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Extremely Influential US Think Tank (CFR) says “Tony Abbott Has To Go!”
by via kevin - CFR Wednesday, Feb 11 2015, 7:46pm
international / prose / post

It is a rare occurrence that the USA openly involves itself in the internal politics of one if its servile vassal States, however, Tony Abbott’s incompetence is now a matter of international concern and discussion -- we told you so! Every move this backward-thinking, inept dunce makes is a disaster not only for Oz but for the USA it seems.

Dunce PM, Tony Abbott
Dunce PM, Tony Abbott

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) with The Bilderberg Group are the two most influential entities in the world today, make no mistake about that. The western mass media is largely directed by the CFR, isn’t that right, Rupert, as is all US foreign policy? Regardless of which US party is in 'power' the overriding real power of the CFR continues to direct affairs. So it is a real event when a known servile Washington lackey like Tony Abbott is openly rejected by the CFR.

I would of course make it very clear that the Oz population has been screaming for Abbott’s removal ever since he STOLE office with a raft of brazen LIES, gross deceit and (transparent) calculated FRAUD -- the man clearly has a case to answer for in the courts, which reflects very badly on the lack-lustre and hopeless opposition party. However, Abbott’s spineless conservative party, given the recent opportunity to remove him, proved it has not got the spine to accomplish a very necessary task -- the conservatives will never live it down especially when circumstances force the issue in the very near future.

I need hardly emphasise Abbott’s duplicitous sordid character and incompetence, as it is now widely known, his ABYSMAL RECORD speaks for itself.

Since Abbott stole office the nation has gone backwards in every respect at remarkable speed; big business and the plutocrats that placed him in power have turned on him because he has failed to deliver (due largely to incapability). Abbott and his idiot treasurer Joe Hockey, who will soon take the sacrificial fall for his boss, scream loudly and constantly that the nation cannot spend more than it earns so what do THEY do? Immediately blow $60 million on a FUTILE search for a missing airliner (MH-370) in the wrong location -- informed sources have already indicated US involvement in the disappearance from its base on Diego Garcia, which would locate wreckage much father west in the Indian Ocean! Abbott then spends an estimated $20 million on the ebola ‘threat,’ Aussies would love to know how that money was spent but that is by no means the worst of it.

However, Abbott’s HUGE blow-outs and stupidity on defence spending are mind boggling . On Washington’s orders doormat Abbott increased the nation’s purchase of a hyper-expensive flying lemon jet fighter (F-35) which most older model jet fighters could blow out of the sky at will, but that purchase saved Lockheed Martin from ruination (thanks moron) though it surrendered Australia's air supremacy in the region to its Asian neighbours, notwithstanding it also saddled Oz with a HUGE debt in the hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars and that is not mentioning future off-shore submarine purchases from the Japanese, which leave local industry to fall on its face with massive cut backs and job retrenchments.

Abbott’s spending is not only wasteful but compromises our national interests and future security in the region, there simply are NO EXCUSES FOR SURRENDERING AIR SUPREMACY to Indonesia and Vietnam, which very wisely purchased the latest model (far superior) Sukhoi fighter jets from the Russians for a FRACTION of the cost of the failed F-35 -- and local journalists refuse to hound Abbott and Hockey to hell on this critical issue!

Should we also mention what Abbot considers his major major achievements to be after 18 disastrous months in office? Removing the carbon and mining tax which is accomplished at the stroke of a pen -- who are you trying to kid, Abbott (?) and “stopping the [refugee] boats!”

Now to the COSTS of ‘off-shoring’ refugees in concentration camps, which practice has recently been attacked by local and international agencies for gross illegalities, infringements of human rights and cruelty, particularly to children and families. Abbott stupidly continued the folly of the previous government by bribing underdeveloped pacific nations and New Guinea to accept OUR refugee problem, the total (ongoing) cost of which is now in the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars Oz can ill-afford; meanwhile Abbott implements punitive ideological policies on our tertiary students, school leavers, pensioners, carers and others most vulnerable in the community because, remember, we are 'broke!' Little wonder as Hockey and Abbott WASTE enormous amounts and accrue MASSIVE FOREIGN DEBT in the process. So please Tony, tell/sell it all to your grandmother.

