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Both Major U.S. Parties are Plagues on Humanity
by Glen Ford via jill - BAR Thursday, Jul 2 2015, 3:27am
international / prose / post

Indeed, all major parties in the western world are owned by the corporate, banker elite. If no third REPRESENTATIVE party exists the only remaining option for the people is to vote for representative INDEPENDENTS. Whatever the case may be one thing is certain, all support for unrepresentative major parties should cease.

There has never been a dime's worth of difference between the Clintons (Bill and Hillary) and Barack Obama, and less than ten cents separates the worldviews of these Democratic political twins from the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

Each has their individual quirks. Barack destroys international order and the rule of law while dabbling at song; Bill dismantled the U.S. manufacturing base and threw record numbers of Blacks in prison as he toyed with his trumpet; George W. played the fool who would Shock and Awe the world into obedience; and Hillary is the evil crone that curses the dead while screaming "We are Woman" like a banshee. But they are all the same in their corporate soullessness.

They all lie for a living, and they live to lie. Hillary Clinton commingled official and personal criminality through the medium of email. Knowing that, in a life dedicated to crime, she could never successfully sequester her private and public conspiracies -- and, in the perfect spirit of neoliberalism -- Hillary privatized all of her email correspondence during her tenure as Obama's Secretary of State. The fate of millions of Haitians whose country's earthquake and development "aid" are under the Clinton family thumb were doubtless bundled into the tens of thousands of messages she erased on leaving Foggy Bottom.

Republicans have harassed her ever since, seeking an electronic smoking gun to show Clinton's cowardice or lack of resolve to "stand up for America" and "our troops" or some other nonsense. What the Benghazi affair actually proves is that the Obama administration was just as intent as the Republicans to maintain the fiction that the "rebels" put in power by seven months of NATO bombing of Libya were not various flavors of Islamic jihadists -- some of whom were already turning on their erstwhile masters. The U.S.-Saudi project to create and nurture the international jihadist network is a bipartisan venture that dates back to Jimmy Carter's presidency -- and, therefore, nothing for Democrats and Republicans to fight about. However, the GOP's churning of Clinton's emails does provide a glimpse into her quest to run for president in 2016 as the woman who vanquished Muammar Gaddafi ("Qaddafi" or simply "Q" in Clinton's usage).

"Hillary best expressed the ghoulishness of America's ruling duopoly."

A number of Clinton's correspondences were with Sidney Blumenthal, a former Clinton family spin-master who wrote nasty things about Barack Obama while working for Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign -- which made it impossible for her to hire him at the State Department. Nevertheless, Clinton needed his talents for hype for the campaign ahead. Their emails in the summer of 2011 discussed how Hillary's status as stateswoman could soar when the Libyan leader was finally eliminated. "This is a historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it," wrote Blumenthal, feeding the crone's huge gizzard of ego, according to an article in Monday's New York Times. "You must go on camera," wrote Blumenthal. "You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment." Hillary was anxious to seize the time to establish what Blumenthal described as "the Clinton Doctrine."

The Times piece somehow concludes that Obama stole Clinton's thunder with an 1,100-word speech, in late August, declaring: "The Gaddafi regime is coming to an end, and the future of Libya is in the hands of its people." But Hillary best expressed the ghoulishness of America's ruling duopoly two months later, in October, when Gaddafi was savagely butchered by screaming jihadists. "We came, we saw, he died," cackled the banshee.

In the annals of global diplomacy, no more vulgar words have been spoken by a major power foreign minister or head of state. Yet, Clinton's calculated quip perfectly encapsulates the bloodlust that is the common characteristic of both the governing duopoly of the United States and their suckling children in ISIS and the other proliferating al Qaida factions.

Thanks to Seymour Hersh, we now have a much more plausible scenario for the May 2, 2011, demise of Osama bin Laden, the "OG" of the U.S.-Saudi spawned global jihad, whose body will never be located. Virtually the entire U.S. account of his death is a lie, repeatedly contradicted on its own terms -- another layer of fictional Americana in the age of empire in decline.

"Jihadists find it difficult to take orders from 'infidels,' even when the 'Crusaders' are paying the bills and supplying the weapons."

Clinton was hard-pressed to imagine how she might trump the president's bin Laden death-watch extravaganza. Her opportunity came five months later, when she delivered her gruesome paraphrase of Julius Caesar on the occasion of Col. Gaddafi's murder. In the context of Washington's deeply racist foreign policy, Gaddafi and bin Laden were equally deserving of death, although Gaddafi was among the most fervent and effective fighters against Islamic jihadists: his government was the first in the world to request a global arrest warrant against bin Laden.

The Libyan Islamists were quickly transferred to the new U.S.-NATO-Saudi-Qatari front lines in Syria. The CIA station in Benghazi was at the center of the action -- and got burned in the wild and unwieldy process of herding jihadists, who find it difficult to take orders from "infidels," even when the "Crusaders" are paying the bills and supplying the weapons.

The U.S. consulate and CIA station in Benghazi were attacked on September 11, 2012. The next day, the Pentagon's intelligence agency issued a report predicting that a "Salafist principality" -- another term for an Islamic State -- would likely arise in Syria as a result of the war, and that "Western countries, the Gulf States and Turkey are supporting these efforts." Moreover, the establishment of such an Islamic "principality" would create "the ideal atmosphere for AQI [al Qaida in Iraq, which became ISIS, ISIL and the Islamic State] to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi" in Iraq -- events that have since transpired.

