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MH17: Disgraceful ‘Journalism’ in support of Abbott from Biased Murdoch Rag
by tracy - news.com.au Friday, Nov 14 2014, 1:15am
international / prose / post

Can you imagine the deal struck between Tony Abbott, a KNOWN LYING scoundrel, and media mogul Rupert Murdoch prior to Murdoch installing Abbott into Office; ‘yes, Rupert, I will dismantle the Oz ABC for you and implement every enslaving globalist policy you request just support me and it’s done!'


Whether spoken or communicated by other means that would have been the gist of the deal, and for the remaining few doubters out there, simply refer to the damning gala dinner ‘wish list,’ which was published PRIOR to the election and you will have the measure of an unrepresentative plutocrat interfering in the democratic process -- which is a crime -- and a treacherous LYING bastard that would do anything to gain the office of PM, including selling-out the nation and Australian people.

Now consider the pre-election wish list, Abbott’s subsequent actions (in support of an elitist plutocrat) and the raft of DELIBERATE, contemptuous, LIES Abbott told to consciously DECEIVE the Australian people!

Murdoch, undoubtedly grateful to criminal (‘fraudulent misrepresentation’ and ‘acquiring benefit/gain by false and deceitful means’) Abbott for implementing the first stages of the plan to completely eliminate the Oz ABC, seems to be keeping his part of the bargain and is naturally hoping for more of his requests (orders) to be implemented -- if you think this BRAZEN criminal activity from both parties is democracy in action then you’re either insane or demented!

Now to Murdoch’s propaganda apparatus and the massive OMMISSIONS and flagrant BIAS it clearly displays. A prefatory note is in order -- the official investigation into the cause of the MH17 disaster is being conducted by the Dutch and they have NOT yet REACHED a positive CONCLUSION, but that ‘minor’ detail has not interfered with Murdoch’s fiction-disseminating apparatus.

The Murdoch ‘story’ (below) serves numerous purposes, it attempts to portray Abbott as some tough player on the world stage when in fact he is an international laughing stock, well known for his idiotic comments, erroneous assumptions and imbecilic actions. It further distracts from Abbott’s monumental failures with economic policy, which for the most part have been blocked in the Senate creating a $55 million hole in the treasurer’s bullshit budget of globalist AUSTERITY, for one of the wealthiest per capita countries on earth.

But the most disgraceful aspect of the 'story’ is the one sided reporting of events, which is all in Abbott’s favour. Can you imagine covering a critical discussion between two national leaders and ONLY reporting on what one of them said? Not one word about Putin’s replies to imbecile, loud mouth, Abbott, which we could easily sum up as, ‘get fucked, you Aussie imbecile you have no idea what you’re talking about, you pathologically lying creep’ -- but all couched in diplomatic language of course, Putin is a very well known quantity!

Make up your own mind on this scandalous piece of journalist ‘crap,’ which has become Murdoch’s trade mark.

Another un-intended message that the story delivers is that Murdoch and Abbott should be PROSECUTED and JAILED for their OBVIOUS COLLUSION and crimes.

Murdoch Media report follows:

What Abbott said to Vladimir Putin
by Murdoch staff (no-one understandably wants to put their name to it)

TONY Abbott today revealed he had bluntly told Russian hard man Vladimir Putin to stop bullying and trying to revive “the lost glories of tsarism”.

Prime Minister Abbott said that in their private talks at the APEC summit in Beijing over the weekend he had urged President Putin to work for global peace.

“And one of the points I tried to make to Putin is that Russia would be so much more attractive if it was aspiring to be a superpower for peace and freedom and prosperity, if it was trying to be a superpower for ideas and for values,” he recalled.

“Instead of trying to recreate the lost glories of tsarism or the old Soviet Union.”

It was at these talks Mr Abbott asked Mr Putin to apologise for the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH17 which crashed on Ukraine soil near where Russian-backed rebels were operating.

He today gave further details of that meeting today while appearing at a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

The Australian Prime Minister said Russia should “come clean and atone” for MH17, thus setting up what could be further tensions between him and Mr Putin.

Mr Abbott pointed to “Russian assertiveness”, a reference to the small Russian fleet which has arrived off Australian waters just as President Putin arrives for the G20 summit in Brisbane.

And he pointed to what he called “a regrettable pattern” of Russian behaviour.

“Whether it’s the bullying of Ukraine, whether it’s the increasing Russian military aircraft flying into the air space of Japan, European countries, whether it’s the naval task group which is now in the South Pacific, Russia is being much more assertive now than it has been for a very long time. “Interestingly, Russia’s economy is declining even as Russia’s assertiveness is increasing.”

Mr Abbott added “The last part of the world that I ever thought Australians would be particularly focused on is the fields of the eastern Ukraine, but we are great travellers and because we are great travellers we were among the principal victims of the MH17 atrocity.

“And it is our clear understanding, obviously there’s an investigation that goes on.

“But on the evidence so far, clearly this was shot down by Russian-backed rebels most likely using Russian-supplied equipment.

“There is a heavy responsibility on Russia to come clean and atone.”

© 2014 News Limited [Naturally!]

Abbott sucking up to Murdoch at pre-election 'gala dinner'
Abbott sucking up to Murdoch at pre-election 'gala dinner'

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