Now for the cherry on Abbott’s leadership debacle cake -- the hyper-costly military RE-INVOLVEMENT in the US-created MESS in Iraq, the mammoth cost of which has been kept secret it is so huge! Yes, Tony, you are indeed one of a kind -- my pet budgie could run this nation better.

It is now clear to the ENTIRE world that Abbott and his entire GUTLESS front bench MUST go for the sake of the nation -- step down voluntarily NOW, Tony, or be decapitated and go down in ignominy, history will record it thus, Tony Abbott, the most inept, backward and stupid PM Oz has ever had.

CFR article follows:

Tony Abbott Has To Go
by Joshua Kurlantzick

Is Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott the most incompetent leader of any industrialized democracy? Of course, a leader’s popularity, to some, depends on that leader’s political orientation. Many conservative Republicans think Barack Obama is one of the worst presidents in modern history, while many liberal Spaniards think conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is one of the worst leaders in Spain’s modern history.

But competence and popularity are not necessarily the same things. Even conservative Republicans would admit that Obama has achieved major accomplishments in office – they just do not like those accomplishments at all. And Obama, Rajoy, and other rich world leaders, whatever their problems, usually seem to be making their policy decisions based on advice from a retinue of advisors and after careful consideration of policy options. Even leaders criticized for acting too slowly, and offering uninspired policy ideas, like French President Francois Hollande, appear to be capable of running their countries’ day-to-day policymaking. There are world leaders who appear dangerously unhinged, making policy based on whims, advice from a tiny handful of advisers, or some other highly unscientific formula. Argentina’s president, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, comes to mind, as does Ecuador President Rafael Correa, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, or Russia’s Vladimir Putin. But none of these leaders run a rich and powerful democracy.

Tony Abbott, however, is in charge of a regional power, a country that is the twelfth largest economy in the world and the only rich world nation to have survived the 2008-9 financial crisis unscathed. Yet in less than two years as prime minister, Abbott has proven shockingly incompetent, which is why other leaders within his ruling coalition, following a set of defeats in state elections, may now scheme to unseat him. They should: Abbott has proven so incapable of clear policy thinking, so unwilling to consult with even his own ministers and advisers, and so poor at communicating that he has to go.

Abbott’s policies have been all over the map, and the lack of coherence has often made the prime minister seem ill-informed and incapable of understanding complex policy issues. In press conferences, Abbott has offered mixed public messages about some of the health care reforms that were at the center of his agenda, and sometimes has seemed unsure himself of what health legislation has actually been passed on his watch. He also has seemed unsure of what he promised in the past regarding Australia’s major public broadcaster – he promised not to touch it – before he went ahead and made cuts to it. He also looked completely baffled on climate change issues at the G20 summit in Australia last year.

Abbott also does not seem to think it necessary to even discuss policy proposals with his top ministers and other leading members of his conservative coalition. His lack of consultation has made it harder for him to pass some critical legislation. In addition, he appears to have one of the worst senses of public relations of any prime minister in recent Australian history. At major economic summits, he has embarrassed Australia with his coarse rhetoric. He recently decided to give an Australian knighthood to Prince Philip, husband of British Queen Elizabeth II, even though nearly half of Australians would prefer the country to be a republic, and even those who support the monarchy disdain actions that look like Canberra sucking up to the British royals. Australia had not given out its own knighthoods for nearly decades, and even to many monarchists the very idea of Australian knighthoods seemed archaic. And if Abbott was going to give out archaic knighthoods, Prince Philip was a bizarre choice. Even among the conservative supporters of Abbot’s coalition, giving a knighthood to the notoriously gaffe-prone and fusty Prince Philip went down badly. Abbott did not appear to have consulted with most of his top ministers before deciding to give Prince Philip the accolade.

I take no position on whether a left or right coalition can govern Australia better – whether Australia needs a revolt from within the ruling coalition or a national election victory by the left. But a country that for decades has punched above its weight on nearly every international issue surely can do much better for a prime minister than Tony Abbott.

© 2014 Council on Foreign Relations

PDF Document Tragedy and Hope -- Carroll Quigley

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