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This pic is composed therefore contrived, as is the (sell) article from the Oz ABC image The Far Left Fascists of America james, Sunday, Jan 14 2018, 8:44pm
The American social/political experiment (failure) is now over-ripe. American society now boasts an extreme left, fully armed and ready to fight the ultra-right fascists in the land. Now note that extreme left and right movements are both fascistic, there is little to separate their BEHAVIOUR and methods though they subscribe to what appears to be opposite ideologies. But as all extreme ideologies morph into fascism, regardless of all the nonsensical and sensical arguments, one cannot avoid a fascist/totalitarian, or nihilistic conclusion. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The American Bogeyman Syndrome Peter Van Buren via gail, Sunday, Jan 14 2018, 6:40pm
Fear has always been a tool of the vested interests to retain power, make money, and keep the masses under control. But now things may be veering off the rails.
international / prose / post

text Shack zed, Sunday, Jan 14 2018, 1:47am
international / poetry / post

text Trump 'Turns On' Pakistan (In More Ways Than he Could Imagine) Eric Margolis via jane, Saturday, Jan 13 2018, 7:25pm
Henry Kissinger rightly noted that it’s often more dangerous being an ally [Iraq] of the United States than its enemy. The latest victim of this sad truism is Pakistan, a loyal ally of the US since the dawn of our era.
international / prose / post

text The Undulations lex, Saturday, Jan 13 2018, 9:21am
international / poetry / post

text Trump, AGAIN! stacey, Friday, Jan 12 2018, 8:44pm
C'mmon PEOPLE, Trump has always been a racist, HE WEARS IT ON HIS SLEEVE, so all the unjustified coverage, "shit hole (black) nations," is unwarranted. Surely by now everyone is aware that Trump would say or do anything to maintain his sick presence in the media.

Now if you truly wish to hurt Trump and his unbridled narcissism, CEASE FALLING FOR HIS TRICKS! Cease coverage of Trump anything, except for third person references, no pics or direct references -- GOT IT, morons in the media?
international / prose / post

Audit the $250 Billion, Russia -- that simple! image Corrupt Globalist PUPPET Putin Sits Back and Allows ILLEGAL Israeli Air Strikes on Syria Darius Shahtahmasebi via jaxie, Friday, Jan 12 2018, 7:55pm
If any deluded fool in the west remains in doubt about Putin, wake up. He has a record of abandoning allies in their most critical time of need. He allowed the US to install clearly offensive missiles on Russia's land borders, under the pretext that they were intended to protect Europe from missile attacks from Iran, a nation that does not and has never possessed the technology to do so. Now he allows, with international LAW on his side, the criminal Israelis to bomb at will sovereign Syria, an allied nation. Who are you and your $250 billion corrupt US dollars trying to kid, Putin? It is incumbent on Russian patriots/military to face REALITY and put an End to this treasonous maggot once and for all. Putin's corruption and treason is more brazen and obvious than Washington's corruption by the deep state. Follow link below for details on illegal Israeli bombing campaign. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text FBI and other U.S. Agencies NOT Russia, Subverting American Democracy Ray McGovern via cyd, Friday, Jan 12 2018, 7:19pm
"We suddenly have documentary proof that key elements of the U.S. intelligence community were trying to short-circuit the U.S. democratic process. And that puts in a new and dark context the year-long promotion of Russia-gate. It now appears that it was not the Russians trying to rig the outcome of the U.S. election, but leading officials of the U.S. intelligence community, shadowy characters sometimes called the Deep State."
international / prose / post

text Mass Media and Intel Agency Collusion Over Decades Bill Blunden via jess, Thursday, Jan 11 2018, 1:50am
Steven Spielberg's new movie The Post presents the story behind Katharine Graham's decision to publish the Pentagon Papers in The Washington Post. As the closing credits roll, one is left with the impression of a publisher who adopts an adversarial stance towards powerful government officials. Despite the director's $50 million budget (or, perhaps, because of it), there are crucial details that are swept under the rug -- details that might lead viewers towards a more accurate understanding of the relationship between the mainstream corporate press and the government.
international / prose / post

text The Puppet and Slave Show james, Wednesday, Jan 10 2018, 10:09pm
It is no secret that all recent US presidents serve unrepresentative corporate and financial elite interests, which always prefer to remain behind the scenes. These interests OWN both major parties in the US and other ‘democratic’ nations around the globe. These so-called democratic nations all have one thing in common, leaders that lie through their teeth to get elected and then serve elite interests, which interests are largely against the exploited public interest. This is no secret.
international / prose / post

