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9/11 Truth: De-Bunking Neocon 9/11 “Big Lie Propaganda”
by Dr. Gary G. Kohls via shirl - Global Research Thursday, Sep 10 2015, 11:19pm
international / prose / post

You unpatriotic ‘9/11 Truthers’ can have annual conspiracy conventions on 9/11, with a host of speakers. To use a Russian expression, the dogs may bark as the train roars along. You are the dogs, and we are the train. Keep whining. We will keep on declaring ourselves unconvinced. We still own the TV, we still own the military, and you can chatter on the internet all you want as you fade into ineffectual obscurity. (Tongue-in-cheek satire from fellow 9/11 Truth-seeker Greg Ziegler PhD, a former US Military Intel officer and retired professor, whose commentary inspired this column)

The Enemy Within
The Enemy Within

This week will mark the 14th anniversary of 9/11/01 and the beginning of America’s bankrupting endless war against any and all so-called foreign enemies that, in the opinion of the ruling elites, need to have their sovereign nations destabilized so that various economic and corporate predators can gain access to the resources of the region.

Thousands of ethical, intelligent, scholarly, science-based, peace-loving, truth-seeking and once patriotic researchers (seeing through the absurd conclusions widely promulgated starting on 9/11/01) have endured far too many years of black-listings by those who really know better – namely our willfully ignorant (or frankly deceptive) ruling elites (of both political parties) and their co-opted co-conspirators in the mass media who have obediently enforced the black-listings.

Galileo was a Fellow Truth–teller

Those of us who consider ourselves honorable 9/11 Truth-seekers understand how Galileo Galilei felt when his scientifically provable truth (that the earth revolved around the sun) was brutally suppressed by the ruling clerical elites of the 16th century.

Of course his run-in with church authorities was partly incited because he couldn’t refrain from pointing out that, because of his astronomical findings, he had proof that certain passages in the Bible couldn’t be true, thus claiming that the Bible was not inerrant. Cognitive dissonance erupted in the Vatican, and Galileo was declared a heretic and an enemy of the church. His books were banned, he was forbidden by the Inquisition to teach his “heresy” and he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. It took 4 centuries for the church to admit its error, thus inadvertently admitting that the Bible was not inerrant.

The enforced silence by the mass media concerning the Crime and Cover-up of the Century (the events of 9/11/01) should have been over long ago, that is, if there was any justice in this nation.

Is Courageous Investigative Journalism Dead?

If real investigative journalism was still alive and kicking in our corporatized, for profit media environment, and if exposing Big Lies was still regarded as important in our dying democracy, the black-listing of 9/11 truth-seekers and the court of law-worthy evidence that they have collected would have been celebrated and not denigrated.

But the absurd official, media-blessed version of what happened on 9/11/01 has been proven to be totally false and the consequences of the failure of our (mis) leaders to admit that they have been bamboozled by the Big Lie have been devastating to the world. The consequences of the illegal and fraudulent invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, orchestrated under the guise of several Big Lies by the Cheney/Bush administration are still being played out in the millions of war refugees in the region that are desperately trying to leave the war-torn nations that the Pentagon helped to destabilize.

The endless wars that began in earnest after 9/11, and the constitution-shredding Patriot Acts and Homeland Security Act, had all been planned long before the three towers came down, and the recurring wars of retaliation (“Saddam tried to kill my daddy” – G. W. Bush) and resource theft (OIL = Operation Iraq Liberation) had likewise been planned ahead of time. Critics of American imperialism totally understand that “Great Satans” make good use of “Big Lies”.

The millions of whistle-blowers among us who have done the deep thinking, the heavy work and the research into what REALLY happened on 9/11 (and why) have become disillusioned with many previously respected politicians (of both political parties) who have run away from the unwelcome truths about the Crime and Cover-u of the Century. I have long wondered what could be wrong with those that accuse me and my 9/11 Truth-seeking colleagues of being lunatic, low-life “conspiracy theorists”.

The PNAC, the Real Conspiratorial Group that Needs to be Subpoenaed

So, partly to understand things from the standpoint of those false accusers, I have devised the monologue further below. It is my representation of what is the real attitude of the guilty parties (starting with the Project for the New American Century [PNAC], an outgrowth of the NeoConservative think tank, the American Enterprise Institute, whose purpose, among other things, was to increase military spending, subvert the United Nations and spread democracy/capitalism around the world through the barrel of a gun, and thus enrich PNAC’s already wealthy corporate interests, that included millionaire politicians, billionaire corporate war-profiteers, Wall Street financiers, oath-taking militarists and the corporate-controlled media.

Here is a brief summary of PNAC’s goals. The original members admitted that the goals would be difficult to implement without a catastrophic catalyzing event such as a “new Pearl Harbor” Enter 9/11/01.

