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The ‘Thrive’ Movement
by numbat Monday, Oct 13 2014, 1:23am
international / prose / post

I was recently sent a link to a video presentation on a group calling itself ‘The Thrive Movement.’ The presentation is a reasonably slick production which covers the existence of an evil moneyed elite that has an agenda for world domination, the existence of which is known by socially informed and aware individuals. However, one of the person’s utilised to support the theories of this movement is David Icke, who is featured in the video; for those unfamiliar with this character suffice to say that Icke invented the insane and totally absurd theory that lizards (reptile humanoids) have ruled the world for thousands of years and us poor mammals are their enslaved subjects -- clearly a textbook schizophrenic delusion. Immediately any sane person is alerted!

Australian Numbat facing extinction
Australian Numbat facing extinction

I had occasion to expose Icke some years back when he was invited by a money grubbing, quick to vanish organisation, to lecture in Melbourne and fleece the gullible fringe. I need not add to my previous appraisal of Icke but should alert the public that anyone that features Icke as a credible source is clearly of questionable integrity and/or has lost the plot, as this character is a widely known nut case and con man -- I might add that Icke’s defence, which he mentions in the video, is that he found it liberating when he ceased worrying about what other people thought of him -- a very feeble justification/excuse for his preposterous claims, as one need not take refuge in insanity to be immune from the opinions of others.

The video begins with the announcement of the discovery of a free source of limitless, non-polluting energy which would liberate humanity from the grip of corporatists and bankers. What is clearly inferred is that this group has indeed discovered the holy grail of non-polluting “free energy,” so I persisted with this 2 hour video only to learn that the claim was a figurative allusion, a means of ‘hooking’ viewers.

It uses the historically common to many cultures geometric designs that relate to the so-called Flower of Life/Metatron’s Cube to sell the false promise that it has discovered the source of free energy, though the cube is not mentioned by name, an intentional omission as there is nothing to indicate a free energy apparatus in the design of Metatron’s Cube -- so I would ask to see a demonstration of their free energy apparatus, which clearly does not exist.

The problem is that this ‘Thrive’ group has amalgamated all the credible material of this secretive elite cabal and accurately described its evil designs to control/enslave humanity, I have no argument with these accurate references, however, its intentions are questionable for reasons mentioned above. There are many fringe groups which accurately portray the globalist agenda, however, as informed researches are aware, some of the most notable groups, which purport to be in opposition to the cabals are in fact creations of this elite group of criminals, created to control opposition to it! It is known that this evil elite feeds of conflict and war so it finances both sides in most major conflicts in order to profit from the victor and vanquished. The globalist elite literally own both major political parties in all democratic nations today and all so-called free and fair elections are merely charades to give the impression that people have a choice when in fact the elite dictates policy to whoever they install in power, isn’t that right Mr. (CFR) Murdoch?

Also, I never trust anyone that advocates not removing this sociopathic, mass murdering elite by force, these dynastic families are directly responsible for slaughtering billions of innocent human beings throughout history for profit and have today brought the entire planet to the threshold of climate doom due to their pathological desire for money and power. In view of the fact that these groups control governments they are always able avoid justice and the law. So what options remain? I am not a religionist, as all ‘sacred’ texts are merely compendiums of cultural wisdom steeped in metaphor and allegory though in many instances certain passages contain literal information one of which is poetic Ecclesiastes 3:

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
I could say who am I to argue with God but of course all Gods are creations of men so I would emphasise the extreme urgency all life on earth faces today from corporate pollution-induced climate change, disease and the perpetual war cycle promoted by this pathological cabal. It makes perfect practical, sane sense to apply a surgical solution and remove this minority -- a few thousand at most -- group of known evil psychopaths by whatever expedient means are available. I am neither afraid to live or die as one compliments the other but I surely will never be led to the slaughter like the subjugated, pacifist sheeple that populate the world today. Furthermore, elitist created ‘oppositions’ always advocate passivity and peace to protect themselves while they continue to murder millions on an ongoing basis -- wake up on this issue for Christ’s sake; I recall even Jesus Christ said he came with a sword (to use when necessary), notwithstanding he whipped and went berserk in the temple ejecting the banksters of his day! While I’m at it, did you know that Gautama Buddha, as historically recorded, relentlessly attacked the thoroughly corrupt Brahmin priest class that ideologically enslaved the masses of his day?

So there is no escaping the fact that direct action has become an imperative today unless of course you wish to be led to the slaughter chanting peace all the way! Perhaps if you are a channeler you should ask, JFK, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and John Lennon how they feel about being assassinated by this evil cabal and whether they would do things slightly differently given the chance that YOU have but they do not.

Wake up world, it is time!

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