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US Credibility and the Murdoch Media
by baz Saturday, Jan 3 2015, 9:32pm
international / prose / post

Today -- 2015 -- I am happy to state that world opinion is accepting the grim reality that the ‘perpetual war’ driven USA is the world’s leading civilian killing nation by a country mile, which by all definitions gives it the well deserved status of the world’s leading terrorist State and no amount of misinformation, factual inversion or propaganda, which the Murdoch media specialises in disseminating, is able to shore up the myth that the USA represents freedom, liberty, peace and democracy, as the stark REALITY is CLEARLY the polar opposite.

Every nation that America has illegally and violently violated is in chaos and ruin today thanks to the singularly driven (profit only) myopic corporate ‘ethic’ -- that type of linear approach in a complex world has clearly failed and the pretexts of ‘humanitarian intervention’ have become known to the majority on the globe -- the hard reality of imperial, avaricious interventionism is now impossible to ignore, even for the vast majority of American denialists and flag-waving morons that rely on the Murdoch propaganda machine to obtain their fictional information.

The credibility of corporate controlled America today is less than zero on the integrity scale and fast entering minus numbers, a well earned rating indeed. With nowhere to run -- the above information is known by the criminal elites that run the United States -- America is about to play its last make or break card, WAR, as it faces ruin with attacks on its credibility/influence, the petro-dollar and the consequences of the absurd ‘toilet-paper’ overprinting of the soon to be worthless American dollar -- another well deserved outcome for the world’s leading criminal State.

One criminal fact among many stands out, the needless deaths of over 500,000 Iraqi children due to the inhuman US enforced embargoes on medical and other necessary supplies prior to the illegal military invasion of Iraq; that tactic speaks volumes about the criminal sociopaths that run the USA and its client vassal States. When questioned on this horror on American 60 minutes, then Secretary of State, Albright, responded, that “it was a very hard decision [to make] but WE think it was worth it,” -- ‘worth it’ indeed! Need I elaborate on the sickest State in the entire WORLD, which also laughingly claims to be a Christian nation; well, I refer these hypocrites to the New Testament and Jesus’ message on children and the fate that awaits those that harm the innocent, a fate which is fast approaching in the year 2015.

The pre-planned invasion of Iraq, based on LIES and fabrications, resulted in over 1 million innocent civilian deaths-- the first holocaust of the 21st century -- and 5 million displaced persons, well done the sickest criminal State in the world today!

It becomes apparent that it is impossible to perpetrate such horrific crimes on a grand scale without a huge propaganda and misinformation apparatus and the Murdoch media led the charge in that regard. Without Murdoch and other CFR controlled mass media propaganda outlets the criminal activities of the USA would not have been possible. Consequently Rupert Murdoch and other media barons are also DIRECTLY responsible for the criminal slaughter that occurs when America invades targeted nations for ‘humanitarian reasons’ in order to STEAL their resources, eliminate existing power structures and install compliant puppet regimes, as they have recently and crudely done once again in the Ukraine. However, the world is now far wiser and awake to the criminal tactics of the USA and to Murdoch his ilk and the criminal profit-only-driven, sociopaths that run America.

The American house of cards is collapsing, as it was only held together by media propaganda, outright LIES, and calculated deceit, and it is very well known that fiction is a very poor, and very temporary, substitute for REALITY.

However you imagine 2015 to be I would warn against false optimism, as everything points to disaster on a huge scale in every facet of life -- and guess who is to blame -- the apathetic, duped and complacent cowards that remained passive in the face of the most horrendous crimes committed in over a half a century. Well, the chickens have now come home to roost, which of course was inevitable, and everyone will pay through the nose for their criminal actions or passive inactions.

But there remains an infinitesimal shred of hope, but one against all the odds and that is that the people, as no other force has proven effective, will act and restore JUSTICE, peace and harmony to the world -- what a laugh!

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