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"Russia is halting World War III"
by Jake Rudnitsky via sam - Bloomberg Friday, Oct 2 2015, 9:04pm
international / prose / post

So says Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the head of Russia's Liberal Democratic Party, but I wouldn't be so sure, in fact, the opposite may be true.

After the USA condemned Putin for striking CIA trained and Gulf State supported 'moderate' terrorists commissioned to overthrow legitimate Syrian leader Assad, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov, referred to international law and highlighted the fact that unlike the uninvited US and its spineless allies, Russia's actions were legitimate, legal and conform to UN policies. Of course the USA doesn't know what to do when confronted with the truth, which is, America and its obsequious allies constantly flout international law and engage in numerous illegal military interventions, which of course result in failed States and millions of dead civilians.

The mass murdering, psychopathic USA, however, is aware that Yugoslavia and Libya also invited Russia to assist when America illegally attacked those nations and Russia, in a supreme act of COWARDICE refrained from supporting its allies and allowed the USA/NATO to destroy both nations -- a crime that has not properly been addressed by Russia and the international community in the proper international jurisdiction to date -- Kosovo for instance legally remains a Serbian province according to UN decree and international law; however, the US is nothing if not the leading criminal, rogue State in the world today and is losing face fast due to Putin's actions and his rational address at the UN general assembly, which made Obama appear like a character from Alice in Wonderland.

Russia's propaganda ministry is currently working overtime to depict Putin as some brave, conquering hero and saviour of the world, which depiction flies in the face of recent history and reality. Putin is a known COWARD -- the truth is Putin is very nervous indeed, he is aware he is affronting a powerful, criminal, psychopathic State which is straining to find an excuse to attack Russia on some ‘Gulf of Tonkin/USS Liberty,’ type pretext -- Russia has now geopolitically trumped America, and America has no idea how to play second best, so inevitably it will attempt to re-assert itself. "Think-tank-land" as it is known, is now deliberating options and if previous experience indicates anything it means war based on some lie or staged pretext. However, the world is tired of America's doctrine of perpetual war and the massive destabilising effect it is now having on the world, notwithstanding America/EU is about to undergo a massive financial implosion.

Faced with current realities and the known ‘remedy’ to wage world war to revive failed western economies -- Russia may have just played into US hands and given America a way out of its economic and political mess. Putin is no fool and is aware of these realities, but he can't help himself when it comes to his propaganda ministry portraying him as some semi-divine, slavic hero/saviour.

As for the world and reality the situation is very grim indeed. The only preventative measure would be to haul the USA and NATO before international courts for their KNOWN crimes in Libya and numerous other nations -- that strategy would educate the global population and reduce America to a pariah State, which would then have to face the entire world if it engaged in a major war.

The international chess game as it stands is frightening if everything is considered, as Russia and China -- an unbeatable duo -- are also able but clearly reluctant to utilise the same ploy as the USA if pushed, notwithstanding the fact that China if it played it shrewdly, could encourage Russia and then back down leaving only Russia and America to fight it out; regardless of which nation is ‘victorious’ China would then have little trouble prevailing over a very weakened enemy and the world would be in its pocket. So watch yourself America, the overpaid dingbats that populate your think tanks have proven themselves to be inept imbeciles, things are never what they appear to be, you too may also be drawn into a self-defeating quagmire. Furthermore, I haven’t revealed the half of it.

Bloomberg story follows:

Putin Hailed as Humanity's Savior as Kremlin PR Machine Kicks In

Vladimir Putin may have caught the U.S. and its allies off guard by striking Syria, but his propaganda machine was ready.

“A hundred dead terrorists,” a news presenter on Russia’s No. 2 network announced early Thursday, just hours after the bombing of what Putin has called “evil-doers” began. She then cut to a correspondent in Syria who lauded the precision of the strikes as aerial footage of the attacks supplied by the Defense Ministry aired.

Over on Channel 1, the most-watched station, a parade of politicians, analysts and religious leaders -- both Christian and Muslim -- rolled by justifying the use of force on both legal and moral grounds.

“This is more than just military strikes against Islamic State,” said the editor of National Defense magazine, Igor Korotchenko, after parliament unanimously authorized the use of force. “We are protecting the values of humanity and taking a stand against the most extreme forms of obscurantism and terror.”

‘World War III’

Putin has used control over all national broadcasters to rally the public behind his policies throughout his 15 years in power, most dramatically after he annexed Crimea. With state TV stoking a patriotic fervor, his approval rating reached a record 89 percent this summer from 64 percent two years ago, defying the first recession in six years.

While his support remains above 80 percent, discontent is growing as the economic contraction drags on and zeal over Ukraine fades. Fifty-five percent of Russians are satisfied with the direction in which the country is headed, down from 64 percent over the summer. But that poll, by the Levada Center, was taken in September, before the Kremlin’s media handlers found a new cause to champion: the global fight against terrorism.

“Russia is halting World War III,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the flamboyant head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, told Channel 1.

Zhirinovsky heads one of three opposition parties in parliament, which is dominated by Putin’s allies from United Russia. The leaders of the other two were also brought in to explain why it’s better to fight terrorists over there than here at home. Someone, after all, has to clean up the mess the U.S. created in the Middle East, which threatens the fabric of civilization, he said.

Extremists Only

Ever vigilant against the very real threat of blowback from jihadists, officials and media outlets went to great lengths to stress that Putin’s fight is against Islamist extremists and not against the religion itself.

Russia has a Muslim population of about 16 million, the most in Europe, and has fought two wars against Islamic separatists since the Soviet Union disbanded in 1991.

One by one, the heads of Russia’s predominately Muslim regions, including Tatarstan, Chechnya and Dagestan, appeared on Channel 1 to voice approval for the Syria campaign, as did the country’s chief mufti, Talgat Tadzhuddin.

“This directly affects Russia, it’s our southern border,” Tadzhuddin said. “When your neighbor has a fire, you must get involved to help reestablish peace and quiet.”

Chechen Volunteers

Ramzan Kadyrov, the former rebel-turned Putin acolyte who runs Chechnya with an iron fist and a private army, volunteered to fight Islamic State in Syria himself is Putin changes his mind about not committing ground troops.

“Too bad it will only be Russian air operations,” Kadyrov said on another network affiliated with the Kremlin, LifeNews. “If they need infantry to fight ISIS in Syria, we’ll be the first to go,” he said, using an acronym for Islamic State.

The whole operation in Syria has an element of theater about it and Putin’s gambit will help distract for the public from their economic woes now that the euphoria over Crimea has worn off, according to Andrei Kolesnikov, an analyst at the Moscow Carnegie Center.

“These strikes are primarily intended for domestic consumption,” he said. “The images of bombs falling are world-class and they’re intended to show Russia as a world power.”

And that’s exactly the message Russia’s largest television networks, all controlled by the Kremlin, are delivering.

© 2015 Bloomberg L.P

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