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Abbott Displays utter contempt for Australians and his Party
by judd Wednesday, Jan 21 2015, 9:34pm
international / prose / post

In a recent interview Tony Abbott, who fraudulently stole the office of PM, continues his pathological lying to the Oz public. Abbott displays such a gross contempt for Australians it is truly astonishing his party hasn’t already removed him surgically from its ranks -- the man is far more toxic than Gillard ever was to her party and it is abundantly clear today that the only place Abbott could lead the Libs is to utter ruin!

Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott

Abbott and his flunky treasurer scream Oz has no funds in a feeble attempt to justify their implementation of a cruel and unnecessary European austerity budget on one of the wealthiest nations per capita in the world! Trillions of dollars per annum are raped from OUR common wealth and then taken off-shore by large corporations to avoid their local tax responsibility and Abbott can’t do anything about it because he promised those interests at a ‘gala dinner,’ attended by Murdoch and Rinehart BEFORE the election that he would fulfil their “wish list” and implement their self-serving policies on the Australian people in exchange for support. Well, he kept his promise to the elite and screwed the Australian people in the process; his fraudulent, anti-democratic and traitorous actions are all on record but Abbott displays nothing but contempt for the Oz people whom he imagines are easily duped -- war criminal, mass murderer and mentor, John Howard, told him so!

Abbott accuses the opposition of exactly the failings he is afflicted with himself, duplicity, incompetence and reckless spending. Even front bencher, golden retriever, Peter Dutton, is now resorting to Abbott’s line about Labor’s wasteful spending when under pressure.

So let’s take a GOOD look at the $TRILLIONS Abbott HAS ALREADY BLOWN in record time but attempts to hide and disguise and remember that his treasurer constantly bleats that Oz is in dire financial straits.

On Washington’s orders Abbott became the fetch’em boy for the missing Malaysian airliner MH-370 that experts and the informed know met with foul play, the plane’s digital systems were hacked and the plane was remotely guided to its demise from a US installation on Diego Garcia in the Indian ocean. However, Abbott was instructed by Washington to steer the search in the wrong location in order to give enough time for the criminal perpetrators to hide their crime and move wreckage to another location. Cost to ‘financially strapped’ Oz to date exceeds $70m and Abbott continues the expensive charade.

Washington was faced with another major problem, unloading the now widely known most expensive flying lemon ever created, the F-35 strike fighter, which most nations shunned and those that had orders have since cancelled leaving chump Australia to buy an obsolete and ineffective fighter in our region. It matters not to Abbott and the RAAF that we have surrendered air supremacy -- SOVEREIGNTY -- to our barbaric Asian neighbours, the prime consideration was to save the Lockheed Martin company from certain ruin so chump Abbott ordered more planes, a total of 72 of the most expensive, ineffective ariel garbage to ever hit the skies -- costs are currently in the tens ($50) of billions but are expected to blow out to $trillions if Abbott does not cancel all orders for this flying piece of shit.

Let’s not forget the non-mandated military re-involvement in the American made fiasco in Iraq and guess who is keeping the cost of this lackey misadventure from the public? Abbott and his front bench of course, where are all these trillions in total coming from Tony, perhaps you should give some of this magic money to pensioners, students and the disadvantaged so they are able to survive like human beings in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, you lying scoundrel -- government is expected to gain revenue from those that extract most from the nation not those that have least, you reprehensible, lying, mongrel dog!

Now consider the refugee problem which Abbott touts as a success, the costs of off-shore facilities and the amounts 'donated’ to host nations for their compliance are staggering, they now amount to hundreds of millions of dollars that should have been spent on citizens but have been wasted so Abbott could claim at least one success; well, if you consider success at any price to be ‘success’ then you are a bigger idiot than Abbott.

Abbott wishes to be judged on his record and that is EXACTLY what all Australians are doing, and if the Oz analogy of ‘a piece of shit on the end of a stick’ is appropriate, then wear it as a well earned appraisal, Mr Abbott. You are the most obnoxious, offensive, deceitful and toxic politician in Australia’s history but of course your pathological personality refuses to acknowledge that stark REALITY so the job of saving Oz is left to your party and if they fail then the opposition that would have been given a free ride and passport to victory would no doubt happily oblige.

Do yourself, your party and the nation a favour Mr Abbott, and voluntarily step aside before the hounds tear you to ribbons and you go down in ignominy.

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