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Oz politics gone to the dogs
by stan Thursday, Dec 4 2014, 10:38am
international / prose / post

Over the past two days the opposition leader, Bill Shorten, and his shadow treasurer have been grilled by interviewers on the ABC and what a piss-poor show the ‘opposition’ put on with constant evasion, avoidance of direct questions relating to policies and how they would manage the economy.

If the interviews proved one thing it is that both major parties are in the pockets of big business. The questions put to the opposition where essentially revenue/tax related and O how the interviewees squirmed!

Both major parties refuse to regulate and tax fairly the mega-corporations raping the nation of its finite wealth and absconding off-shore with a combined trillions in profits to avoid tax. Well, there is a fundamental rule in Oz society, or at least there was, and that is that those that benefit most from the nation should return most to the nation -- it couldn’t be simpler or plainer. The means for gaining lost revenue, the lack of which has now impacted heavily on the national economy and government coffers, is primarily TAXATION.

To his credit Shorten hinted at it but was non-specific and in today’s political climate where the population craves integrity, clarity and firm policy declarations -- that will not be reversed after gaining office -- the opposition sealed its fate. The nation’s expectations from our politicians couldn’t be clearer today according to recent polls.

Both major parties are acutely aware of the polls but nevertheless were loath to put the real solution in plain terms, TAX the tax avoiders and return revenue, in overall percentage terms, to levels governments enjoyed only a few decades past. However, a decade is a long time and the corporatocracy now runs, by virtue of its tax-avoiding wealth, all western governments including the puppet show of both major Oz parties taking turns serving big business instead of the people; a thoroughly intolerable and disgraceful reality in Australia today.

Oz currently has the displeasure of being governed by a criminal fraud PM, who promised the plutocrats prior to the election that he would dismantle the ABC, for Murdoch, and allow mega-miner Gina Rinehart to pollute the Barrier Reef in order to make it easier for her to conveniently ship coal out of environmentally sensitive areas. It should be noted that Abbott the fraud, made these promises PRIOR to the elections but now lies once AGAIN to the national media that his raft of reversed promises and flagrant campaign lies are the result of circumstance, well, we have a wish list published before that lying criminal stole office which clearly spells out the truth of the matter. The commitments Abbott made to the plutocrats in exchange for their support was to fulfil THEIR demands and Abbott is nothing if not a servant to the rich and powerful MINORITY.

However, the opposition proved in the past two days that they are no better than lying Abbott and his conservatives, and what a tragedy that is for Australia; imagine, an UNPROSECUTED criminal fraud as PM and an opposition that also serves the same interests. Is there any hope for Oz? YOU BET THERE IS, and that is for the nation to get off the corporate controlled, two major party merry-go-round and elect real independents (not ‘ring-ins’ from major parties) to office to REPRESENT the majority, which is real democracy.

The media always presents local politics as an ‘either-or’ situation which it is not, as anyone that fulfils the criteria can stand for election on the simple platform that they will represent the people and return revenue that the mega-corporations and big banks are evading.

If you falsely imagine that Labor today is really a viable alternative to the Liberals, simply recall that it was Labor that de-regulated the banks and allowed them to screw the public and make phenomenal profits by introducing fees ‘for breathing in their offices’ and allowing them extraordinary freedom to accrue ever more funds which they keep for themselves to make even greater profits. And if that deregulation wasn’t painful enough, former Labor PM Keating then surrendered our currency to Wall St speculators by floating the dollar -- that act was the final nail in the coffin of Oz sovereignty.

So Australia, if it’s not plain now then it never will be. Charges must be brought against Abbott for stealing office by calculated, intentional, fraud and an election forced. Aussies will note that both Abbott and his insular treasurer constantly refer to the end of their term as the appropriate time when people have the opportunity to change government, however, the truth is Abbott could easily be removed yesterday if the people pressed for charges to be laid for the outrageous FRAUD he perpetrated on the nation; and whenever it is time to go to the polls never give the two major parties support at any level of State and Federal politics.

For those that live in fear of change then note this and note it well -- of course we envisage a backlash from the corporatocracy for having the gall to FORCE them to pay their fare share of tax, but remember that a forced/artificial decline in the economy creates massive job opportunities and nation building opportunities -- what better outcome could there be for Aussies but to take back and re-build their nation? A nation that every Australian could take pride in.

My final word is ostracise the two major parties and prosecute lying, traitorous Abbott and force an election. Never forget that real democracy is a participator sport and a very satisfying experience -- successive Labor and Liberal governments have destroyed local industries, manufacturing and development by acquiescing to the globalist ideology, which plutocrats represent. More jobs than people should be the outcome of a forward moving Oz not the petty US vassal that Oz is today thanks to whom, people?

I will conclude by quoting another Labor sell-out. Soon after his infamous New York lunch/interview with Murdoch; Kevin Rudd, stated to a colleague that “after gaining office we won’t have to do anything,” implying of course that plutocrats make all the 'important’ decisions, and Rudd sure kept his word -- Labor/Liberal, you must be joking!

The time for two major puppet parties pandering to mega-wealthy plutocrats and large multi-national corporations is OVER!

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