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What an Utter Tragic Farce!
by skip Monday, Aug 17 2015, 10:38am
international / prose / post

The title could refer to many things today, and I’m sure readers are not in short supply of situations where they could attribute the numerous farces and absurdities we all endure – but that’s the point, why on earth do THE MASSES, the greatest social force on earth, endure criminal rule, no functioning democracies, intrusive surveillance, illegal ‘laws’ such as torture, indefinite detention without trial, rendition, executive secret kill lists, police murdering unarmed innocent civilians with impunity, etc, etc, etc – get it? We are to blame all of us, for tolerating these horrendous injustices and allowing a pack of psychopathic criminals to determine our collective fate when these KNOWN criminals should be and would be in jail if the masses asserted their inalienable rights and moral prerogatives.

Instead of actively participating in our societies to ensure justice and freedom, we cower in self-imposed alienation; we allow ourselves to be debt-enslaved/DISEMPOWERED by people that print inherently worthless money from thin air -- talk about the biggest con of all time!

Surely most people are aware of the truth and the criminal actions of our elite serving banker/corporate controlled governments that constantly lie and deceive the people while serving their mass murdering, nefarious and malevolent to the extreme, elite masters? What the fuck is going on with this inaction in the face of the most obvious crimes committed by our leaders and the elite minority they serve?

Well YOU tell me as I and a few others have been relentlessly pounding away for YEARS in the hope that humanity will remember that nothing changes if we allow the suicidal status quo to prevail.

In America a psychopathic criminal group known as the neocons have complete control of the nation, it means little who the latest puppet president is as they are ALL selected and installed by the self-serving financial forces the neocons support. America is a lost, completely captured nation today, and to think 300 million citizens are unable to deal with a handful of criminals, are you able to see the tragic absurdity of the situation?

One does not need to be prophetic to see where it all ends, mayhem, chaos and complete ruin, simply witness what has occurred since these neocons stole the nation, perpetual war, with military intervention being the first not last option in foreign policy, the nation is currently being softened up for more war this time nuclear, are we proud of our cowardice and lack of moral fibre? We allow innocent people to languish in jail for the ‘crime’ of exposing State crimes, activists and mass demonstrations have all but disappeared and so we deserve our fate as we have failed ourselves, again WE, the overwhelming once moral majority, are to blame as we have allowed all the travesties we see on the ‘news’ to occur. Yet the billion of people on this planet are unable to deal with a handful of brazen criminals!

Naturally this piece could go on for millions of words, each numbering a lost, innocent human life that WE allowed to needlessly die. Well, take note of this social fact, when the population fails to act to restore sanity and justice, universal forces intervene, no not man made Gods, but real harmonising forces that maintain this infinite universe in its ongoing balance. We should expect a monumental shock if we fail to wake up and act, and there are many to choose from, take your pick, pollution induced famine, criminal wars that escalate into all out nuclear conflict, complete environmental destabilisation and all the grief that would cause – and what do we do to prevent or mitigate these now predicted outcomes, sit with our thumbs up are useless arses.

If you wish to point a finger I suggest you first go to the nearest mirror, as no-one in any developed nation is exempt, we are all responsible for allowing OUR world to go to hell in a handbasket – something we could all take great pride in achieving.

The very near future as any analyst would inform you, will sort it all out if we do not take the necessary action TODAY, and be assured it won’t be pretty, in fact it will be the greatest devastation known to the history of humankind – but what’s the use, the masses are a completely lost cause, the fact that a few nefarious individuals manage billions of potentially free people says it all.

Well good fuckin’ luck, cos u’ll need it.

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