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Call it Intuition
by rayn - Raw Story Tuesday, Jul 15 2014, 12:11pm
international / prose / post

Over the years, like most people that do not live in a box, I learned a thing or two about existence, in fact, very early in my free -- mother and father were lost causes, as a result I received no religious, ethical, moral or other instruction or indoctrination from either parent except that drink and drugs were necessary to cope with life and that if I had a child that child presented a target for abuse not of love and affection! And so it was that I was free, and oddly enough I never lamented my lot, though when visiting friends' houses I was enthralled almost hypnotised to see how relatively normal families functioned.


Parents spoke to their children and recognised them as individuals with an identity, not as extensions of themselves, friends’ parents did not whip their children for misdemeanours; house and apartments were clean and regular meals were provided, three (if necessary) but usually twice per day. I witnessed togetherness and an environment of mutual support for the fist time; having been deprived of both it made a very strong impression on me.

But that is not the lesson I learned that is most relevant to this story though a little background info was required.

I discovered very early that when you have nowhere to turn you naturally turn to something that is a part of you, that ever-present thing that comforts when all else is extremely uncomfortable. I came into contact with something special at a very early age -- it was of necessity not choice, if I was to survive and hopefully prosper.

The law I discovered -- the universe runs on these laws -- was that ‘no-one gets out’ until every ‘t’ is crossed and every ‘i’ is dotted, sound familiar? In other words cheats, liars, thieves, and all manner of vile human degeneracy -- Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Blair, Bush, John Howard, Wolfowitz, Perle, Obama, Clinton, to name a few living examples -- that imagine they have succeeded or gotten away with ‘it’ -- 9/11 comes to mind immediately -- are simply living in conceit, self-delusion and a very temporary fool’s paradise.

Actions cannot be undone, no-one has the ability to render any previous action impotent or to neutralise its consequences, that is simply the way it is and has always been. To think, as many infantile religionists do, that some man-made religion/God is able to wipe your slate clean is pure escapist fantasy -- I could quote from religions and philosophies, if you wish, let’s try the law of karma which the Buddhists and Hindus consider real and inevitable; we could even quote from the heavily edited and tampered-with New Testament that says, ‘you reap what you sow;’ this universe and its laws cannot be cheated and there is no (useless) man-made‘God’ that is able to do anything about it, history proves as much!

This continuous universe/cosmos is an expression of the intelligence that made it manifest -- infinity is infinity because it is perfect; something cannot endure forever with even a minute flaw, as that flaw would at some stage surface and bring the entire show undone -- existence would be extinguished if the slightest fundamental flaw existed, that is simple logic, though I do appreciate that modern man, especially the ‘ME,’ x-y generations, have no concept of infinity or perfection, which I find most intriguing.

Now to some recent news but prior to that I must mention that nations, planets, individuals, everything, all carry consequential energy, good and evil in qualitative moral terms.
I refer now to the collective karma of the USA and some of the consequences of that load on the nation.

The US population has allowed a tiny group of very weak criminals to hijack democracy and set the nation on a course of perpetual war, mass murder and resource plunder.

The USA is responsible for the first human holocaust of the 21st century in Iraq -- a nation now ruined so a few oil companies and banks could turn a profit. However, the most heinous crime the US commits almost daily is willfully killing INNOCENT civilians, and if perchance a Drone pilot is reading this, I pity you more than the American nation, as you and every other fool in uniform that kills, maims and tortures innocent men, women and children for corporate profit is doomed simply because YOU have a CHOICE!

To justify these heinous crimes America attempts to sell itself to the world as “exceptional,” indeed, the world is well aware that Americans are indeed exceptional at self-delusion, denial, arrogance and all manner of crimes against humanity, “we came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha!” Hillary Clinton’s open sociopathic public behaviour after learning of Gaddafi’s murder, typifies a very perverse, sick nation and culture. However, do not think for a minute that YOU, as a timid cowardly US citizen is somehow immune from the consequences of your nation’s actions, because you are NOT!

It is immaterial that politicised courts refuse to hold the nation and its war criminals to account, REALITY always prevails; Hitler’s judicial system was in his pocket and what good did it do him? Nope, there’s no running from the horrid crimes that America now relishes in, like some ghoulish, blood-consuming fiend. All the horror, misery and destruction America has wrought on a once relatively peaceful world is not forgotten or ignored, every ‘jot and tittle’ must be accounted for -- make no mistake about that!

So to the latest news at last, which carries with it the type of just retribution America will suffer and more, and I do not exaggerate when I predict, as many others have before me that the nation will be torn apart physically and what remains will have no resemblance to the familiar American continent; hundreds of millions will die horrid deaths, tens of millions overnight, the US will become a literal hell hole in the not too distant future. I refer of course to abrupt geophysical change the power of which will humble the nations of the earth and I’m no prophet in the classical sense, I am only a sensitive; if only a tiny fraction of what I have seen comes to pass then woe, woe, America.

