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'Killary' Clinton image Why the CIA [and Oligarchs] are for Hillary Clinton Patrick Martin via jane, Monday, Aug 8 2016, 12:16am
In an op-ed column in Friday’s New York Times, former top CIA official Michael Morell publicly endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. In the article, Morell branded Clinton’s Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a pawn of Russian President Vladimir Putin (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Dis-empowering American Mainstream Journo feebly attempts to Dupe the Masses jake, Sunday, Aug 7 2016, 11:14pm
I could scarcely believe what I was reading, an article from the mainstream Boston Globe by one, questionable character (easily proven), Stephen Kinzer. The article is titled, "Don't Blame the Masses,” which of course is counter-intuitive and erroneously based as reality begs to differ, So I decided to read this feeble attempt at apologetics, journalistic contortion and mis-information, as I was to discover, and what a tragic read it was/is!
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PDF Document Members of US Senate Oppose Obama Plan for $1 trillion nuclear weapons ‘modernisation’ james, Saturday, Aug 6 2016, 9:53pm
If it wasn’t so tragic (and deceptive) you’d have to laugh at the way the transparent mass media and shadow government deals with critically IMPORTANT news. Just before Obama’s orchestrated and well timed visit to Hiroshima and before puppet Liar-in-Chief made peace speeches to the world, Obama quietly sanctioned military plans to overhaul, “modernise” America’s nuclear arsenal at an estimated cost of almost one trillion dollars, which action makes his 'peace' speeches just another lying con/ruse -- it is an OPEN secret that plans are underway to attack Russia and China in order to ‘subdue/contain’ these two superpowers and force them to conform to Washington’s dictates, fat chance! The fact that Russia and China are sovereign independent nations with a combined military strength that exceeds that of the US/NATO, seems to be lost on neocon psychopaths behind this push for “Full Spectrum Dominance/Pax Americana” or nuclear war in plain words. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text The Future in a Word: WAR! jess, Friday, Aug 5 2016, 9:04pm
How is it possible that a clearly rogue nation (USA) which touts world domination by military force and flouts international and local laws habitually, has become the leader of all western nations, when its past and present leaders should be on trial? If you ask that very relevant question the answer becomes plain, western populations have surrendered their democratic (majority rule) prerogatives to criminals in high office and as a result, are being led like sheep to the slaughter. 'If you follow a blowfly it can only lead you to shit!' -- an old Slav adage.
international / prose / post

ruddturnbull.jpg image Rudd vs Turnbull -- clash of the pathological Narcissists jess, Thursday, Aug 4 2016, 7:30pm
We all know what Rudd is capable of, he excels if offended in subversion, and Turnbull would be very lucky indeed if Rudd restrained his wrath over Turnbull refusing to allow Rudd to compete for UN leadership -- notwithstanding Rudd has no chance and therein lies Turnbull’s huge folly. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Hanson's One Nation party, now force in Senate -- Political Dunce Malcolm Turnbull does it YET AGAIN jaxie, Thursday, Aug 4 2016, 1:56am
Turnbull could have called a standard election any time he chose after becoming leader of his party -- he should have capitalised on his unfounded media popularity when he had it. However, Turnbull imagined he was unbeatable, as he believed the baseless media hype himself, silly fool! So he called a Double Dissolution election in order to clean out the Senate of what he thought were obstructionists. Well, now, far-right bigots have gained four Senate seats; though they do not possess the balance of power, the Greens maintain that position, it is a disastrous outcome. Four Senate seats are now held by myopic, parochial, avowed racists and political dunces, which creates a Senate more difficult than before Turnbull's ‘genius’ DD election. Sure, he will claim it was a ‘cabinet decision,’ hoping to evade responsibility and duck for cover, however, Turnbull is 'leader' and takes FULL responsibility for the fiasco the nation and sane parliamentarians NOW face.
international / prose / post

Politically inept fool, Malcolm Turnbull image Oz Census: Turnbull’s Deluded ‘Absolutes’ darcy, Wednesday, Aug 3 2016, 10:59pm
It is clear that narcissist Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull is a political dunce. Politicians learn very early in their careers NEVER to make absolute statements, as it is these that cause the most grief for any politician -- as these statements always prove incorrect. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Stop Griping and Engage stella, Wednesday, Aug 3 2016, 1:04am
The world is in the throes of total denial and avoidance, excuse-making today has become a plague. However, the FACT remains, in DEMOCRATIC societies the MAJORITY should rule, so why is that not the case? Simple, WE acquiesce rather than ACT! I’ve heard all the lame excuses, “it’s no use so why bother,” distills most of them, why bother, indeed?
international / prose / post

