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Abbott’s Australian Border Force Fiasco
by dan Friday, Aug 28 2015, 10:35am
international / prose / post

One hardly knows where to begin with the outrage that was to be perpetrated against the Australian public. It begins with the re-branding (a meaningless corporate trick) of the customs and immigration services to the “Australian Border Force,” note the last word of this re-branding. The new ‘force’ has been invested with new powers of course, carrying guns for instance, and new dark uniforms reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s SS – what’s a few wasted millions of taxpayer funds when political tricks and gimmicks may help Abbott gain some popularity and support? But it couldn’t have been more disastrous for DISCONNECTED, DISHONEST, incompetent imbecile, Abbott.

Dunce Abbott flanked by Minister Peter Dutton and uniformed ABF spokesperson
Dunce Abbott flanked by Minister Peter Dutton and uniformed ABF spokesperson

London born Tony Abbott touted how this ‘force’ would secure Australia’s xenophobic, racist minority, anglo-Australians, of course Abbott was/is oblivious to the fact that this minority demographic is now under fifty percent of the varied ethnic Australian population – but Prince Philip knows better after receiving an honour from Abbott originally designed to recognise outstanding A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A-N-S, have we got it now, Tony, you total dunce?

Now before we proceed with Abbott’s latest debacle, we should note, as any psychologist would verify, give a previously unarmed government employee a gun and a new dark intimidating uniform and name his organisation a “force” and you get of course fascist or at the very least authoritarian behaviour. It came in the form of the border ‘farce’ (clearly a more appropriate term) announcing they would be checking the validity of visas of anyone in the street that ‘looked suspicious’, one assumes, as it's impossible to determine in a multi-cultural society who is a citizen and who isn’t. Imagine being stopped in the street and asked for your papers in Oz in 2015, a scene reminiscent of an old anti-fascist movie. But that’s exactly what this new ‘force’ intended to do, with Abbott’s and minister Dutton’s consent, no doubt, after all, this new force had to make an impression on the public to save Abbott’s declining ratings, well, in that they surely succeeded, but not as intended, the public was outraged by this Nazi/US-style, nanny fascism and made it plain by spontaneous and very vocal street demonstrations. The ABSURD plan by the border farce was immediately cancelled as a result, that clearly indicates how much spine they and their government minders possess – NONE! You see, Abbott is consultant-driven, short term marketing tricks and distractions are his favoured methods of ‘government’ – though of course he hasn’t got a clue about governing anything let alone a nation. The border farce fiasco is just the latest in a long list of imbecilic ideas, actions and the needless waste of public money. I would also add that Abbott pays millions of dollars of public money to the consultants that no doubt invented or approved of this re-branding and the creation of the border ‘farce.’

I need not labour the point, details below, however, if any Australian is now in any doubt that Abbott is the absolute worst, most incompetent PM Oz has ever had then I recommend they apply for a job with Abbott’s new border farce.

Before proceeding to the SMH article, Australians should realise that they voted this idiot into office, notwithstanding he deceived Australia into doing so, so why hasn’t he been held to account for his monumental lies and FRAUD in that regard? So blame as usual rests clearly on the shoulders of the people. Abbott was always a known quantity, he’s divisive, combative and thrives only when he picks a fight; he is known to complement those he admires by calling them “warriors,” his book is titled, “Battle Lines,” not a word on good government.

Abbott, as everyone should now know lacks vision and original ideas, he clearly – after two years in office -- is incapable of formulating a positive national narrative for the reason that he has no policies other than what is dictated to him by his corporate masters; he excels in attacks like the well trained obedient dog that he is, so who did he attack as soon as he gained office, the PEOPLE of course, because his masters are the untouchable, tax avoiding corporate and plutocratic elite.

Now ask yourself why you should wait another 12 months to boot Abbott back into his kennel when charges could be laid for fraud by any group that wishes to finish him, regardless of the outcome of the case. Those requiring proof of fraud need only type ‘75 point’ in the search box to see the list that corporates outlined for their lackey Abbott to follow, this list was compiled before Abbott lied his way into office though he claims he faced Labor’s problems and was forced to adopt these policies – Oh, did I omit to mention he’s an appalling, TRANSPARENT LIAR?

Great choice Australia, but be sure to vote the other corporate lackey into office next election, you mindless morons, you deserve everything you get. Border farce and Abbott’s arse -- surely after enduring two years of NO government the penny has dropped, or has it?

Follow link for SMH story:


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