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A Nation's Shame: Trillions in Corporate Wealth, Millions of Children in Poverty
by Paul Buchheit via stacey - Truthout Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 11:25am
international / prose / post

What price a child's life? Ask Jesus Christ, who likened children to his Kingdom of Heaven. Now compare so-called Christian nation America's behaviour. When former Sec. of State Madam Albright was questioned on 60 minutes over the horrific death toll (500,000) of innocent Iraqi children -- resulting directly from US sanctions and embargos -- she responded, it was "a hard choice, but WE think it was worth it!" Our question is, worth what America, a few barrels of stolen oil? This truly abominable response from a high ranking US official reveals the true black, mass murdering heart of America and the horrific effects of its sick ideology of imperialistic, permanent war. As with all ideologies the effects are felt by the domestic population and the results are horrendous and unforgiveable. How much longer must we passively tolerate inhuman policies from a clearly sick, criminal administration?

America's wealth grew by 60 percent in the past six years, by over $30 trillion. In approximately the same time, the number of homeless children has also grown by 60 percent.

Financier and CEO Peter Schiff said, "People don't go hungry in a capitalist economy." The 16 million kids on food stamps know what it's like to go hungry. Perhaps, some in Congress would say, those children should be working. "There is no such thing as a free lunch," insisted Georgia Representative Jack Kingston, even for schoolkids, who should be required to "sweep the floor of the cafeteria" (as they actually do at a charter school in Texas).

The callousness of US political and business leaders is disturbing, shocking. Hunger is just one of the problems of our children. Teacher Sonya Romero-Smith told about the two little homeless girls she adopted: "Getting rid of bedbugs, that took us a while. Night terrors, that took a little while. Hoarding food.."

America Is a 'Leader' in Child Poverty

The US has one of the highest relative child poverty rates in the developed world. As UNICEF reports, "[Children's] material well-being is highest in the Netherlands and in the four Nordic countries and lowest in Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and the United States."

Over half of public school students are poor enough to qualify for lunch subsidies, and almost half of black children under the age of six are living in poverty.

$5 a Day for Food - But Congress Thought it Was Too Much

Nearly half of all food stamp recipients are children, and they averaged about $5 a day for their meals before the 2014 farm bill cut $8.6 billion (over the next ten years) from the food stamp program.

In 2007 about 12 of every 100 kids were on food stamps. Today it's 20 of every 100.

For Every Two Homeless Children in 2006, There Are Now Three

On a typical frigid night in January, 138,000 children, according to the US Department of Housing, were without a place to call home.

That's about the same number of households that have each increased their wealth by $10 million per year since the recession.

The US: Near the Bottom in Education and Sinking

The US ranks near the bottom of the developed world in the percentage of 4-year-olds in early childhood education. Early education should be a primary goal for the future, as numerous studies have shown that pre-school helps all children to achieve more and earn more through adulthood, with the most disadvantaged benefiting the most. But we're going in the opposite direction. Head Start was recently hit with the worst cutbacks in its history.

Children's Rights? Not in the US

It's hard to comprehend the thinking of people who cut funding for homeless and hungry children. It may be delusion about trickle-down, it may be indifference to poverty, it may be resentment toward people unable to "make it on their own."

The indifference and resentment and disdain for society reach around the globe. Only two nations still refuse to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: South Sudan and the United States. When President Obama said, "I believe America is exceptional," he was close to the truth, in a way he and his wealthy friends would never admit.

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[Meanwhile, American vassal States, particularly the servile Abbott government of Australia, are doing their very best to emulate America's disgraceful and sickening lead. Oz PM, Tony Abbott, is on record as stating that impoverished communities can no longer expect government assistance as their predicament is a "life-style choice!" Good work Mr Abbott, you're a certainty for American citizenship.]

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