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Dunce Hockey is taking fall for Abbott
by baz Friday, Apr 25 2014, 12:08am
international / prose / post

Perhaps a short history lesson for you, Joe. Did Keating take the fall for narcissist Hawke, NO, he showed him up to be the useless prick that he was/is and then took his job. [Please note, in no way am I extolling the non-existent virtues of ANY politician, I am simply stating historical fact.] Did corporate-serving, brazen LIAR Gillard accept responsibility for ‘show pony’ Rudd’s failings, whose idea of leadership was arranging photo ops, NO, she dispatched him with a Murdoch/Washington approved dagger in the back and he never got over it? Why then are you, Joe, taking the fall for Abbott, facilitator to the PLUTOCRACY?

Hockey (left) and PM Abbott, no brain between them!
Hockey (left) and PM Abbott, no brain between them!

The short answer is Hockey is a useful (expendable) idiot dunce, every conservative party has one. It may be time to seek some practical advice from lawyer brother Charles, Joe. Your leader, Tony Abbott, like previous Oz leaders before him, is easily summed up in two characteristic words, which also betrays his Achilles heel, “errand boy!”

Plutocrat serving Tony Abbott is simply an ERRAND BOY for non-representative PLUTOCRATS, are we required to once AGAIN publish photographic and documentary evidence of him sucking up to Rinehart and Murdoch at a pre-election “gala dinner” [use search box at left] during which Abbott promised to execute a wish list HANDED TO HIM by the plutocrats that placed him in office to do THEIR bidding, isn’t that right, Rupert?

Abbott is probably easier to dispatch than Rudd or Hawke (are you reading this Labor?) as he, unlike his mentor, war criminal Howard, is fundamentally inept at disguising his actions -- a fatal flaw he shares with Gillard.

But why should I assist either traitorous party? The SIMPLE reason Hockey is strapped for cash is that the Transnational Corporatists and Plutocrats HE SERVES refuse to shoulder their proper tax burden unlike average Aussies that have always carried the heaviest personal tax burden. The following simple tax rule never fails to restore balance, fairness an increaser government REVENUE -- ‘those who TAKE most from Oz should RETURN most to Oz!’ Furthermore, the elite private sector (Wall St) has ordered, via Washington, the servile Abbott government to purchase dozens of over-priced, fault-ridden jet fighters from U.S. company Lockheed Martin in order to boost its lagging profits -- gee, all those wasted billions must really help our bottom line, ay, Joe?

You deserve everything you get Hockey, for targeting the most vulnerable and powerless in society, you despicable COWARD! As for the rest of your unrepresentative, TREASONOUS colleagues they will face trial in the not too distant future.

One final question, Joe, which nation will trigger and lead the FREE WORLD in eliminating the CRIMINAL oligarchy and plutocracy, and their political puppets, from the face of the earth? It’s in our blood Joe, but we know you’ll have to think about it, doh!

‘Onya Oz! BOYCOTT ALL MAJOR OWNED PARTIES AND VOTE REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS INTO OFFICE AT EVERY ELECTION, PEOPLE, and leave the big boys to us, we already have them cornered! [What are you going to do now, Zbigniew? While you are focusing on the the 'big’ things (a typical American weakness) it’s the ‘little’ things that are bringing you undone -- notwithstanding, we are simply smarter than you and your think tank sycophants. All your resources and all your inept agencies have been unable to identify a single member of our group/cooperative in over a DECADE -- LMFAO!

Choke on it, Ziggy; Oz is paradise, the highly skilled international underground have been immigrating here for years!]

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