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The Common Wealth
by justin kuang Thursday, Feb 13 2014, 1:57am
international / prose / post

and the garage sale of Australia

It stands inviolable that the natural wealth of any nation belongs to the people of that nation, though the Plutocrats and Corporatists would do everything in their power to promote a misleading, contrary view.

Murdoch, my boy Tony!
Murdoch, my boy Tony!

A former national or State Bank of Australia, once known as the "Commonwealth Bank of Australia," an exceedingly appropriate name, was surrendered to the private sector some time ago by a treasonous PM (Paul Keating) who also surrendered the nation's sovereign currency to the criminal rogues on Wall Street. This once national bank, has recently been re-named to the 'Comm Bank,' by its new private owners, for obvious reasons -- 'we' wouldn't want people waking to the fact that there is such a concept as 'common wealth' in this nation -- which is now undergoing the last stages of its enslavement to the globalist plutocracy courtesy of the current puppet PM Tony Abbott, who has been commissioned by the plutocrats to dismantle and/or sell what remains of our manufacturing sector and other ESSENTIAL to INDEPENDENCE, sovereign industries.

Tony Abbott, in the true puppet tradition of Oz governments, is bowing to the plutocracy and selling the nation at bargain basement prices to Internationalist, borderless, rapacious Transnationals and foreign interests that are grabbing freehold arable land by the square mile and other critical resource lease-holdings for a song.

The result is simple, slavery and servitude for the nation and Oz citizens to non-Australian commercial interests that now supply the nation's food and other essential products/industries of our age.

The national automotive manufacturing industry is all but gone with the remaining manufacturers pledging to take their plants offshore.


Now the REASON I am writing this short historical piece is that all these events have been occurring under the noses and open eyes of the local population, which, like its global counterpart, has been thoroughly 'managed' into subjection by the ruling plutocracy and their privately owned media/propaganda apparatus.

Politically Oz remains a theoretical democracy and the people -- if they were of a mind -- could easily install REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT and RESTORE their nation any time they choose but the plutocrats continue to OPENLY select leaders from the two major parties they effectively own/control.

Watching Abbott grovel to plutocrats Murdoch and Rinehart, at the 'errand boy gala dinner' they held for their next puppet leader was truly disgusting and a tragedy for the nation. BUT the RESPONSIBILITY of these historical events and the subversion of Oz democracy and Oz freedom, falls directly onto the shoulders of the PEOPLE for allowing these events to transpire in the first instance.

The morbid fear and astounding social paralysis displayed by the Oz population that it shares with the 'genitally groped' North American population and to a lesser extent the European population is unparalleled in history, but fortunately for the free world, Asian populations are not so easily affected and they number in the Billions!

I have nothing more to add except enjoy your new slave status, you suckarse, western DOGS! Plutocrats and business interests are a known quantity and their behaviour is not out of character, BUT this is the first time in history the entire global population has allowed obvious thieves and corporate criminals to steal the family jewels from under their noses in broad daylight.

As is clearly evident, the blame and responsibility falls directly on the masses that (theoretically) remain the most powerful social force for good in existence!

[Government health insurer Medibank to be sold and now Australia Post.]

UPDATE: 14 Feb

The State of Victoria has intervened with $22m to save traditional food producer SPC Ardmona while a redundant Federal government continues to dismantle and sell off national assets/sovereignty!

The real story here is REDUNDANCY and non-representation. A non-representative plutocrat-serving puppet Federal government and a loyal State government that refused to let an important sovereign industry and thousands of jobs go to the waste bin. IN OTHER WORDS VICTORIA HAS CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED THAT THE MOST PRACTICAL COURSE TO TAKE WHEN A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BEHAVES AGAINST THE NATIONAL INTEREST IS, SECESSION!

What need does a nation have for a government that serves minority, elitist interests to the great cost of the population and national interest? Short answer, NONE!

A very clear message has just been sent to errand boy Tony Abbott and his traitorous conservatives in Canberra; risk jail for treason and/or State secession if you continue to serve elitist minority interests and sell-out the Australian people and nation -- the message Abbott and his scumbag Liberals got today couldn't be clearer or sweeter!

Gina Rinehart, world's richest woman
Gina Rinehart, world's richest woman

Puppet PM, Tony Abbott
Puppet PM, Tony Abbott


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