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Ideological Weapons of Ruling Elites
by clancy Sunday, Feb 23 2014, 10:00am
international / prose / post

The title of an article on a popular alternative website triggered an appropriate response in me; it read, “The Weapons of the Poor.” It was written by a Christian cleric who surprisingly exhibited a broader than average perspective and analytical skills, which are usually absent in religious clerics, as cleric is a profession characterised by blind belief, irrational faith and wishful thinking, or ‘hope’ -- remind you of a certain fake US president and his lying presidential campaign, does it?


The article describes how meaning is derived from context and that messages that are taken out of context are fake or “pretexts” and subject to distortion -- an accurate observation no doubt. “Jesus spoke about the unfair relationship between employer and employee, about inequitable wages, about the absurd excesses of wealth and the terrible consequences of poverty.” There is no doubting this ‘narrative’ fact but another secondary narrative reality that is hardly mentioned by clerics, tells another no less important story and that is that Jesus was supported and backed by a group of very rich and organised revolutionaries. John was the equivalent of a billionaire; Peter and his brothers owned a fishing boat, which was a huge asset and provided an enormous income, they would be considered millionaires today; Nicodemus, that shady, well-heeled midnight rambler and spy was a member of the ruling elite and helped stage the coup at the capital with other members of the team that skulked around Jerusalem identified only as the man with a “water pitcher” and the owner of lodgings where the last supper was held etc. at times the Christian gospels reads like an Ian Flemming novel.

The narrative, which must be read as plain text to be fully appreciated, is full of these shady characters cooperatively working together to subvert the prevailing ideology and overthrow the ruling priest class of the day.

It should be noted that Jesus was in want for nothing, he didn’t even carry money, he always asked for it to be brought to him to make a point; every material need was provided for him, it’s all in the text! In other words, Jesus was used in much the same way as wealthy ruling elites of today use types like Obama or any other political puppet you care to name, not even Putin or the Chinese ruling elite lead in there own right anymore. Follow the money trail today and in the time of Christ and contextual meaning describes something altogether different from what we are taught in Sunday schools. Nevertheless, the NT remains a very strong and appealing narrative of social reform and revolution, much more appealing than what is preached by imbecile priests and clerics. If we reject the magic, superstition and absurdities like the literal virgin birth the NT becomes a POWERFUL handbook of social reform and revolution.

Jesus' mother Mary was fucked by a man -- probably not Joseph -- at fifteen, and just like every other woman (mammal) she reproduced. Furthermore, if certain non-canonical gospels (excluded by the Council of Nicea) have credence, which I suspect they do, Jesus also had his cock sucked by Magdalene and perhaps other female followers, and why not, it’s perfectly natural? If Jesus existed he was clearly a man that ate, shitted, farted and fucked, get a grip on reality not fantasy, dreamboats!

Prior to describing the real weapons of the poor, I would state that the author clearly has good intentions but possibly misses the point. Jesus also said the poor you will ALWAYS have with you, hmmmm! I would now draw your attention to the current and historical REALITY of the many cultures that exist and have existed on earth that have never had 'the poor’ as described by Jesus -- a failed God but a heroic man! Of course my first reference is Australian originals, poverty never existed in Aboriginal culture, why? Simply because traditional cultures actually put into practice what is preached but not followed in the NT, and that is to share everything equitably among members of society. So poverty didn’t exist in many cultures and certainly was therefore not a permanent feature in traditional societies!

Jesus was fallible like all men, so do not hold it against him or try to make excuses, plain narrative fact refutes all attempts. But I do not hear anyone screaming, ‘you just pulled that interpretation out of context, Jesus was referring specifically to avaricious, self-seeking, dishonest, greedy Jews! Clearly, little has changed today if we look to Jewish-run institutional banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

But let’s not get carried away on the positive message in the narrative of the overthrow of wealthy plutocrats and corrupt, dishonest and deceitful ruling elites. The narrative unfortunately also prepares Christians for slavery by claiming that poverty is a given, natural or permanent condition, which it is NOT! Where is revolution if the poor foolishly accept their lot, I would ask the author?

Poverty and/or slavery should never be accepted at any time if others in a given society have obscene amounts of material wealth; balance should immediately be restored by any means available, as poverty is an intolerable condition created by greedy pigs, liars and cheats, CRIMINALS, in a word -- that is historical fact and demonstrable today in American and other thoroughly corrupt societies. But of course the American population has been trained and socialised to accept the unacceptable via media propaganda, religion and other forms of disinformation.

Minority ruling elites today have a symbiotic relationship with religious institutions, as is CLEARLY the case currently in Oz; the new plutocrat serving PM, Tony Abbott, and the nation’s leading Catholic, cardinal, George Pell, are as thick as thieves!

The other matter of Jesus’ raging hypocrisy I shall leave for a separate paper -- you simply cannot have such a vocal and strong disdain for wealth and the rich while you are surrounded and supported by the filthy rich and ambitious yourself, isn’t that right, Jimmy Jesus Christ? If you are in your antiquated 'monarchical' Kingdom please refer to the heavenly librarian and ask to have INTEGRITY defined for you -- always happy to be of service, maate!

O, shit, my apologies, I almost forgot; the weapons of the poor are not what is described in the article they are more powerful and supremely effective if deployed; I shall only name one, and that is the sheer force of numbers.

The poor are the vast majority today but they have been trained to accept their lot by minority ruling elites; however, if the poor decided to use their numbers as a weapon, then God help the Jews of the NT and the Jews of today! United, the poor and the dispossessed could step on minority ruling elites like the cockroaches they are.

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