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Have YOU lost your mind?
by zed Monday, Jun 22 2015, 1:30pm
international / prose / post

Certainly a valid question particularly in view of the social malaise or paralysis infecting the vast majority of sentient beings on this earth.


We live in a time of huge disparities in wealth, education, opportunity and standards of living, which have not occurred by accident or by some social anomaly, the circumstances we find ourselves in today have been carefully engineered by of course the elite few, less than one percent of the global population. Yet 99.99% of the global population accept monumental unfairness and inequality without any attempt to remedy the situation.

I could take many examples however space limits this discourse to examples that affect many nations and peoples. Consider ‘austerity’ programs/policies designed by the few to manage, oppress, enslave and exploit the many. There has never been more money in circulation than there is today yet bought and owned politicians scream that nations (some wealthy) are broke and then force austerity programs on the masses, an action based on a lie. It should be noted that those who designed these austerity programs designed them for others as they are never constrained by the programs they device. So while people slave away for the benefit of the few, the few enjoy unprecedented wealth and luxury in relative safety when history informs us that the masses should have already divested the bloated rich of their fraudulently appropriated funds and distributed those funds throughout society. Of course this is the task of representative governments, which, as inferred previously, no longer exist as they, regardless of ‘stripe’ or political persuasion are clearly in the pockets of the elite, unrepresentative minority. The lack of remedial action in these circumstances clearly indicates a malaise on a huge scale, which finds its infective source in the individual and the mass or cultural mind, a mind which is clearly malfunctioning in critical areas.

The known fraudsters and rogues that caused the global economic crisis of 2008 have never been jailed for their obvious crimes, let alone held to account, the reason is simple, they consider themselves above the law as they own law makers and yet the masses clearly own the law makers/governments yet nothing is done.

In Australia for instance, the country is led by a known reprehensible liar and fraud, Tony Abbott, however, he has not been held to account by the people for his known lies and fraudulent activities, he continues to target the people to compensate for the revenue void left by tax-avoiding corporatists, when it is widely known these corporatists are extracting billions of dollars in profits per annum from the nation – that includes exploiting natural resources and exploiting the working masses with obviously unfair wage structures. Yet the population accepts the outrageous situation of slaving for relatively minor wages without addressing the unfairness of their lot and remedying the situation, which is easily done by simply refusing to work like ancient Roman slaves, some of whom enjoyed much better lives than ‘free’ citizens today.

Debt slavery or debt chains have been designed expressly for that purpose; in the 80’s it was decided by the banker and corporate elites to depress wages via bought governments and corrupt union officials and slowly increase the costs of living, thereby forcing average people into a perpetual debt cycle, which the elite hoped would constrain the masses and force them to accept their lot without taking action, and indeed that has occurred; who is at fault, those that design unfair strategies or those that accept them without resistance, the latter of course?

While the masses slave for the few, the elite few avoid any situation, tax and environmental regulatory controls especially, which reduce their bottom line – policies were implemented in the USA, UK and numerous other western nations which reduced regulation and allowed for loopholes that only large corporations and big banks could effectively exploit, as they were the designers of these policies that were either passed into law or implemented as policy by puppet politicians. Nothing has changed today, in fact the situation has only deteriorated for the masses while the few have NEVER had it so good. Again, who is at fault?

Now consider the effects of de-regulation. Pollution induced climate change which now threatens the tenure of humankind on this planet and the concentration of evermore wealth/power in the fewest possible hands, a not unexpected outcome.

The other major issue is the many illegal (proven) wars that rage across the planet; who is behind these wars? Take a guess, corporations and mega-banks, which seek evermore wealth and resources to plunder regardless of the cost in innocent human lives. To say these wars contravene international law and UN charters is putting it mildly, the invasion of Iraq ALONE marked the first human holocaust of the new century with over one million innocent civilians killed, again who has been held to account and prosecuted for these crimes, not one puppet politician let alone the instigators of the wars, the global corporate and banker elites, which hide behind their bought political puppets and profit from these criminal wars?

The world now faces a nuclear exchange between superpowers simply due to the fact that the masses again have forfeited their sovereign right to determine their own course and pursue a harmonious, peaceful co-existence with their fellow man – but of course that provides less profit for the elite few who make billions from enslaving the masses, perpetual war, destabilisation and destruction.

I’m forced to close it here as writing further about the reality of today’s impotent slaves pisses me off, sorry, I hope YOU understand!

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