The Defense Intelligence Agency report didn't say so, but the "Western Powers" included the United States, through its CIA.

"The Pentagon warning about the rise of an Islamic State may have had some effect on U.S. policy in Syria."

The document was declassified this year as the result of a suit by a libertarian right-wing legal outfit. The people of the world continue to be fed the fiction that the U.S. is engaged in a long, twilight struggle against al Qaida Salafists whose international network was created by, and continues to benefit from, "Western countries, the Gulf States and Turkey."

However, the 2012 Pentagon warning about the rise of an Islamic State may have had some effect on U.S. policy in Syria. One year later, in September of 2013, President Obama backed off from his threat to bomb Syria in "retaliation" for a chemical missile attack against civilians -- a crime much more likely committed by western-backed Salafists. The conventional wisdom is that the Russians tricked a hapless Secretary of State John Kerry into agreeing to the peaceful, internationally supervised destruction of Syria's chemical arsenal; or that the refusal of Britain's Parliament to go along with an air assault on Syria made the U.S. position untenable; or that Obama feared losing a vote on the issue in the U.S. Congress. None of this rings true to me. The United States is not easily deterred by the opinions of Europeans, who in the end accept Washington's acts as a fait accompli. And, it was not clear that Obama would have lost the vote in Congress -- a vote that he requested, while at the same time declaring that he did not need the legislature's permission to "punish" Syria for crossing his "red line."

I think that high Pentagon officials and elements of the Obama administration -- probably including the president, himself -- took the Benghazi disaster and the Defense Intelligence Agency report to heart, and decided that it was better to keep bleeding the Syrians and their Russian, Lebanese and Iranian allies through a prolonged war, than to bomb al Qaida into power. For the U.S., regional chaos is preferable to the triumph of the, ultimately, unmanageable Salafists -- unchained.

The thirty-plus year war against Iran would, however, be ratcheted up. The Bush administration was snatched back from the brink of a military assault against Teheran in 2007 when -- to the great consternation of Vice President Dick Cheney -- all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies declared, publicly and unanimously, that Iran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program, years before.

"President Obama claims the right to disregard and methodically undermine international law through "humanitarian" military intervention."

The spooks reaffirmed their consensus in the 2010 National Intelligence Estimate -- again, that there was no evidence Iran has any intention of making a bomb. The Obama administration has since avoided asking the intelligence agencies for their analysis on the issue, knowing they would get the same answer. Instead, they rely on Israeli propaganda, pick and choose various "experts" from inside and outside the arms control "community," or simply put forward unsupported statements on Iran's capabilities and intentions: the Big Lie. While Bush was humiliated by facts supplied by his own intelligence experts, Obama has escalated the confrontation with Iran, applying crippling sanctions and the whole range of low-level warfare, in close collaboration with Israel -- proving, once again, that Obama is the "more effective evil."

Obama has nearly completed knocking off victims on the "hit list" of countries that George Bush was working on when General Wesley Clark ran across it in 2002. Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Somalia have been invaded since then, and Sudan was stripped of a third of its territory. Only Iran and Lebanon remain intact and outside the U.S. imperial umbrella.

The Republican-Democratic duopoly plays tag-team in promoting the Project for a New American Century -- a doctrine promulgated by neo-conservatives in 1997 that has served as the guiding light of both the Bush and Obama administrations. The differences between the two teams are merely rhetorical. The Bush regime is described as "unilateralist," although it employs the same "Coalition of the Willing" approach to aggressive war as does the Obama administration. President Obama claims the right to disregard and methodically undermine international law through "humanitarian" military intervention, whereas Bush claimed to be "spreading democracy." Same weapons systems, same mass murder, same objective: U.S. domination of the planet.

"The spooks reaffirmed their consensus in the 2010 National Intelligence Estimate, that there was no evidence Iran has any intention of making a bomb."

There's nothing democratic or humanitarian about the U.S. imperial project. Therefore, its maintenance requires the deployment of 24-7 psychological operations worldwide, but directed primarily against the U.S. public.

Republican strategist Karl Rove was far more honest than his Democratic counterparts when he explained to a reporter, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community back in 2004:

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality--judiciously, as you will--we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors " and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Election seasons are reality-creation festivals, during which the two corporate parties pretend to put forward different visions of the national and global destiny -- when, in fact, they answer to the same master and must pursue the same general strategy.

The continuity of GOP-Democratic rule -- the near-identical depravity -- is horrifically evident in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where six million people have been slaughtered by U.S. surrogates since 1996 -- the largest genocide since World War II. Successive U.S. administrations -- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, assisted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice, the high U.S. official most deeply implicated in the entirety of the genocide -- have armed, financed, and covered up the Congolese holocaust. Each administration has collaborated with its predecessor to hide the crime and obscure the question of guilt -- and then to continue the killing.

Decent people do not vote for political parties that produce such fiends, who deserve Nuremburg justice of the capital kind. Any talk of "lesser evils" is both stupid and obscene.

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