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Climate Change and the Anthrax Letters – not strange bedfellows
by zed Sunday, Apr 19 2015, 1:40am
international / prose / post

Back in 1973 the Australian CSIRO, a scientific research body, outlined the effects of climate change and gave a cogent warning to the world. A documentary was released on a local television station at the time. It predicted that the ‘tipping point,’ or point of no return, would be breached within a decade if radical measures were not implemented to curtail the effects of pollution. The result was that corporate controlled governments did nothing to stem the poisonous tide of industrial pollution and climate change, but instead radically reduced funding to the CSIRO – no doubt at the behest of the corporate lobby.

Today Australia’s corporate serving PM, Tony Abbott, has openly stated “that coal is good” and to hell with the very real effects of the world’s most imminent danger (implied). Need I explain for the millionth time that today’s western governments are puppets to the corporations and are totally servile to the big banks and mega-corporations that install and remove governments at will – the major criterion for winning elections today is the measure of servility hopefuls offer to our profit-only-driven, rapacious and destructive corporations.

Needless to say, climate tipping point was breached decades ago and the effects are being felt today and will only worsen exponentially in the future.

Treasonous puppet western politicians, while not as gaffe-prone and imbecilic as Oz PM Tony Abbott, continue to toe the corporate line but with warnings, as the destructive effects of climate change are impossible to hide today; however, very little action follows these feeble warnings and as a result the world is speeding toward famine, disease, more wars, and other calamities never before seen in the history of civilised societies – a return to the barbarism of the jungle is not a fanciful prediction for humankind.

How did we all arrive at this now irreversible and calamitous situation? A real conspiracy to manage public perceptions, therefore cultural consciousness, was formulated after the corporate and mega-wealthy elites witnessed how the relatively independent mass media of the 60’s fomented social change and positive social revolution – the Vietnam war was a good example of the sustained media coverage of the injustices and illegality of that horrendous civilian killing war – one exposed today as a pre-planned event complete with the utilisation of a ‘false flag’ operation in the Gulf of Tonkin.

The banking and mega-wealthy corporate elites, which profit on war and social misery, realised they could not pursue their parasitic, socially destructive agenda or survive until they had central control of the mass media, which would enable them to direct cultural consciousness and manage the masses; this they achieved in the 80’s via their elite organisation, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which today determines the form and content of all major ‘news’ and most western government policy.

However, after 30 years of consuming this carefully packaged ‘news,’ more accurately described as lies, misinformation, omissions and propaganda, the public is slowly becoming aware of the ruse, nevertheless, the vast majority remain captured by the corporate owned and controlled mass media and that majority remains amenable to the elite, unrepresentative, self-serving, minority.

I mentioned the Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident to highlight the modus operandi of this nefarious elite, nothing has changed in this regard. The FBI recently announced after years of painstaking investigations that the so-called ‘anthrax letters,’ which were released 7 days after the 9/11 false flag, which we described as overkill at the time, issued from within the then government. Recall that western governments implicitly serve the elite and NOT the people – very plain to see -- the recently revealed facts point in no other credible direction, which result should not surprise any thinking person.

The 9/11 false flag and the anthrax letters are inextricably entwined and so it becomes plain that nefarious forces within the government were also behind the 9/11 event – a modicum of research exposes 9/11 as the most bungled and transparent false flag ever committed.

Now we arrive at the social stasis regarding the most dangerous threat to civilised humanity, climate change, and the puppet governments that continue to serve and facilitate the agenda of the mass murdering, environment destroying, elite. The social stasis and lack of mobilisation should surprise no thinking person as the masses continue to be distracted with facile divisionist propaganda, orchestrasted bogeymen (ISIL) expressly created to serve elite strategies of eventual regional domination – at any cost to innocent lives, I would add.

I must conclude here though I could go on for volumes. I apologise for not supplying embedded links in this piece, however, I refer readers to the search box in upper left column and to the many useful archives on this and parent site, 'Cleaves Newswire.' A useful video download option is also available in the left column and I strongly recommend that readers utilise this option while it exists.

In full view of the reality that confronts humanity today, I remain a realist and an optimist even though things are dire indeed; humanity has brought this situation on itself and will soon pay an inconceivably horrific price for its folly, which will inflict a scar on the collective consciousness so deep it would take millennia before a repeat of today’s gross perversities and mistakes occur again – but human frailty being what it is, expect the predictable.

Goodbye and good luck dreamboats, and remember whatever confronts you, regardless of how illegal, unjust, oppressive, irrational and absurd – do NOTHING! [Sorry, I couldn’t resist, cos it’s true.]

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