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Abbott orders Federal Police to drop Balibo case
by mitch Friday, Oct 24 2014, 9:02am
international / prose / post

Possibly the most treacherous example of Abbott’s callous and criminally deceptive character to date is the recent order to the AFP to drop the Balibo war crimes case against Indonesian special forces for the witnessed, cold-blooded murder of five Australian journalists covering events in East Timor during the brutal Indonesian invasion in the mid 70‘s -- which crime was, I would add, sanctioned by the USA.

Tony 'false pretences' Abbott
Tony 'false pretences' Abbott

Tens of thousands of Timorese civilians were slaughtered simply because they asserted their right for independence, which they have since won, though in name only, as the US using its vassal Australia, controls Timor Leste and its vast oil and gas resource wealth.

It is known in informed circles that the AFP is the federal government’s police force, and various chiefs have gone to great lengths to serve the political interests of the incumbent government, the most notable of which was former chief Keelty spending millions of tax-payer dollars in a futile attempt to convict a clearly innocent Indian doctor (Haneef) of terrorism offences in order to enhance the re-election prospects of John Howard. Though this is an extreme example, it nevertheless indicates the very tight relationship between the Feds and the incumbent government.

So now we have another conservative leader, who also happens to be a protégé of John Howard, in power. Note the timing of Abbott’s recent Indonesian visit with the dropping of the case, which visit is primarily concerned with establishing good relations with the new Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, who is already asserting Indonesian sovereignty regarding Australia’s lax attitude to its maritime borders and air space.

In order to curry favour with the new Indonesian leader, Abbott, who is supremely unskilled in diplomacy, decided to close a case which the NSW Coroner had no difficulty with regarding identifying the guilty parties. The investigation was long and thorough and included eye witness accounts and other damning evidence especially (though unofficially) material from our signals corps which illegally monitored all communications between Indonesian field officers and their superiors during the invasion; the Coroner's case easily and clearly established the identities of those most culpable; the Coroner concluded after a long and thorough investigation that the Australian journalists "died from wounds sustained when (they) were shot and or stabbed deliberately, and not in the heat of battle, by members of the Indonesian special forces, including Commander Christoforus Da Silva and Captain Yunus Yosfiah ...," who issued the command to reluctant troops facing unarmed Australians, “don’t think, just shoot!” The Coroner’s full report is available on the parent site.

Indeed, the risk of exposure was great, as history has shown, however, suppressing the monstrous war crimes being committed in East Timor proved more important and so the unfortunate five Australian journalists were murdered in cold blood, a fact that sitting PM at the time, Gough Whitlam, was painfully aware of and he will never live it down in life or death in this time of folk hero myth-making.

It seems that regardless of political stripe both owned major parties refuse to protect Aussies in their time of greatest need, an unforgivable situation and monumental folly as these occurrences inevitably become widely known. Political expediency is no excuse for a lack of balls, but again, Washington determines policy for Oz and Indonesia so it's all academic unless of course, the wine imbibing, beer swilling population decides that THEIR politicians, that currently represent and serve foreign minority interests, require radical reform intervention -- I dearly would like to be the person that issues the command ‘think and then shoot the treasonous scum,’ regarding our plutocrat serving, unrepresentative politicians.

The closing of this official case is a very sad day for Australian sovereignty and the people though most of the population couldn’t give a shit, so enjoy the next heinous crime and treachery that Abbott no doubt has in store for the politically useless Australian people. Need I say that the current renaissance in global State crime is the direct result of the apathy, selfishness and cowardice of domestic populations.

So the next time calculating, callous Abbott pretends to be concerned with the welfare of the Australian people know that whatever he intends to implement he does for unrepresentative minority interests and not for the benefit of the Oz population. Abbott gained office by calculated deception and fraud and for that he is easily removed from power should the people and the judiciary seek to enforce the law -- the failure is not that of a known pathologically lying duplicitous criminal, the failure is clearly attributable to the Oz population for not taking the appropriate course of action regarding removing Abbott legally from power.

The politically expedient dropping of the Balibo case is simply another example of the contempt that Abbott secretly harbours for the Australian population. Simply sum up Abbott's actions to date and you will easily see a dominant anti-Australian (globalist) theme. Abbott has already abandoned the people -- immediately after gaining office -- so it really is no surprise that he would not seek justice for five brave murdered Australians.

Researchers may explore the many posts on the Balibo case on the parent site by keying ‘Balibo,’ minus the inverted commas, in the site search box.

A thorough disgrace
A thorough disgrace

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