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UK Terror suspects Extradited to US to face Red Queen 'Justice'
by hatter Saturday, Oct 6 2012, 10:56pm
international / prose / post

The absurdist sell of an EXTERNAL terrorist threat continues with the extradition to the US from the UK of a number of radical, moron, Muslim activists suspected of terrorist acts. This major distraction occurs while proven, mass murdering INTERNAL terrorists, Bush, Cheney, Kissinger, Rice, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle etc, etc, -- the list is very large indeed and far exceeds in number any external 'threat' -- remain free to laugh at the moron AMERICAN public that is so easily duped and distracted.

Red Queen, artwork by Tim Burton
Red Queen, artwork by Tim Burton

The Red Queen could not have done better than the corrupt US legal system. Remember this 'inverted,' moron nation has placed on trial a man (Bradley Manning) who exposed with incontrovertible PROOF, US war and other crimes against humanity. Well, we can't have REALITY interfering with the American DREAM world!

The trial will no doubt be presided over by Superman, who pursues justice and the 'American way' -- paedophile Batman has been given security duties while boy wonder has taken time out from under Obama's presidential desk at the White House to see if he can elicit some confessions in exchange for certain 'favours.'

I mean, give the WORLD a break, America; talk about living in your own private 'Idaho!' YOU HAVE LOST IT BIG TIME! However, we note that exactly the same insularity and social disconnection occurred before the fall of numerous previous empires, Rome in particular and the monarchy of France -- 'let them eat shit,' is the slogan of the neo-cons and the plutocrats that own them.

The forces propelling the insular imbeciles that run the USA cannot be easily neutralised. So it is with great satisfaction we continue to urge pathological US powers and ruling imbeciles ever onward to a hasty doom.

Talk about the emperor has no clothes syndrome -- you people have got to be kidding!

Report from the WSJ follows:

Terror Suspects Extradited to US
by Devlin Barrett and Evan Perez

Five long-sought terror suspects -- including a radical imam named Abu Hamza -- have arrived in the U.S. following years of unsuccessful attempts in British and European courts to block their extradition, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The suspects arrived early Saturday morning. Three of the men were brought to holding cells in New York City, where they will face trial in federal court, while the other two are due to appear Saturday morning in federal court in Connecticut.

The suspects include two men wanted in connection with the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa.

After years of diplomatic talks dating back to the Clinton and Bush administrations, U.K. officials agreed to extradition on the condition that the U.S. try the men in civilian courts and that prosecutors not seek the death penalty.

Three of the men have been indicted in New York federal court and the other two in Connecticut. Republican lawmakers have criticized the Obama administration over earlier civilian trials of terrorism suspects, saying military courts are better-suited to that task.

However, Rep. Peter King (R., N.Y.), one of the most ardent GOP critics of President Barack Obama's policy on terrorism detainees, said Friday he was satisfied with the handling of the five U.K. suspects. "I'd prefer they'd be tried in military court, but the British wouldn't have released them there," said Mr. King. "We have more capability than Britain in keeping them in prison for a long time."

According to officials familiar with the case, a Federal Bureau of Investigation plane has been in place to transport the men to the U.S. The British court on Friday rejected various arguments brought by the five to block extradition.

The most prominent suspect in the group is Mustafa Kamel Mustafa, who was known as Abu Hamza al-Masri during his tenure as imam at the Finsbury Park mosque in London.

A spokesman for U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May said: "We welcome the High Court decision on Abu Hamza and others. We are now working to extradite these men as quickly as possible."

A 2004 indictment filed in New York accuses Mr. Hamza of a kidnapping conspiracy in Yemen in 1998 that led to the deaths of four hostages. He also allegedly attempted to set up a terrorist training camp in Bly, Ore., in 1999 and 2000.

In separate proceedings in Britain, a jury found Mr. Hamza guilty in 2006 of using his sermons to incite murder and racial hatred. He was handed a seven-year sentence and has been in a U.K. prison.

Mr. Hamza, 54 years old, was born in Egypt and worked as a bouncer at a London nightclub before turning toward radical Islam. In the 1990s, he traveled to Pakistan and Afghanistan, and when he returned to England he had lost both hands and an eye.

Counterterrorism officials say the Finsbury mosque attracted young men willing to engage in violent jihad, including "shoe bomber" Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui, convicted of being part of the Sept. 11, 2001, conspiracy. Both men are currently imprisoned in Colorado.

Among the others to be flown to the U.S. are Khalid al Fawwaz, 50, who has been fighting extradition for 14 years since he was charged with operating the London media office of al Qaeda at the direction of Osama bin Laden. U.S. officials say the purpose of the office was to publicize Mr. bin Laden's statements and to provide cover for the group's terrorism activities. Both he and Adel Abdel Bary, 52, were charged with conspiracy in connection with the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.

Also in the group of five suspects is Babar Ahmad, 38, who was first arrested in 2004. He is accused of using websites to gather money and material for the Taliban and terrorist groups. Also, Mr. Ahmad is accused of communicating with a sailor in the U.S. Navy and encouraging him to betray his fellow crew members and his country.

Syed Talha Ahsan, 33, was charged along with Mr. Ahmad in running the terrorist fundraising website Azzam.com, among others. The two are accused of conspiring to kill, kidnap, maim, or injure people or damage property in a foreign country.

Lawyers for Mr. Fawwaz and Mr. Abdel Bary have argued there is new evidence that undermines the charges against them. Mr. Hamza has said he isn't medically fit to face trial.

The other two suspects have argued that they can't be extradited to the U.S. for charges they say they could still face in Britain.

© 2012 Dow Jones & Company Inc.

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