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Abbott Cynically Cashing in on ‘convenient’ MH-17 tragedy -- $5m/year spin doctors fail first test
by lou Friday, Jul 25 2014, 3:28am
international / prose / post

It is no secret that Abbott is the most flagrantly disingenuous, duplicitous, in a word, DISHONEST person to ever have occupied the office of PM in Australia. Abbott’s countless LIES make Gillard’s single LIE look positively tame, in fact, universally detested, corporate-loving Gillard is the standard Abbott used to denounce the lack of integrity of the entire Labor Party. So today it is only proper that we apply that same (his) standard to Abbott himself and what a miserable failure he is!

Tony Abbott, LIAR!
Tony Abbott, LIAR!

Prior to proceeding I must first establish some verifiable historical realities/FACTS.

- The corporate controlled USA is the leading civilian killing -- therefore terrorist by DEFINITION -- nation in the world today. Tony Abbott is, as his mentor John Howard was, completely subservient to that criminal, FOREIGN nation.

- The USA LIED about Bin Laden and 9/11, then Saddam and 9/11, then Saddam and WMD then continued lying to justify every military and covert intervention, Iraq Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, since the illegal Balkan intervention.

- The odds of two airliners (MH-370-MH-17) from the same carrier meeting with extraordinary catastrophes a few months apart without intentional human intervention are astronomical and defy the farthest reaches of imagination.

- Corporate controlled America is known to have no regard for innocent human life whatsoever -- 1.5 million murdered civilians in Iraq alone, 3-4 million slaughtered civilians during the carpet bombing of S.E. Asia, to name only two of many reprehensible episodes.

- Abbott is spending $5m/year of taxpayer funds on spin doctors to repair his image and create the illusion that he is a good honest man of integrity, notwithstanding the Murdoch press is CONSTANTLY engaged in that futile task.

- The corporate mass media is privately owned and only publishes what serves its interests.

- The UN has not been an independent body since the USA detonated a massive truck bomb in Iraq and assassinated UN officials monitoring the illegal (corporate oil theft) Iraq invasion.

- I must add that one of my lecturers in semiotic analysis once said, ‘in the world of politics there are no coincidences, only convenient arrangements.’

OK, so now to exposing that reprehensible LIAR and treasonous Washington lackey, Tony Abbott, with a view to bringing down the whole house; the talentless ruling elite and their pathetic spin doctors -- they will learn never to use zealots in politics again. Abbott is the key that will unlock the door to the entire nefarious global cabal of oligarchs and plutocrats. Abbott, ‘gentlemen,’ is a dunce and fanatic, a combo that ensures DRAMATIC failure -- in his own words he is the “suppository” of the Australian nation.

I reproduce this Murdoch press article below, as it is a prime example of how Murdoch and his media manages the cultural consciousness -- i.e. via omissions, distortions and LIES. Bracketed comments added.

Tony Abbott’s handling of Malaysia Airlines MH-17 incident sees a spike in his approval rating [a ‘leading’ headline, notwithstanding his approval rating had bottomed]
by Charis Chang

FOR the first time since Tony Abbott was elected, many Australians are catching a glimpse of another [illusionary created] side of the Prime Minister and a begrudging respect is emerging. [is it?]

Mr Abbott has been praised [by whom? percentages required] for his handling of the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, with even his detractors impressed by his strong response. [Not so, flagrant generalisation.]

[Under instructions from Washington] He [lackey] was the first world leader [making unproven, speculative, wild accusations] to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin and to express his “dissatisfaction” of the superpower’s handling of the incident. [Indeed, it is a matter of historical record -- which nation is infamously known for staging terrorist events to further its interests?]

Australians seem to have noticed with many [very few (sock puppets)] tweeting their approval.

Leaders’ popularity traditionally rises after natural [orchestrated] disasters, wars and terrorist attacks. Former US President George W. Bush [war criminal] managed to secure an unlikely second term [verified Florida voting irregularity] after September 11.

John Howard’s approval rating peaked after the Port Arthur massacre, according to chairman of Newspoll, Sol Lebovic, as well as after “the Tampa affair and the terrorist attacks of September 11, the Bali bombing, and the war in Iraq”. [Very true!]

Former Queensland Premier Anna Bligh’s handling of the 2010-11 floods [humanitarian effort is not cynical, political exploitation] turned her fortunes around, putting her ahead of the Liberal party after months of poor polling.

Associate Professor Haydon Manning of Flinders University said he couldn’t think of a leader who hadn’t benefited from a crisis. [Staged or otherwise]

“To put it in crude terms, it offers our Prime Minister every opportunity to [cynically exploit the tragic situation for political gain] show another side of their character,” Prof Manning said.

