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Bali 9: AFP Response Bureaucratic and Evasive; no assurances given – UNACCEPTABLE!
by darcy Sunday, May 3 2015, 9:01pm
international / prose / post

Given that reporters were constrained in their questions and reactions to bureaucratic evasion from AFP officials it nevertheless became clear that the AFP is never to be trusted in any regard whatsoever, as it became tragically evident during questioning by the hamstrung mainstream press that the AFP is a fundamentally political organisation rather than a pure policing (States) organisation that deals effectively with crime and obvious priorities, which DUTY I would remind conservative serving bureaucrats in blue uniform, is to protect ALL Australian lives at all times regardless of political considerations, now that obligation is not ‘fanciful’ it is FUNDAMENTAL. The bottom line is simply that ALL police are duty bound to protect ALL citizens and in the case of the Bali 9 duo, murdered for expedient and political reasons, the AFP clearly FAILED in their responsibility – here’s why:

Politically Expendable
Politically Expendable

First and foremost was the international status of the nation and the thoroughly corrupt police and government the AFP were dealing with; Indonesia which recently ranked number one as the world’s most corrupt nation, has only ‘improved’ slightly in that appalling regard to number three in the world’s most corrupt nations, these assessments are made independently by international analysts and published regularly BUT not a word about that underlying crucial FACT by the AFP or reporters, which were clearly under editorial constraints and suffering job tenure anxiety, however, people always turn to the alternative media for the hard facts, as they are universally aware we are able to report and analyse freely and are obliged only to the TRUTH, not John Howard, Tony Abbott or populist, murdering president, Widodo.

Attempts by the AFP to avoid their responsibilities to Oz citizens by emphasising they are partners with these CORRUPT, primitive, murdering bastards, did them no favours, their most import duty is to serve the AUSTRALIAN public and INTEREST and to protect the lives of ALL Australian nationals at all times regardless of political considerations, however, as we and others know, including arch-conservative commentator, Gerard Henderson, who mentioned (ABC Insiders) the Bali bombings and the need to show faith as the overriding reason the AFP and John Howard sacrificed the Bali 9.

The current claim and position of the AFP that “currying favour” with corrupt and criminal Indonesia is “fanciful” is itself utter crap, as it is clearly and simply the TRUTH, which is verified by circumstances of the time and could be confirmed by subjecting mental leper, Keelty, to a senatorial or legal grilling on camera -- Keelty is the weak link in this sordid affair and it seems the AFP and others have gone to lengths to keep him away from the spotlight.

Nevertheless, both Keelty and Howard have blood all over their hands and faces – if footage was again released of Howard’s transparent and visibly FAKE crying episode on the mass media over the Bali 9 arrests, there would be little doubt in the minds of Aussies; Howard is a supreme political scoundrel but an appalling actor, his fake performance is obvious.

I need not go on as the current bureaucratic AFP leadership have virtually verified they would do it all again, notwithstanding they bungled the case from the start and betrayed the trust of the informant, a concerned Australian parent. However, they fail to realise, as their minds are focused on political survival rather than police matters, that they have ‘blown it’ big time and have lost the trust of the nation -- clearly and by their own appalling actions today, the AFP should never be trusted with any important matter AGAIN.

If citizens must deal with police they should deal with State police and if matters relate to international jurisdictions they should hire specialist ex-military private agents if necessary.

The current AFP bureaucratic leadership has unknowingly subverted their entire organisation and I appeal to former members that know the truth to restore this once effective police organisation. Australian lives and interests must be protected at all times without regard to 'political considerations,' which today’s AFP now specialise in. “Partners” with the most corrupt police and government in the world, you must be joking!

There are numerous international avenues available to deal effectively with corrupt Indonesia, who the fuck are we fighting illegal wars for in Iraq? Our clearly gutless and incompetent politicians have no idea how to use Australia’s current regional and strategic importance to their advantage. Australia today has no need to suck arse (Howard/Abbott) or sacrifice Australian lives (AFP) to anyone, let alone to one of the most corrupt and barbaric nations in the world.

Foreign minister, Julie Bishop's outrageous deflective response in support of the culpable AFP:

Ms Bishop said the Australian Federal Police’s explanation of the steps it took ahead of the Bali 9 arrests spoke for itself.

"It does highlight the challenges, the complexities and the sensitivities that our police face when Australians commit crimes in countries that have the death penalty and I believe that the statement has given us some insight into the challenges that will continue to occur while ever Australians commit crimes in countries that have the death penalty,” she said.
O yea, so let's completely IGNORE the FACT that the hapless drug mules where handed over to barbaric Indonesian authorities on a platter by the AFP to serve Australia's broader political interests -- 'commit crimes in death penalty countries,' indeed, you reprehensible, sell-out, bitch!

Indelibly Tarnished and Irrelevant
Indelibly Tarnished and Irrelevant

FM Julie Bishop reveals true colours
FM Julie Bishop reveals true colours

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