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Globalisation – a One-Sided Corporate Affair
by janice Sunday, Apr 26 2015, 9:33am
international / prose / post

Has the penny dropped yet? The term globalisation is a pervasive term yet the reality is only a tiny minority benefit most from what they created and termed ‘globalisation.’ For instance, mega-corporations, transnationals and large banks not only exploit the underpaid in the undeveloped world they also utilise globalised tax avoidance structures to shift profits stolen from the nations they exploit and move them off-shore to tax havens and pay little or no tax to the nations where the profits were extracted – I may also add that profit is theft pure and simple, as some entity -- usually workers and consumers – are always short-changed or ripped off in order for profit to exist.

So we face today globalised tax avoidance and exploitation from the voracious and rapacious interests that created globalisation, transnational corporations and the big banks – ‘somehow’ these interests failed to globalise wages which would indeed make globalisation true to its name, as then workers would receive universal rates of pay, that is, the same work is paid uniformly across the globe, and so ends exploitation of the long suffering workers of the 'undeveloped' and developed world.

Not only would real globalisation distribute wages uniformly but it would immediately end the vampiric and parasitic nature of large polluting corporations and the banks that greedily support them – simple, ay? So why hasn’t it occurred? Simply because of the obvious, it would end exploitation based on wage disparities and equalise the costs of production across the globe. Furthermore, it would end the HUGE unprecedented profits that vampiric corporations make today via their exploitative and tax avoiding strategies.

The next time the ‘corporate owned’ mass media uses the term ‘globalisation’ know it for what it is and try to look behind what is being sold as innocuous or of great benefit to humanity as to date very few really benefit from ‘globalisation,’ which is essentially an intentionally designed scheme whereby rogues and industrial polluters are able to rape and steal evermore wealth for themselves while leaving host nations impoverished and poisoned – sound fair and moral to you? If not DO something about it and demand that governments cease their lackey relationships with minority interests or else, as is happening in the UK as I write. Major owned parties are now the loathsome lying cheats they have always been except the people have finally realised it and will soon shock the current British political establishment into reality – the people are slow to wake and even slower to anger but once the line is crossed, rogues and the lying political criminals that serve them, run for your stinking lives.

And to conclude on a note of total relevance, have you heard about the next stage of corporate globalisation, the TPP, which allows corporations to overrule the sovereignty of nations and the authority of elected governments? The world needs the TPP like it needs a hole in the head, the situation is bad enough as it is; any sovereign government that is party to the TPP know it to be treasonous and unrepresentative – do not be confused, it’s as simple as opening your eyes and adding 2+2!

And if you wish to number among the last free thinking and aware freedom fighters, you may wish to research the forces and entities that are behind all the wars, ruin, misery and destruction that prevails today; you may be astounded to discover for yourselves that the introduction of globalisation in the 90’s and the modern misery of perpetual war seem to have a parallel inter-connected course, no coincidence I can sure you, however, I always recommend verifying claims and discovering the reality of existence for yourself.

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