“We have basically seen the toughness [Abbott is a rabid, zealot, fanatic, not tough, except perhaps when he opposes a female] of Tony Abbott, standing up to a powerful world leader [thousands of K away and hiding behind the US] but we have also seen his softer side, he has been able to show a depth of feeling [rubbish, he is a (known) sociopath reading from a carefully prepared script -- $5m/year].”

The political scientist said the handling of the [highly suspect and convenient for Israel] Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 and the fact that Australia was [ordered by Washington that uses Oz habitually for political purposes] leading the United Nations Security Council response presented an image of the country that people approved of.

“They see the Australian Prime Minister immediately in contact with world leaders ... and leading the world to do the right thing,” he said. [Abbott’s extremely gross handling of the AUSTERITY budget in WEALTHY Oz threatened to expose more powerful interests than stupid Abbott or Obama/Washington.]

During a crisis, media coverage was also focused on the government response. [Indeed, it was but it somehow lost focus (blackout) on the civilian slaughter of civilians by the criminal IDF in Gaza.]

“The Opposition is sidelined, [as are the war crimes of other nations] they basically have nothing to contribute.”

But while Prof Manning did expect to see Mr Abbott benefit from a slight improvement in the polls, he said it might not impact his election prospects. [Hopefully this contemptuous scoundrel will be ousted from office well before the year is out -- LYING to the extent Abbott did to gain office sets an extremely dangerous precedent.]

“If the election was this year, or six months out, it may have a real impact on how people vote,” he said. But at this stage there were too many other critical events ahead of the government including two more Budgets and other possible mini-Budgets.

“At this stage it doesn't have any real relevance,” Prof Manning said. [True.]

“It puts Abbott in a strong and positive light but would probably not mean a complete recovery of the terrible opinion polls in recent months.” [True.]

Prior to the [convenient] downing of MH17, Mr Abbott was struggling in the polls and in the latest Fairfax-Nielsen poll published yesterday, this trend continued.

In the poll taken before the crash, Labor was well ahead of the coalition, 54 per cent to 46 per cent on a two-party preferred basis.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten continued to be out in front of Mr Abbott as preferred prime minister, 46 per cent to 41 per cent. Mr Abbott’s trustworthiness rating also lagged behind Mr Shorten’s at a record low of 35 per cent to 45 per cent.

Prof Manning said the crisis would be a welcome circuit-breaker to the negative news cycle around Mr Abbott’s unpopular Budget. [True.]

But said that suggestions that Mr Abbott was exploiting the MH17 tragedy was “ridiculous garbage”. [Tell that to his spin doctors that scripted his speech about bringing home the bodies.]

“In the end you can’t lead a political party if you are morally vacuous, [the US has been doing exactly that for decades] you would have been found out along the way,” he said. [Yes, a raft of murderous LIES and deceptions and the suspect trigger event, 9/11, all exposed today.]

© 2014 News Limited

My lecturers in mass communication often stated that good analysts look behind the news at connected events and known patterns of beaviour, not at the packaged ‘postage stamp’ news! And you dear reader have just been treated to a little walk behind the ‘news.’ However, the important thing is not to believe anyone without a depth analysis of events; swallowing stories from the privately owned mass media is complete folly.

The above story is well done in the rhetorical sense, however, the propagandist that presented it should be ashamed of herself for prostituting her talent to a reprehensible mass murderer like CFR Rupert Murdoch.

Please note the embedded links contain critical information relevant to this piece and to a deeper understanding of the mass media in general.

To sum up and return to title relevance, Abbott’s spin doctors salivated at the opportunity to capitalise/exploit the very convenient, suspect disaster of MH-17 and the associated tragic loss of almost 300 lives; HOWEVER, as one of the embedded links explains in detail, the massacre of thousands of innocent civilians, including an inordinate number of children taking refuge in UN schools and other ‘safe’ havens in GAZA since 2012; these murders constitute reprehensible war crimes that strangely did not seem worthy of mention by the great humanitarian, Tony Abbott! Unlike those responsible for the MH-17 tragedy, the world is already aware of the identity of the Gaza killers, and so it will be of great interest to see how the ‘unbiased, balanced’ mass media reports on that issue and the obvious crimes being committed by the IDF as I write!

Although selected reporters questioned Abbott on the detained Tamil refugees not a single mention of the Gaza slaughter was made by Abbott during his ‘humanitarian’ speech, his spin doctors, or the selected reporters attending the press conference -- do you like those odds for Abbott’s supposed humanitarian concerns? So who failed this $5m/year spin doctor test -- you bunch of dunces, I wouldn’t feed any of you. Media students could have done a better job! A blackout on the innocent civilian death toll in Gaza, which is triple that of MH-17 is unforgivable and exposes the lot of you as disingenuous scoundrels and fifth rate spin doctors.

Abbott’s entire ‘bringing the bodies home’ speech/exercise/spin was a cynical exploitation of events designed to boost his deserved below zero approval ratings.

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