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Media Saturation -- the media orchestrated Paris March and the decline of Reason
by nano Sunday, Jan 11 2015, 9:01am
international / prose / post

The Hidden Agenda

Let’s hear it from the TRUTH shall we? What is the most violent religion in the world today, think before you spew (on media queue) Islam? The truth is Islam barely rates a mention against the staggering number of innocents slaughtered by the US and NATO; shall we coin a slogan/name, as the CFR-directed mass media would -- ‘Christofascism!’

Duped Paris Marchers
Duped Paris Marchers

Where were all the marchers when American sanctions and embargoes killed over half a million INNOCENT Iraqi CHILDREN? An outcome that the American Secretary of State described at the time as, “worth it?” Again, where were all the marchers when the illegal invasion of Iraq resulted in the first human holocaust of the 21st century, over 1.3 million civilians dead and another 5 million displaced by the manic, media brainwashed, bloodthirsty Christian NATO/US nations, whose puppet leaders, I would add, were front and foremost at the ORCHESTRATED Paris march -- give REASON and social AWARENESS a break, please!

Where indeed? Allow me to answer; the privately owned and highly concentrated mass media ignored these events and statistics for obvious reasons and so no media mobilisation of the masses took place. So why be so easily manipulated?

Need I mention the 5 million Indo-Chinese innocent peasants slaughtered by America’s CRIMINAL and INDISCRIMINATE, carpet bombing campaign during the illegal Vietnam war? I could go on but the point is made -- so let’s hear it, let alone march, for ALL the dead innocents that have lost their lives because ‘Christian’ America and its Zionist corporate and banker controllers wish to turn a stinking PROFIT by STEALING, by force of arms/VIOLENCE and terror, the precious resources of the nations they have now demonised!

As the original Christian, Jesus Christ, once stated unequivocally, the TRUTH -- not orchestrated propaganda and lies -- shall set you FREE!

The western media is in full hyper-saturation mode with compliant western 'journalists’ and interviewers, that couldn’t deconstruct a nursery rhyme, facilitating the BRAZEN propaganda that issues from its outlets.

What I have learned by observation and analysis over the years is whenever the mass media goes into saturation mode there is ALWAYS a hidden agenda, and one of the interviewers let it slip as she traversed the crowd asking leading questions and selecting obvious plants in the crowd to supply rehearsed answers. One ‘citizen’ gave all the preliminary answers about the event that the 'script' suggested and then the bomb was dropped but only heard by analysts, independent thinkers and REAL professionals , “DO YOU THINK THE FRENCH PEOPLE WOULD ACCEPT INCREASED SECURITY MEASURES AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE PARIS ATTACK? And there it was emerging from beneath all the hype and media overkill, the HIDDEN AGENDA! But please do not believe me or anyone else on face value, watch this agenda unfold before your very stupid and media-blinded, eyes!

It is all about implementing a socially oppressive fascist POLICE STATE, as has already been done in the United States. Remember the Boston bombing and the subsequent lockdown over ONE severely wounded teenager which simple detective work could have resolved.

Hermann Goering summed it up, to paraphrase, ‘create [fabricate] a perceived enemy/threat and the masses will be happy to surrender ALL their freedoms for the illusion of, “keeping us safe!" Now where have I heard that before?

The masses today are the same as they have always been, easily herded sheep.

Now a word on the solution and a positive play on the word “radicalisation.”

To be radical simply means to go against the current or prevailing status quo and what is the status quo today? Western designed perpetual war, violence, chaos and terror. So if anyone wishes to be TRULY RADICAL and Islam wishes to divest itself of all the negative labels western propagandists have attached to it, THEN ACTIVELY PURSUE PEACE and UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD, which is at the heart of all the great religions.

If you stand outside the media circus and become immune to brazen propaganda it becomes simplicity itself to thwart the evil designs and forces that only wish to divide and enslave humanity.

If Australia didn't fall for it then why should any other nation? Do not fall victim to outrageous lies, orchestrations and propaganda and allow history to repeat itself in this dangerous nuclear age.

The Truth is, and will always be -- we are ONE.

[If you see the sense in this piece, be an active force for good and share it with others.]

Goering with Hitler, "whenever anyone mentions culture I reach for my pistol."
Goering with Hitler, "whenever anyone mentions culture I reach for my pistol."

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