Prior to re-posting the following piece I would make reference to the Yellowstone “Caldera,” which in layman’s terms could be described as the mother of volcanoes, as it gives birth to many; however, if a caldera blows it has the power to obliterate entire continents from the face of the earth and there you have your destruction by fire and pyroclastic gases and debris. The energy released is equivalent to the force of millions of mega-tonnes of atomic energy without the toxic radiation, not that it matters as much of the earth’s interior is radioactive.

Take this as a warning to leave, those people that need no qualification from me:

Parts of Yellowstone National Park closed after massive ‘super-volcano’ beneath it melts roads
by Scott Kaufman

Tourists at Yellowstone National Park are being barred from areas of the park because the massive underground supervolcano beneath it is melting the asphalt roads.

“It basically turned the asphalt into soup. It turned the gravel road into oatmeal,” Yellowstone spokesman Dan Hottle said. In particular, Hottle said that the road between the park’s most popular attraction, Old Faithful, and Madison Junction has been dangerously compromised.

Park officials also asked tourists not to hike into the affected areas, as the danger of stepping through what appears to be solid soil into boiling-hot water was “high.”

“There are plenty of other great places to see thermal features in the park,” park spokesman Al Nash told The Weather Channel. “I wouldn’t risk personal injury to see these during this temporary closure.”

It is not known when the road, which services the three million people who visit the park every year, will be reopened.

The last time the supervolcano beneath Yellowstone actually erupted was 640,000 years ago, U.S. Geological Survey records show.

Late last year, geologists discovered that the supervolcano was more than twice as large as previously thought.

“We found it to be about two-and-a-half times larger than we thought,” the University of Utah’s James Farrell told National Geographic. “That’s not to say it’s getting any bigger,” he added, “just that our ability to see it is getting better.”

© 2014 Raw Story Media, Inc
I would mention that I have also ‘seen’ the Rabaul Caldera (above Australia) blow!

The question now should be is redemption possible?

The answer is obvious, as the prevailing forces of the universe/cosmos would indicate in a word, harmony, or expressed a little differently, ‘enduring perfection.’ However, redemption in the proper sense is process not some idiotic magic wand waving which infantile religionists seem to prefer; remember, your transgressions are of omission and commission, so the more you avoid and the less you do the more you are damned -- I apologise to sane mature readers for the distraction but I have a penchant for turning religion back onto mindless religionists, as they live in constant self-induced turmoil and fear but express it as violence and cruelty toward other human beings not of their idiotic persuasion -- the hellish Abrahamic trio are the primary offenders in this regard, as history and current events bear out.

So, yes indeed, we are able to redeem ourselves, our nations and the planet, by abandoning ‘darkness and evil’ -- personified by the neo-cons, Dick Cheney and ilk -- and turning to the ‘right/light,’ please excuse the metaphors but as humans we do share a certain commonality and I know that you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Now to some solutions.

Informed people are aware that the pivotal event that dark forces created, engineered and utilised to establish their rule of terror and oppression and their horror of perpetual war was the 9/11 false flag operation. We also are aware that the Bush government 9/11 Commission was formed to steer perception away from the truth and to perpetuate a LIE -- in other words the 9/11 Commission report is a FARCE, which becomes more evident as each year passes; primary school children have trouble swallowing it today, in fact, they reject it emphatically in view of the abundance of scientific, specialist evidence now freely available in the public domain.

However, prior to the world becoming aware of the dastardly inside job that 9/11 is, New York Police (NYPD) and New York Firefighters were aware on the day that it was an inside job, as they were on the scene and remain eye witnesses to numerous demolition explosions prior to the collapse of three steel framed buildings, one of which was not impacted by any aircraft!

What we all have in this event is a very efficient means by which we are able to topple and jail the cowardly sinister forces that have hijacked the American nation.

I am not referring to solo whistle blowers that tell us what we already know in essence; governments now conveniently use ‘whistle blowers’ to further their agenda of psychological control and oppression. I am referring to a chorus of witnesses and highly specialised experts not only exposing the operation but demanding that a full comprehensive inquiry be undertaken, the forensic nature of which would leave no doubts as to the nature of CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT.

Today it is the group that will effect change and this inquiry, most likely privately funded, should be established in New York at Ground Zero. Solo operators/whistle blowers have clearly failed today. However, I am definitely not referring to another meandering directionless failed group like OCCUPY, I speak of a unified skilled group of various people and specialists from all walks coming together for the express purpose of conducting a private inquiry, which would see most of those involved in this ‘false flag’ operation, including Mossad agents, brought to justice or dealt with one way or another -- Israel as a nation would not survive a forensic 9/11 inquiry! You see, most informed people have already done years of research and are aware of the truth and the rotten to the core criminals that have turned on their own in order to turn a buck and service the singular pursuit of corporations.

Harness yourselves to the most sublime and powerful harmonious force in existence, the forced expressed variously as Love, Peace and Truth.

I record this today as it will eventuate as REALITY in the not too distant future. Take heart honest America, pursue the Truth together and regain your Freedom.

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