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The Restoration
by gan Sunday, Oct 12 2014, 2:39am
international / prose / post

l almost titled this piece The ‘Great’ Restoration, as indeed it would be if the global population simply and easily exercised its LEGAL prerogatives to maintain and ensure personal and national SOVEREIGNTY in a world where certain malevolent forces are hell-bent on eradicating all notions of independence, self-determination and sovereignty.

The forces to which I refer have a horrid agenda to enslave the entire world’s population via economic means, debt slavery, and technological hyper-intrusion via pan surveillance -- an Orwellian ‘brave new world’ scenario in the real world. The reality today is that every free individual and every free democratic nation is under siege, whether that reality is widely appreciated or not.

‘Sovereignty’ -- a clear definition is appropriate at this stage: “supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community; freedom from external control, autonomy; Synonyms: autonomy, independence, liberty, self-determination, self-governance, freedom. Antonyms: dependence, subjection, slavery.” Get the picture?

It would also be useful to test these accurate definitions by applying them to ourselves. Honest and aware persons would arrive at the appalling truth that we are for the most part subjects and our opinions, wishes and desires, which SHOULD be expressed via our elected 'REPRESENTATIVES’ are contemptuously ignored in favour of the minority wishes and the dark agendas of ruling oligarchs and plutocrats.

We have searing examples of the current reality in the form of Barack Obama, who lied and deceived his way into office and then pursued the cabalistic agenda that the previous Bush regime pursued. The latest outrageous example of rule by deception, is Tony Abbott, the pretender to the highest office in Australia -- this man railed against the former leader for her dis-ingenuity and single lie about a carbon tax. However, Tony Abbott, determined to gain office by ‘hook or crook,’ made NUMEROUS pledges and promises to lull the population into voting for him. No sooner was this scoundrel in office than he reneged on every important pledge and promise bar one, his calculated frauds and deceit not only far exceeded that of the former PM, who he attacked mercilessly for her single lie, but far exceeded that of any other PM in Australian history! The simple reality is that both Abbott and Obama have gained office by false pretences and fraud, and as most people are aware gaining advantage by deception and fraud is clearly a criminal offence, but therein lies the dilemma the global masses face today. These two scoundrels remain in office when clearly they should have been removed and placed on trial according to Oz and US criminal law -- and if criminal law does not apply to politicians then it does not apply to anyone!

The test has been applied and the result is that we are powerless, cringing slaves unable to exercise our inalienable sovereign rights, as not removing criminal scoundrels from public life proves; you need not be a lawyer to understand simple right from wrong and criminal fraud.

There are many forces today that strain to keep the masses subject, the most notable of which is the corporate mass media which distracts, obfuscates and misinforms the public according to the directives of the CFR, an elite organisation to which Rupert Murdoch belongs -- and as most Aussies are aware, it is Murdoch that installs and un-installs national leaders; what a complete travesty of democracy and sovereignty!

The reality is this, neither Obama, Abbott or any other criminal leader is able to endure without the consent -- active or passive -- of the masses; and so we have the deplorable reality of cowardice, alienation, disunity and social paralysis in plague proportions today -- do not ask why a handful of criminals create mayhem, chaos and run roughshod over the entire world, just take a look in the mirror and you will face the Truth about the condition of the world -- unrestrained pollution-induced climate change, disease and perpetual war, which are all solvable problems, are about to wipe out most of the global population, which coincidentally, suits the designs and agenda of the evil cabal which we failed to contain -- so the tragic joke is on us!

Now in this age of accessible and instant communication how difficult is it to widely inform and then DEMAND the legal removal of all known criminals from positions of power, influence or authority, I ask you?

If you are concerned about surveillance use ‘Tor’, or alternatively, just have a nice nihilistic day.

Disseminate this message if you have the moral principles required.

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