text Acorn jill, Wednesday, Jan 10 2018, 9:28am
international / poetry / post

text Interesting Turn of Events in 'Russiagate' Conspiracy Paul Craig Roberts via justin, Wednesday, Jan 10 2018, 6:20am
Russiagate originated in a conspiracy between the military/security complex, the Clinton-controlled Democratic National Committee, and the liberal/progressive/left. The goal of the military/security complex is to protect its out-sized budget and power by preventing President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. Hillary and the DNC want to explain away their election loss by blaming a Trump/Putin conspiracy to steal the election. The liberal/progressive/left want Trump driven from office.
international / prose / post

donaldtrumpyoutube.jpg image Trump, the 'Very Stable Genius,' Is Falling Apart as Mueller Seeks Interview Jefferson Morley via jake, Wednesday, Jan 10 2018, 5:09am
The tide of discussion of President Trump’s mental competence is rising along with the alarm of the president’s lawyers. As special prosecutor Robert Mueller seeks an interview with President Trump, the president's legal representatives are grappling with the challenge of a talkative client who alternates between self-serving lies and self-destructive truths while sowing doubts among his own closest aides about his mental stability. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Iran Would Easily Survive yet Another Feeble Colour Revolution Attempt by the USA justin, Tuesday, Jan 9 2018, 9:10pm
Indeed, the USA has tried this form of destabilisation numerous times in the past, and each has met with FAILURE. One wonders at times why America persists with these futile attempts, but we know, the American deep state is ossified and is unable to learn NEW tricks, so like the insane, defined by Einstein, it continues to pursue failed methods hoping for another outcome.
international / prose / post

bigbrother.jpg image NSA Surveillance Bill Would Legalize Indiscriminate Spying on Any citizen WITHOUT a WARRANT Alex Emmons via jane, Tuesday, Jan 9 2018, 8:20pm
With major NSA surveillance authorities set to expire later this month, House Republicans are rushing to pass a bill that would not only reauthorize existing powers, but also codify into law some practices that critics have called unconstitutional. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Crushing Net Neutrality Hits Opposition in Senate Jake Johnson via shirl, Monday, Jan 8 2018, 7:01pm
"Supporting net neutrality should be a no-brainer for members of Congress, whose constituents from across the political spectrum are united in their opposition to the Trump FCC's attack on the open internet."
international / prose / post

text The Trump White House From a Different Perspective jude, Sunday, Jan 7 2018, 7:48pm
Depending on how you view any situation you arrive at certain conclusions creating a reality for yourself -- there is no escaping this post-modernist view, which is proven daily. Safety of course is enabled by numbers, my views align with such and such ‘powerful’ entities, so I’m safe.
international / prose / post

text Dotard claire, Sunday, Jan 7 2018, 9:04am
international / poetry / post

radioactive.jpg image Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown continues Unabated Helen Caldicott via jane, Saturday, Jan 6 2018, 9:59pm
It has become apparent that the nuclear fiasco at Fukushima, largely the result of corporate deceit fraud and failures to take the usual precautions, is beyond repair and stabilisation. The reactors CONTINUE to pour massive amounts of poisonous radiation into Northern hemisphere oceans and no-one is willing to take responsibility. Well, legal challenges from affected nations would soon remedy that. Clearly two corporations and governments are responsible and that allows for massive reparations and future compensation for the increasing radiation discharge into the sea, with no REAL efforts to stem it. It is viewed as hopeless though responsible parties continue to sweat over the REAL possibilities of legal challenges, not only from Japanese immediately affected but from the many nations which would soon be seriously affected by radioactive seas/seafood on their shores. There are reasons why the elite owned mass media has blocked stories on the ongoing problems at Fukushima. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

"stable genius" and "very smart," MORON image Pakistan Just Shoved Boot Down America’s Throat -- thanks, “stable genius” Donald james, Saturday, Jan 6 2018, 8:49pm
Indeed, Trump the shallowest thinker in the history of politics, unintentionally invited Pakistan to teach America a lesson it would not soon forget. Pakistan has just ordered over 1.3 million Afghan refugees to leave the country and return home in 30 days. Of course the effect is entirely predictable, thanks to “stable genius”, in his own words, Trump, who thoughtlessly tweeted the following: (story and 1 image)
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