Following is a scary list of some of the nefarious, hard right-wing ruling class elites who signed on to the PNAC’s statement of principles, which can be found at


This partial list of PNAC members (which makes my skin crawl) includes William Kristol (founder and chairman), Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, John Bolton, Richard Perle, James Wolsey, Elliot Abrams, Eliot Cohen, Dan Quayle, Gary Bauer, Donald Kagan, William J. Bennett, Scooter Libby, Vin Weber, Norman Podhoretz, Steve Forbes and others, many of whom officially and/or unofficially joined the Cheney/Bush administration after the election was infamously stolen.

Despite their roles in leading America into the illegal and unconstitutional wars for oil that has resulted in millions of innocent men, women and children dead, wounded and homeless, none but Scooter Libby has spent any time in jail. Go figure.

The politicians, billionaire war-profiteers, Wall Street financiers, oath-taking militarists and the corporate-controlled media are groups that comprise the infamous chronically conspiratorial military/industrial/congressional/media complex, subgroups of which were certainly among the planners or orchestrators of the controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center buildings or were part of the massive cover-up of various criminal conspiracies. Many of these groups have helped to suppress the independent investigations that would have brought the provable truth to the light of day if they had not been co-opted by political or economic imperatives.

All the existing evidence that has been accrued over the past 14 years proves that there are many guilty people and groups – hiding in plain sight – that conspired to plan, execute or cover-up the dirty deeds surrounding 9/11. Below is what I imagine a leader of such a group of conspirators would say. (To really get into the exercise, imagine that some punitive, inquisitorial humanoid that has the visage of a Dick Cheney, for example, is uttering the words.)

The 9/11 Perp Speaks

You 9/11 conspiracy nuts have no power, so suck it. You are in a minority, even though you have found out the truth about what we did. Granted, you have a lot of intelligent folks, scientists, architects, engineers, pilots, retired CIA types, physicists, mathematicians, theologians, etc who are involved in the movement, but my Republican Party, with a lot of Democratic Party member help, has gone to great lengths to publicly demean scientists and intellectuals of all stripes. We have wildly succeeded in this effort to demonize your 9/11 Truth movement; witness the fact that the majority of lower class conservatives and those with double digit IQs are no longer interested in the truth. My Republican friends are totally on board as well and it is the rare progressive Democrat or Libertarian that has had the guts to speak out about it. Look at what happened to Paul Wellstone when he kept putting his nose into areas that we warned him to stay away from.

Of course, you liberal low-lifes don’t have the mass media behind you, especially the innately conservative publishers and editors. We have relied on them to toe the line on the 9/11 Big Lie. And they totally complied. Our admittedly absurd White House conspiracy theory has been re-told by our compliant media so many times and for so many years that it is now accepted as truth, thanks to the White House-generated media blitz that began on Day One. I can’t tell you how we did it, but the press got on board with the false flag operation by Day Two. No reporter questioned the official trumped up story after 9/12/01. The power of the mass media can’t be easily overcome and you don’t own it. My advice to you creeps is to give it up.

Joseph Goebbels and the Big Lie

If you jerks haven’t yet understood how Big Lie propaganda agendas work, just recall what one of our spiritual predecessors – Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment) – managed to do in Germany. By constantly re-telling the Fascist Big Lie on the radio 24/7, by banning independent, alternative radio broadcasts, by smashing every liberal printing press in Germany and by silencing the truth-tellers, Goebbels got Good Germans to believe that anti-fascists, leftists, democrats, liberal editors, investigative journalists, trade unionists, antiwar activists, socialists, communists and Jews deserved to be threatened, black-listed, banned, fired from their jobs, imprisoned and even executed. The infamous Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy learned a lot about the Big Lie from the Nazis.

You leftist creeps are just do-gooder, tree-huggers who aspire to real democracy, where truth and the common good is more important than national security, corporate profits and empire-building. Don’t you realize that compassion, fairness, forgiveness, negotiation and consideration for the little guy are for political losers? In real politics, no good deeds go un-punished.

Our NeoConservative movement has experienced a number of setbacks, including the failure of the attempted fascist coup against FDR back in 1934, thanks to Major General Smedley Butler’s high ethical standards that inspired him to rat on us. One of therecent setbacks came about during the Nixon era, when his careless attempts at achieving totalitarianism failed. Be warned that we are more careful now. We learned some valuable lessons.

You puny whistle-blowers learned how powerless you are when we cunningly created “free-speech zones” where antifascist protesters like you will be herded whenever any of our politicians comes to campaign in your districts. We admit that the First Amendment is being abused, but it worked out well for our secret agendas that we don’t want exposed. We can’t have any public expressions of dissent that might make it into the press, you know. We have heard the maxim of how truth will eventually come out, but, in the case of 9/11, we are going to delay its emergence as long as possible, preferably until after we perps are dead.

And as long as we are talking about the First Amendment that guarantees free speech, we freely admit that we have co-opted the major political debate organizers to forbid questions about 1) the anomalies of 9/11, 2) the affordability (or wisdom) of America’s out-of-control global militarization, 3) America’s economic colonization (quasi-enslavement), 4) the corporate control of the media or 5) the ruthless corporate exploitation of the developing world’s natural resources. That list of taboos questions is, of course, incomplete.

