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Tony Abbott Prepares new Assault on Vulnerable But Ignores Corporate Tax Avoiders
by stan Friday, May 30 2014, 11:09am
international / prose / post

The link below has all the heartless and cowardly details of Abbott’s next phase in his attack on the most vulnerable in society, but I would rather spend time on Abbott’s strategies for selling his unjustified austerity policies to the public.


Abbott did not get to his present position as PM by accident so he does possess some skills, the most notable of which is his ability to set the political agenda and frame social discourse/debate to serve his interests; he destroyed his former political opponent JuLIAR Gillard by controlling the parliamentary debate and so we must keep an eagle eye on Abbott and his disingenuous, deceptive tactics.

Readers would note that Abbott is currently leading the dunce mass media by the nose by framing the debate/DISCOURSE around ‘debt and entitlements’ and portraying pensioners and other recipients that have paid the highest percentage in taxes all their working lives, as social parasites. Clearly, there is MUCH more to it than Abbott’s clever DISTRACTION! For instance, how many times have you heard Abbott mention the corporate sector’s aversion to shouldering their fair tax responsibility to the nation?

It is widely known that the corporate sector with all its government concessions reaps the greatest benefit from the nation (trillions of dollars per annum) and YET the highest earners pay the least tax or return the least to the nation they benefit from. That is verifiable fact, check out declining government TAX rates on the corporate sector and REVENUE levels over the past fifty years and you will be horrified at the scale of avoidance and the lack of government revenue coming from the wealthiest sector TODAY.

So where is the debate about Abbott’s mismanagement of GOVERNMENT REVENUE and corporate tax avoidance? NON-EXISTENT simply because BOTH major political parties are effectively ‘owned’ by the wealthiest in the land and spineless journalists do not make an issue of this SCANDAL for fear of losing their jobs in the corporate media.

Every government since Whitlam, it is fair to say, has sucked/sucks plutocrat cock and cunt (Rinehart) in Oz; however, since Howard’s shameless subservience -- crawling to the criminal USA on all fours -- sucking corporate/American cock has become part of the Oz mainstream political process and to hell with the MAJORITY.

Abbott is guilty of treason for selling out the Oz public and serving minority interests rather than the national majority interest; he is an undisguised corporate lackey and errand boy to the plutocrats. 'His' policies can be traced back to a pre-election ‘gala dinner’ during which he was handed a corporate wish list which he is now religiously adhering to without even a minor variation!

It is incumbent on all of us not to be duped by this master of distraction and duplicity; the sooner he is turfed from office the better for the people and the nation. Abbott must be seen for the traitorous scoundrel that he actually is -- whichever way you look at him it is not a pretty picture.

An irate reader sent me the following accurate appraisal of Abbott. But we should not forget OUR primary responsibility, and that is to RESTORE representative DEMOCRACY to Oz:

I was recently sent an email in which our Australian prime minister was described as a “horses arse,” I object strongly to this as it is an insult to horses and incorrect. Tony Abbot is not a “horses arse,” he is a totally different kind of an “ass”.

To understand this you need a little update on comparative anatomy and the wonders of proctology.

Phony tony abbot(t) is a narcissistic, arrogant, delusional sick man, with the empathy of a gnat, who thinks he is “G-o-d!”

In short he is a mendacious, mean spirited mongrel! He is, to be pedantic and precise, a “Mongrel’s Ass” and an exploration of proctology proves it. Juggling letters is a time honored practice that sometimes produces profound insights.

G-o-d reversed equals d-o-g. Now take a squiz at the pic above; is that our lord ? or? truthless, phony Tony Abbot(t) peeping out from under the tail!?

Are YOU able to see him because I sure can?!

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