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Insidious American Propaganda and the Demonization of the Australian Muslim Community
by darcy Saturday, Oct 10 2015, 12:30am
international / prose / post

A recent ‘terror’ event in Parramatta Sydney perpetrated by an alienated, impressionable and clearly disturbed 15yo Muslim youth, which resulted in the death of a police accountant and the ‘suicide by the other,’ death of the perpetrator has sparked various forms of mindless community outrage and appalling announcements by the current unelected PM Malcolm Turnbull, who immediately announced to the press that if some people dislike Australian values they should ‘get out, leave the country,’ piss off in other words, which amounts to a monumental cop out and flags the INABILITY of the new PM to effectively deal with OUR social problems, which, as will be explained, have been created by US propagandists to serve their own interests of global hegemony and plunder.

Elitist PM Malcolm Turnbull, "leave," if you dislike Australian values
Elitist PM Malcolm Turnbull, "leave," if you dislike Australian values

As should be known by all thinking persons, nothing occurs in a vacuum, various cultural influences must first allow for and promote certain behaviours before they occur, indeed, the masses must first be ‘educated’ before any event or behaviour transpires or manifests. And as is (should be) known the primary tool utilised for public ‘education’ is the mass media.

Prior to America declaring ‘WAR’ on the noun ‘terror,’ which focused power and unilateral decision making in the US executive and allowed America to accuse anyone it chose on some pretext or another, of ‘terrorism,’ it required a tangible target or focal point that the public could easily apprehend/identify, that target was Islam, which not coincidentally, is the primary religion in the nations where the US coveted precious resources and or strategic regional locations. However, a ‘terrorist’ event that shocked the masses into compliance was necessary before the mass mind could be harnessed for managed purposes.

That event was 9/11, and allowed the US to wage war on the dubiously declared perpetrators of that event and they certainly were not Buddhists, in fact, accusations without proof saturated the western mass media within 24 hours of what most experts agree was a “false flag” or insider orchestrated event, though this piece will not focus on the veracity of American claims. However, due to mass media saturation over an extended period, Islam/Muslims have been demonised in the western world; the desired outcome which allowed for the managing of the American and to a lesser extent, western population.

Illegal (now proven) military invasions of innocent nations based on obvious lies and fabricated accusations immediately followed. It should also be noted that the nations invaded were not the nations of origin of the accused perpetrators of the 9/11 attack, however, a mass media campaign was orchestrated by the CFR to assist in the management of the western population, Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded though both nations had nothing whatsoever to do with the attack but of course possessed precious resources and strategic pipeline corridors which the US wished to appropriate/thieve and commandeer. American crimes are today known, however, to this day the US has not been held accountable for its now KNOWN heinous crimes against humanity and of declaring pre-emptive war on innocent nations, which crime has resulted in millions of civilian deaths, massive destruction and tens of millions of displaced persons over the past 15 years. Now, understand that propaganda is essentially about distracting the masses from reality and shifting public focus to a fabrication, un-truth or lie to suit a particular agenda. It should also be noted that America’s barbarian forces made a bee-line for the oil ministry in Baghdad without regard for the people, cultural heritage sites/museums, or anything else, an extremely revealing occurrence, however, the focus here is how propaganda is utilised to DECEIVE the public, not American vandalism, mass murder, global destabilisation and undisguised criminal theft.

So to return to US vassal state Australia and its lackey governments but first I would emphasise that over the past 15 years of uninterrupted mass media saturation of ‘Muslim terrorism’ the mass mind has been sufficiently softened/deceived and accepts or interchanges the greater lie for the lesser reality, which is simply murder under existing law by a disturbed youth, however, the mass media, particularly Murdoch’s, will have none of it, “terror gunman” (not boy), “terrorist event,” not tragic social crime and so negative public reaction is to be expected though charges should be laid against sensationalist news/propaganda and fomenting public unrest.

Enter the current lackey Australian PM, Malcolm Turnbull, a lawyer formerly in the employ of plutocrat Kerry Packer and former MD of Goldman Sachs Australia, who is acutely aware of Australia’s misguided criminal bombing of Syria, which Russia has made abundantly clear to the world; indeed, Australia may face some very serious repercussions regarding its slavish compliance with American criminal activities, including mass murder and the first human holocaust of the new century in illegally invaded Iraq.

So what does, spineless, transparent, lackey Turnbull do, immediately withdraw our military from its misguided criminal activities in Syria, which I would add have killed many more innocent people than one innocent police accountant, tragic as that crime is, NO, Turnbull in the most pathetic and transparent manoeuvre jumps on the already prepared mass media bandwagon/‘terrorist’ circus and says in as many words, piss off if you dislike Australian values!

Terrorism is now an easy out and a simple effective means of distracting the public from REALITIES such as unfair elite serving government policies, which Turnbull has NOT repealed, stagnant wages for average Australians in the wealthiest per capita nation on earth, multi-million dollar huge, non-performance based, payouts for incompetent CEOs/executives corporate environmental vandalism and the most horrid, treasonous act of them all, signing away Australian legal sovereignty to TPP corporate rogues -- NONE OF WHICH REALITIES I WOULD EMPHASISE, CONFORM TO AUSTRALIAN VALUES, Mr Turnbull, so it’s YOU that can pack your bags and fuck off to America, I’m sure G Sachs New York would have a little job for one of its lackeys, perhaps replacing toilet paper with your servile tongue, you despicable lying FRAUD and terrorism supporter.

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