Slobodan Milosevic - most likely murdered by NATO/US image Milosevic Exonerated by ICTY -- a 'little' late! Andy Wilcoxson via jaxie, Tuesday, Aug 2 2016, 1:23am
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has determined that the late Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic was not responsible for war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Hold Fast shaz, Monday, Aug 1 2016, 11:41pm
international / poetry / post

text Russia and China “.. to jointly deal with maritime security threats” in South China Sea mitch, Sunday, Jul 31 2016, 12:14am
It has already been postulated that the South China Sea may be the most likely flash point for WWIII. The stakes are high as outlined in that article and idiotic, obsequious Australia will learn that kowtowing to America is NOT WORTH becoming a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET -- neutrality is without doubt the only option for Australia but tell that to our clearly SPINELESS, knee-walking politicians.
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money_toilet_roll.jpg image “... If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit." jas, Saturday, Jul 30 2016, 1:32am
You better believe it, these words are as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago, and I am no believer in fictitious ‘Gods or Saviours’ as I know that humans only are able to save themselves as a species; nevertheless, most fictitious theological narratives contain nuggets of pure TRUTH. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Hillary: Untrustworthy and Dangerous little puppet of the nefarious global Elite val, Friday, Jul 29 2016, 3:19am
I have just witnessed H. Clinton attempting to come across to the American people as just your average family woman, she also stated that Trump can’t be trusted with nuclear weapons if he gains office, well, true but Clinton is far less trustworthy than Trump in that regard.
international / prose / post

video The Allegory of a Lion raised as a Sheep jas, Friday, Jul 29 2016, 12:54am
When I was a child, I watched a Disney cartoon about a Lion that was raised as a sheep, it made an impression on me, though I was too young to appreciate its implications, i.e. to unravel the now obvious allegory. Indeed, fairy tales have hidden meanings as many writers have explained and what better way to reach/teach the population than by disguising the message in a fairy tale. Certain interests that censor information and manage society are usually indifferent to this genre. (story and 1 video)
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southchinasea.jpg image The Real Situation in the South China Sea Pepe Escobar via shirl, Wednesday, Jul 27 2016, 11:50pm
The South China Sea is and will continue to be the ultimate geopolitical flashpoint of the young 21st century – way ahead of the Middle East or Russia’s western borderlands. No less than the future of Asia – as well as the East-West balance of power – is at stake. (story and 1 image)
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Restrained indigenous Youth, a la US 'enhanced interrogation' style image The Naked Face of Australian Racism Exposed to the World claire, Wednesday, Jul 27 2016, 1:15am
It’s about time racist Australia became known to the world. A recent ABC Four Corners program has exposed conservative and far right Australians as the most foul bunch of bigotted, torturing, mindless racists the world has recently seen in peacetime. Australia now shares equal status with the infamous deep South of the USA, where ignorance, racism and brutality are a religion. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

The choice, you must be joking, America image Blind Americans can’t see past their collective IQ -- two criminals are vying for the Presidency sue, Tuesday, Jul 26 2016, 11:01pm
It’s out there plain as day, couldn’t be clearer, both Trump and H. Clinton are criminals though their crimes differ. Trump is infamous for his corrupt and illegal building escapades, employing illegal cheap labour and bankrupting his companies in order to evade legitimate debts, he’s a big time cheat and criminal, however, he alluded jail by paying off politicians, he even bragged about it recently, the Clintons once beckoned to his call because he had donated millions to the family in the past, such is the corrupting power of ill-gotten money and the impunity it provides in the criminally run USA. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

moneyandrun.jpg image What Saves us is REALITY not Belief jess, Tuesday, Jul 26 2016, 2:35am
Not one belief system or ideology has saved humanity to date, in fact they have ruined most societies especially if those belief systems were not attuned to the greater harmony of nature or existence as it is. All ideologies are the productions of self-interested men seeking power, whether religious, political or otherwise -- be aware. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Doomsday Clock image 30 Seconds To Midnight - You better Believe it! Dr Paul Craig Roberts via val, Monday, Jul 25 2016, 10:31pm
Former US Secretary of Defense William Perry warns that the world is on the knife edge of nuclear catastrophe. Such catastrophe can result accidentally from electronic failures or glitches in warning systems and from the recklessly aggressive and unnecessary force buildup against Russia. Conn Hallinan discusses these issues. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Profound Darkness of Ignorance justin, Monday, Jul 25 2016, 12:20am
Indeed, as has been said, ‘in darkness man lives, and how profound is that darkness?’ Today few could dispute the stupor, bordering on trance, in which the world’s population exists. Leading nations, while professing they are honourable, law-abiding and just, murder millions in the most heinous fashion. Humans are viewed as expendable by these forces, plain to see. Yet the world tolerates obvious criminality, injustice and the flouting of law by these groups that profess they are honourable -- ridiculous, but how many see the TRAGIC absurdity of the world as it is today?
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