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Qatar Threatens Direct Military Intervention in Syria
by james Thursday, Oct 22 2015, 11:31pm
international / prose / post

Qatar, a well-known US vassal and overt supporter of ‘moderate’ and extreme terrorists in Syria and Iraq, has for its own reasons and urgings from Washington threatened military intervention in response to Russia’s lightning success in ridding war-torn Syria of ALL terrorists.

Would YOU allow this creature to trigger WWIII?
Would YOU allow this creature to trigger WWIII?

The fact that this announcement from one or more US vassals was expected by analysts, some of which have predicted a massive escalation culminating in WWIII, is immaterial as the world, particularly the UN and international criminal courts, remain comatosed in the face of overt “material support to terrorists,” sovereignty violations and a host of other crimes against humanity, including mass murder and the displacement of millions of innocent civilians. But of course the above aren’t crimes when the president of the USA and his vassal puppets commit them, déjà vu Richard Nixon, who compared to today’s State leaders deserves a gold medal for his petty crime of break and enter. Not in living memory have so many crimes been committed and laws flouted by States and State supported terrorist groups than have been committed over the past 15 years. Stand condemned America and its spineless allies, history will record it thus.

Note, it’s the USA that excels in extra-judicial killings and proxy, terrorist waged wars today though it constantly trumpets the above crimes to justify its drone-kills, of mainly innocents, while it overtly lends ‘material support to terrorist groups’ on the ground. And for those that imagine WWIII is an extreme prediction then you would do well to assess the actions of the lunatics in Washington over the past fifteen years and the current media induced stupor that plagues the global masses. In fact WWIII is a done deal if Putin refuses to blink as the genus of neocon psychopaths that control foreign policy in Washington do not have eyelids though they fear and dread annihilation, however, insanity knows no Reason!

The massive social failures, mayhem and crimes that plague the world today are easily read as are the causes and consequences; however, a few voices in the wilderness are not sufficient to awaken billions of duped and entranced somnambulists focused on Kardashian’s tits or cunt. So people, enjoy your complacency, masturbation and future radiation sickness, for those not fortunate enough to be vaporised instantly.

Report from Reuters follows:

Qatar says could intervene militarily in Syria but prefers political solution

DUBAI (Reuters) - Qatar, a major supporter of rebels in Syria's civil war, suggested it could intervene militarily following Russia's intervention in support of President Bashar al-Assad but said it still preferred a political solution to the crisis.

The comments by Qatar's foreign minister, made in a CNN interview on Wednesday, drew a swift reply from Assad's government with a senior official warning that Damascus would respond harshly to such "direct aggression".

Gulf Arab backers of Syrian rebels such as Qatar have been unsettled by Russia's three-week-old air strike campaign that has allowed Assad's forces to wrest back some territory to help secure his strongholds in western Syria.

Qatar has been a leading supporter of anti-Assad rebel groups, providing arms and financial and political backing.

Asked by CNN if Qatar supported the Saudi position that does not rule out a military option in Syria as a result of Russia's intervention, Foreign Minister Khalid al-Attiyah said:

“Anything that protects the Syrian people and Syria from partition, we will not spare any effort to carry it out with our Saudi and Turkish brothers, no matter what this is.

"If a military intervention will protect the Syrian people from the brutality of the regime, we will do it,” he added, according to a text in Arabic carried by Qatar's state news agency QNA.

His comments were also carried on CNN's Arabic website.

In response, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad was quoted by Lebanon-based al-Mayadeen television as saying: "If Qatar carries out its threat to militarily intervene in Syria, then we will consider this a direct aggression ... Our response will be very harsh."

Attiyah also said Qatar preferred to solve regional crises through direct political dialogue.

“We do not fear any confrontation, and thus we will call for dialogue from a position of strength because we believe in peace and the shortest path to peace is through direct dialogue.”

Qatar is a small but wealthy gas exporter that played a major role in supporting Islamist opposition groups during Arab Spring uprisings in 2011 in Libya and Syria.

(Reporting by Omar Fahmy in Cairo, Katie Paul in Dubai and Mariam Karouny in Beirut, writing by Sami Aboudi, Editing by William Maclean and Mark Heinrich)

Copyright applies.
See also Sputnik News.

While State criminals are discussing ‘political solutions,’ and at the same time continuing to support and engage in heinous crimes and illegal wars, the point is missed! If peace and lasting stability is desired then SIMPLY arrest, under the authority of EXISTING LAWS, and hold the KNOWN criminal perpetrators to account in bona fide international courts and relevant jurisdictions – it really is that simple but have you ever attempted to discuss real and EFFECTIVE solutions with the invertebrate brain-dead?

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