Those of us in positions of political or economic power in the 400 or so American right-wing think tanks want you mis-guided anti-fascists to understand that the blindered, uber-patriotic types so common in our society are easily mobilized to our causes by just waving the flag, especially when claims of national security are brought up. So you may as well give up your opposition; those folks don’t want to know any more about 9/11 than what the elites want them to know.

You lowly leftists can’t possibly win on this one, especially when majority of America’s voters are kept totally unaware of unpleasant truths (like what really happened on 9/11). Most of them would rather be left unchallenged by ANY new realities that would make them feel uncomfortable. Talk about your cognitive dissonance.

Even you creeps understand what a powerful motivator is the reality of cognitive dissonance. We rely on that a lot. Folks that don’t have very good critical thinking skills feel anxious when they are confronted with a new truth that contradicts their deeply held beliefs. And so they deny obvious truths or plug their ears or close their eyes to avoid the emotional distress that comes from admitting that they might have been wrong.

At this point, because we have already won in the court of public opinion, I am willing to admit that the 9/11 Truth-seeker’s findings are true and that you have disproved the Big Lies about 9/11. But it won’t do you any good; we will continue to deny that I said any such thing.

Keeping in mind my intent to deny what is obvious to even the casual observer, let me go through the impossible-to-substantiate, indeed absurd, White House Conspiracy Theory (a provably false Big Lie). That conspiracy theory says that 19 young Saudi Arabian terrorists who had never learned how to fly a commercial jet plane (impossibly) hi-jacked (with box-cutters, no less!) and then (impossibly) crashed two such planes at (impossibly) high speeds into two massively steel-reinforced 110 floor New York City skyscrapers (that were designed to withstand more than one such crash). The crash was said to have caused (very brief) jet fuel fires that (impossibly) caused both towers to self- pulverize into fine dust (except for paper and neatly-sectioned 30 foot long girders). Three skyscrapers that day (impossibly) collapsed into their own footprints within 15 seconds each. All of that happened because of brief jet fuel fires that burned out within minutes.

The White House Conspiracy Theory also claimed that one of the four allegedly hi-jacked planes crashed into the Pentagon and a second one (impossibly) disappeared into a small smoking slit in a field in Pennsylvania, neither one leaving even small traces of the 100,000 pounds of aluminum (impossible). Making the story even more unbelievably impossible was the fact that no airplane wings, no tail section, no massive titanium engines, no black box, no bodies, no luggage were recovered at either so-called crash site! And there was no attempt to search the slit and try to rescue survivors – because the “rescuers” knew that no plane had crashed there.

Here are a couple more reasons why you idealists should just give up trying to convince the public about the truth of 9/11, even though we both agree that the official conspiracy theory is a fraud and your conspiracy fact is indeed fact.

For one thing, there are 36,000,000 American football fans who spend huge amounts of time and energy (and money) playing Fantasy Football. Many spend much of their non-working hours thinking about, planning for, betting on and then watching more than one Sunday NFL game. Then there is all the time spent watching Monday Night Football, Thursday Night Football, Friday’s high school games and more than one college football game on Saturday. Some of these fans waste entire week-ends as couch potatoes. And that is just the energy exerted during football season. Multiply football addiction by the other spectator sports (not mentioning the sports many participate in) such as major league, collegiate and high school basketball, hockey, baseball and soccer and you can see your problem. Do you think that you are going to interest many from that group to educate themselves or contact their congresspersons or go to the streets demanding truth and justice, even with the importance surrounding this particular issue that has so seriously impacted the lives and futures of their children and the planet? Don’t delude yourself.

I repeat, you liberal loonies may as well give up your efforts at truth-telling and truth-seeking. Trust me; it won’t work out for you. Far too many short-attention spanned Americans are addicted to trivial pursuits like video gaming, gambling, pornography, entertainment, the acquisition, ingestion or selling of legal and illegal brain-altering drugs to pay any attention to your lost cause. Too many voters (and their children) are watching our neatly co-opted mass media 8 hours EVERY day and/or are struggling to survive on less than living wages. Trying to organize a grass roots effort concerning 9/11 Truth with that reality in mind seems foolish to me. Give it up. Even with the overwhelming evidence of our guilt that you have proven to me, you are still going to lose.
More Profoundly Truthful Quotes from Some Historical Masters of the Big Lie

In conclusion, let me quote for you some true statements from two of our other spiritual forbears, Hermann Goering, Hitler’s # 2, a member of the Nazi equivalent of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and a colleague of the liberal-hating Goebbels.

During the Nuremberg Trials Goering honestly expressed what every politician and war-mongering militarist knows to be true.
‘Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood.

But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.’

You tree-huggers can’t beat that strategy. Another one of our inspirations was Adolf Hitler. He knew what he was talking about when he said:

‘What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think…It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them…Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.’

Der Fuhrer also said:

‘The fascist state must not forget that all means must serve the ends; it must not let itself be confused by the drivel about so-called freedom of the press…it must make sure that (the media) is placed in the service of the state.’
It is suggested that everybody watch one or more of the fine documentaries on YouTube, perhaps starting with “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.”

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