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A Viable Alternative to Banker/Corporate Captured Governments is urgently Required
by justin Tuesday, Jul 14 2015, 12:36pm
international / prose / post

Western politics today has become a means and end in itself and the people/representative democracy have been left out of the picture, yet people constantly vote for the best of the worst options rather than reject both.

Corporate stooge, Tony Abbott
Corporate stooge, Tony Abbott

In the absurdist reality we live in today politics has been reduced to slogans and distractions while nefarious elites implement their fascist agenda for total world domination.

The recent Greek tragedy in/of Greece should have woken the masses from the nightmare in which they participate passively or actively – it’s not about choosing between two rancorous turds, it’s about RESTORING REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY that IMPLEMENT the wishes of the PEOPLE – shock horror!

The mega-banker elite bulldozed the Greek government to set an example for other nations, as Greece dared to assert its sovereignty and will to survive as an independent democratic nation -- take in what has just been done to it. The Reserve Banking Cartel has just demonstrated to the world what their agenda is, yet few see the stark horrid reality imposed on the world by self-serving plutocrats that own the banks, support (their) mega-corporations and print money from thin air and use that inherently worthless paper to indebt individuals and nations in exchange for real assets and labour production. What sort of farcical criminal enterprise is this? One that seems to have confounded the billions of people which are subject to this gargantuan CON!

All western governments serve the parasitic elite and yet the people continue to SUBSCRIBE by installing one or the other owned major party – this absurdity must surely cease if any population wishes to maintain its sovereignty, assets and self-determination/freedom in the future.

Note what occurs soon after installing an owned party as government, a million backflips and reversals on promises to the people and then a linear pursuit of the elite agenda, YET the people tolerate this grand, obvious RUSE. Surely by now, and especially after what has just occurred in the Eurozone it’s time to wake up from this ridiculous, self-crucifying, dream/nightmare?

The Greek government or what’s left of it, is a perfect example, as it had a mandate to eliminate imposed austerity and develop a viable economy – but what did this government do instead, capitulate to the completely unreasonable demands of the mega-banking elite – kiss my arse -- rather than take the option of self-determination though that option would be fraught with huge difficulties, it nevertheless remains a better option than a hollowed-out nation and perpetual slavery for its people.

Now to address the title of this piece; I would use Australia as the example as it fulfils all the criterion of a banker/corporate owned PUPPET government.

The thoroughly incompetent, servile, LYING clown that occupies the highest office in the land, Tony Abbott, has made politics, not a practice of serving the majority but an end itself. While feeding the moronic Australian masses slogans, distractions and constant lies, he engages in wasting hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars on purchasing faulty military hardware (F-35 strike lemon) pursuing ghost airliners, MH-370, on Washington’s orders, and imposing austerity policies on the most vulnerable in the community – sound familiar, it should be, as every owned western government does the same, to a greater or lesser extent – how coincidental!

If you imagine that this behaviour is typical of the party YOU oppose then think of a previous PM from the opposite party, Kevin Rudd, who stated on record to a colleague that, “once we gain government we won’t have to do anything,” you see, he passed his job interview over lunch with Rupert Murdoch, the very same plutocrat that now supports Abbott, his new errand boy -- give a blind man a break on the obvious reality!

Now think if you are able, if the agenda and policies are already outlined by the elite what is left for a sitting politician to do, destroy his opponent from the other puppet party, of course; local politics has degenerated into a fight between opposing narcissists who desire to be acknowledged by history as a national leader.

One hour of Abbott’s 24 hour day is occupied by implementing the elite agenda/script and twenty three hours is spent on destroying his opponent – Abbott spends virtually all his time on the attack and no time delivering to the nation, in fact he wastes public money on this commission and that, all designed to destroy his opponent – if you imagine that is representative democracy in action you need your head read.

The national ‘news’ led by Murdoch’s propaganda apparatus is happy to oblige, it focuses the public’s attention on the battle between two or more owned servile political clowns, not national achievement and ‘advancing Australia fair’ – the last thing Murdoch wants in his press is the reality that the people are being screwed and the nation gutted of all its wealth, so the puppet show makes up nearly eighty percent of media content, the rest is distractions and titillation – and yes, it has come to this sorry tragedy for Oz and many other western nations. However, unlike Greece, Oz is far too rich in resources to end up in Greece’s appalling situation, notwithstanding that Australia’s public owned resources are plundered at speed by of course tax-avoiding multi-national mining corporations, the same corporatist forces of rape, pillage and plunder that have crucified Greece.

Now you may ask, why doesn’t the opposition leader attack Abbott as he is a very easy target/incompetent moron, but compromising Abbott also entails compromising Murdoch and other plutocrats/corporatists that opposition leaders need to gain the support of in office, so politics is reduced in scope to a personal fight and may the better servile lapdog win and get the bone of national leadership. Meanwhile, the public is no wiser though the Greek fiasco should have awakened the entire enslaved, mind-numbed world.

Need I urge you to boycott major parties and install representative independents with INTEGRITY into office at every level of government?

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