly, and often".

"There should be no media fanfare," she added.

"The way this has been handled has left the Chinese believing that the US is challenging its sovereignty rather than simply exercising freedom of the seas."

US patrol in South China Sea 'damaged trust'

There have been repeated confrontations in the area between Chinese vessels and boats from some of its neighbours who assert rights to the waters, particularly the Philippines and Vietnam.

Both are members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations, which has long called on China to negotiate a code of conduct in the region, as are fellow claimants Brunei and Malaysia. Taiwan also makes claims over part of the sea.

Manila has infuriated the world's second-largest economy by taking the dispute to a United Nations tribunal.

Philippines president Benigno Aquino said the US action demonstrated that "the balance of power says that there is not just a single voice that must be adhered to".

Beijing's reclamations have been seen as an attempt to assert its claims by establishing physical facts, but Mr Aquino said: "There is no de facto changing of the reality on the ground."

Beijing has repeatedly said the construction work is mainly for civilian purposes.

But satellite images of the islands published by the Washington-based Centre for strategic and International Studies show that Beijing has reclaimed millions of square metres of land in the Spratlys, known as Nansha in Chinese.

The pictures also show a host of facilities with the potential for military applications being developed, including as many as three runways — at least one of them 3,000 metres long. [Notwithstanding the USA has 1000 ACTIVE military bases around the globe. But of course they’re ‘invisible’ to mainstream journalists!]

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