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Perversity USA
by jo Wednesday, Sep 26 2012, 12:19pm
international / prose / post

The Kafkaesque trial of Bradley Manning -- Assange/WikiLeaks Declared Enemies of State

Consider a nation accused of heinous war crimes placing the man who exposed those war crimes to the world, on trial. No matter how you look at it, it remains an inverted logic and a monumental attack on reason and justice. Of course I refer to the Bradley Manning case.

Pfc Bradley Manning
Pfc Bradley Manning

Regardless of what we may think of Pfc Manning today he is assured a positive place in history.

Morality and bravery are scarce qualities in the American population today, which makes Manning's act truly heroic. An undeniably BRAVE soldier that accused and supplied incontrovertible supporting evidence of Pentagon war crimes to the world deserves our full recognition and support.

It is disconcerting watching Manning's lawyers on the defensive when the only sensible strategy is to take the offensive and attack the now proven criminal military -- a strategy I'm sure torture victim Manning would condone.

It is profoundly perverse that the accused (Pentagon) would sit in judgement of the accuser, Manning, especially after the tortuous treatment Manning received while in pre-trial military custody. It should also be noted that brave Bradley Manning has not 'broken' while in abusive custody, which again is in stark contrast to the many notorious hackers and other social 'heroes' who were all too ready to sign prepared statements incriminating themselves and others to avoid further discomfort. I would remind these spineless characters that we are all judged by our actions not our notoriety or empty words.

While the clearly cowardly, cringing, amoral US majority turns its back on Manning's heroic, solitary plight, we feel obliged to remind the public that a much maligned man has performed a great service for all humanity and requires the support of all people of conscience everywhere. It is not enough to recognise Manning's heroic action, we must, if we have any integrity whatsoever, actively support him in his plight against the criminal forces that have hijacked American democracy. There is absolutely no doubt that Manning did the right thing; however, we do not labour under any misapprehensions that Manning will receive a fair trial, but we do hope he will receive widespread support.

Be assured that Manning will be viewed by future generations as an American hero; his act of moral defiance against a clearly corrupt and criminal State will not go unrecognised . Do not be on the wrong side of civilisation/history, support brave prisoner of conscience, Bradley Manning.

My own sense of morality and conscience obliges me to not only support Bradley Manning but to make widely known that he is indeed a man of sterling character and a HERO of our troubled times!

Free Bradley Manning, hero of a generation!

Demand that the real war criminals be placed on trial for the countless civilian murders they have committed and continue to commit daily.

We also note that Julian Assange has recently made a direct public appeal to the United Nations and President Obama to cease the persecution of WikiLeaks its members and its alleged sources, including Bradley Manning. Mr Assange is well aware that Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon is a captured pawn of the power elite as is President Obama, who will go down in history as the most reprehensible of all sell-out lackey US presidents serving the plutocrats.

We would think the astute brain of Mr Assange would be better utilised developing more practical solutions, tactics and strategies. Futile appeals to reprehensible civilian killing criminals like Obama and Ban Ki Moon are not worthy of an intelligent strategist; perhaps a little more time should be spent HIGHLIGHTING the past and ongoing criminal activities of the power elite that have these puppets in their pockets -- though we are aware that some short term political gain is made by such an appeal. However, what is required is an active growing movement for JUSTICE, REFORM and REAL CHANGE that targets the root cause of all the current woes that plague the world - yes, they do have a common cause. The financial elite must be flushed from the shadows and EXPOSED as the heinous psychopathic criminals they are; the G-L-O-B-A-L masses will do the rest.

It has recently been made public that Julian Assange and his organisation, WikiLeaks, have been declared Enemies of the State by the USA; that designation places Assange and WikiLeaks in the same category as al-Qaeda and the Taliban! Did you expect a ticker-tape parade, Julian? Perhaps now you will attack the problem at its roots; thrashing at the leaves may create some (media) noise but it doesn't topple the tree. Attack where it counts and the tree will fall.

You are fast running out of options, dear boy; perhaps you could begin your new strategic campaign by reviewing your hopelessly inadequate position on the 9/11 attack! There is not an intelligent person alive that doesn't know it was an INSIDE JOB.


The focus on Assange is a deliberate tactic intended to deflect attention away from US WAR CRIMES. The entire world is falling for a trick used to distract children, for fuck's sake!

Fortunately the remedy is simple; simply DEMAND without wavering, relenting or reducing pressure in any way that Pentagon and Washington war criminals be placed on TRIAL for their obvious and PROVEN CRIMES! Do not be distracted, UNRELENTING FOCUS ON THAT ONE ISSUE WOULD BRING THE HOUSE DOWN.

Julian Assange, officially declared an Enemy of the State
Julian Assange, officially declared an Enemy of the State

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