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Oz-US Relations Today -- One-sided and Catastrophic for Oz
by snowy Wednesday, Dec 24 2014, 11:05pm
international / prose / post

All relationships whether of a macro nature, nation States, or micro, interpersonal human relations, are based on two binary components, destructive or constructive. Of course most complex relationships have varying degrees of both but it is the dominant factor that determines outcomes in either a positive or negative direction and in that sense Australia has entered into a suicidal pact with the USA by blindly and foolishly acquiescing to all of Washington’s demands without question -- in fact, Australia is no longer a sovereign nation, it has foolishly become a vassal State of the USA.

One need only recall Australia’s recent disgraceful past and the behaviour of former leaders of both major parties for confirmation. John ‘supreme coward’ Howard became an international laughing stock when he placed his head so far up Bush’s rectum he became part of Bush’s ‘body’and consequently participated, as a member of the ‘coalition of willing criminals’ with Bush and Blair in the illegal invasion of Iraq, which resulted in a holocaust with over one million innocent civilian deaths, five million displaced persons and a ruined State, which afforded an opportunity for the likes of ISIL to exploit to the hilt today, well done John and coalition!

The historical record confirms that the criminal invasion of Iraq was based on fabrications, LIES and American greed, facts which numerous commentators at the time openly and widely published. However, it should be noted that heinous war criminal Howard, did not compromise national security in the extreme sense, that task was left to the other puppet major party.

Julia Gillard, during her appalling tenure, signed an agreement with the USA that effectively allows the US to use Oz as a convenient military platform from which to attack China, a nation which happens to be Australia’s most important trading partner. Gillard’s doormat approach to Washington was every bit as obsequious and traitorous to the national interest as Howard’s with one major distinction, Gillard’s school-girl approach to America has resulted in Australia now becoming a primary nuclear target in the event of a very likely conflict, which America will no doubt provoke -- history again bears witness to American militarism, international theft and the callous murder of millions of innocent civilians.

If you are of the belief that a one-sided, dangerous and extremely compromising relationship with the war mongering USA is in Australia’s best interests I suggest that you go and get your head read, or at the very least switch to Fox news as a reliable source of ‘balanced, impartial’ information.

The status of Australia today is ‘primary nuclear target’ thanks to the obsequiousness of both major puppet parties, what a thorough tragedy for the nation. However, a few fools remain that believe our relationship with the overtly criminal, mass murdering and profoundly stupid USA, is the safest option regardless of the extreme cost; well, not so, as America has recently dropped its bundle big time -- a consequence of not adhering to its widely known, ‘divide and conquer’ subversive strategies/policies of nations targeted for resource theft and/or their strategic value.

The USA has by its undisguised aggressive actions against Russia AND China forced both, formerly competing nations, into each others’ arms as a matter of necessity. I am talking two superpowers that together form the strongest economic and military alliance in world history.

The US has survived to date not on skill, acumen, or any other ability, it survives simply because its currency is the default trading currency of the world. However, Russia and China’s new formidable alliance with other supporting and emerging trading nations forms a bloc EASILY able to pull the value-rug from under the massively over-printed dollar, which would send America into an unrecoverable tail spin overnight -- Both Putin and Xi have warned Washington of their intention if Washington persists with its insane pursuit of world domination rather than peaceful co-existence with other nations. History notes that it is America that engages in perpetual war at the behest of its profit-only driven corporations, whereas China pursues mutually beneficial business relations with other nations.

Russia is a military superpower and China is the strongest, based on real production, economic power in the world -- you do not have to be a rocket scientist to determine the very near future, WAR, and America, Australia and other US vassals will be the losers, as they have nothing to support them in times of crises; furthermore, the very fact that Oz is now a primary nuclear target would allow a retaliatory attack to nuke all our capital cities and then walk into non-irradiated environments to easily exploit ‘our’ valuable resources.

The current reality is the result of Australia’s complete lack of political nous and its inability to exploit or take advantage of its now critical geopolitical location -- need I refer to Tito, as the master of playing off superpowers to his own advantage, however, Tito was a real statesman and possibly the most wily and astute politician of the 20th century -- now compare our doormat, lackey politicians in Oz; they know they are not required to make any real decisions, as former PM Kevin Rudd once revealed to a colleague, “once we gain office (thanks Rupert) we won’t have to do anything” --- sociopathic Washington dictates, and talentless, stupid Canberra, follows.

It should never be forgotten that the clearly sociopathic and inept USA has no notion of mutual co-operation and constructive relations, it is a win or die nation. Australia and other nations America takes FULL advantage of, are clearly expendable conveniences to be exploited whatever the cost to the host nation -- make no mistake of that fact, America has never changed its ‘spots.’

Either Oz reviews its current suicidal relationship with the USA or it will pay a HUGE price for its folly. America has stupidly cornered itself and has only one strong card to play and that is the WAR card. However, no single nation or alliance today could hope to prevail against the combined economic and military strength of China and Russia.

Merry Christmas Canberra, as 2015 promises to be the most tumultuous year in world history.

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