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B1 bomber - flying death image B1 long range Nuclear Bombers in Oz – Isn’t that just Dandy? des, Wednesday, Mar 9 2016, 7:12pm
The first thing to consider is that this astonishing compliance clearly changes the status of Australia from a peaceful, relatively neutral nation into a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET. And considering that modern ICBMs contain up to 14 nuclear warheads, it’s goodbye ALL capital cities while leaving our precious resources free for the taking after the American made holocaust. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Get with it People, Agri-Corporations are Killing You Kashmira Gander via jill, Tuesday, Mar 8 2016, 6:07am
Today's atrocious diets are largely the result of marketing and advertising but they fail to tell the whole story. Modern diets kill to put it succinctly. All one need do is walk down the aisle of any modern supermarket to see myriad processed products which we are encouraged to consume, notwithstanding the further we depart from natural foods the greater cost to our overall health and well being. The following story highlights only one over-consumed product, meat.
international / prose / post

Al Capone - small fry image Winning the War on Drugs justin, Monday, Mar 7 2016, 8:39am
Simple, as the only drug war America has won was on prohibited alcohol – and how dear reader did the State win that war, by legalising alcohol consumption and taxing alcohol producers? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Passive Inaction and Doomed Workers gary, Saturday, Mar 5 2016, 9:20am
I marvel sometimes at the passive acceptance of people that are dumped from their corporate jobs. Corporate executives seem to think it is they that build successful companies. Nothing could be further from the truth, CEOs and execs are a dime a dozen and those that secure a position imagine it is they alone that are responsible for company profits and successes when in fact it is each and every individual worker regardless of position that has built the company and ensures its success; yet when execs make wrong decisions it is the workforce that pays by being made ‘redundant,’ or to put in blunt terms, sacked, terminated -- good luck with feeding your family and paying your mortgage.
international / prose / post

text Western Governments: Banker/Corporate Servants justin, Friday, Mar 4 2016, 8:24pm
Well, it seems the people have woken, at least to some realities, specifically that their so-called representatives lie through their teeth in order to gain office then immediately renege on promises and serve the unrepresentative, minority corporate and financial sectors, which fact annihilates any notion of democracy.
international / prose / post

text The Lie We Live -- Modern Slavery's Lament Spencer Cathcart via james, Thursday, Mar 3 2016, 8:24pm
If we stop and think we realise exactly what we need to do.
international / prose / post

text War, what is it good for? Profit of course! jude, Wednesday, Mar 2 2016, 8:26pm
Wars are good for business if you’re a member of the wealthy global elite behind all the wars that have been waged over the past centuries. Do not kid yourself, especially with superficial concerns and other pertinent distractions, go to the heart of the problem. Wars would and could not be conducted unless someone stands to gain enormously and that someone is NEVER YOU, as you are either cannon fodder or collateral damage. But do the profiteers care? Take a good look at the record of recent US/NATO wars for an answer. Tens of millions of innocent people have been displaced, their homes and cities ruined, millions more have been slaughtered/murdered and few were active participants in these orchestrated wars based on lies. However, major corporations and their banker backers raked it in to the tune of $trillions.
international / prose / post

text You Dumb Yankee Fucks! baz, Wednesday, Mar 2 2016, 3:44am
Oo! So its a “show down” between Hillary and Trump, according to the mass media, well, is it? The new president has already been selected by the shadow government of the West, note I did not confine that to the USA. All western so-called democracies are in the firm grip of the global elite, and you can safely bet that they would never allow anyone they do not have in their pocket to assume the presidency of the world’s most powerful nation. Or haven’t you noticed how Obama is simply Bush on steroids -- pursing the exact same agenda as Bush and the last few presidents before him. It was Bill ‘Balkan’ Clinton that began the big sell-out of the people and embarked on the elite (insane) strategy/agenda of American hegemony, laughingly also called "Full Spectrum Dominance" and "Pax Americana," and the elite never take the drugs they sell YOU, though they are as criminally insane as could be.
international / prose / post

tppmacroprojections.jpg image Real Costs of the TPP: Nearly Half a Million Jobs Lost Jomo Kwame Sundaram via gail, Wednesday, Mar 2 2016, 2:01am
The Trans-Pacifc Partnership (TPP) Agreement, recently agreed to by twelve Pacifc Rim countries led by the United States,1 promises to ease many restrictions on cross-border transactions and harmonize regulations. Proponents of the agreement have claimed significant economic benefits, citing modest overall net GDP gains, ranging from half of one percent in the United States to 13 percent in Vietnam after fifteen years. Their claims, however, rely on many unjustified assumptions, including full employment in every country and no resulting impacts on working people’s incomes, with more than 90 percent of overall growth gains due to ‘non-trade measures’ with varying impacts. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

CFR member, Rupert Murdoch, happy as a pig in shit image Oz Gov Unable to Assist the People but Easily able to Serve elite Plutocrats justin, Monday, Feb 29 2016, 10:59pm
Well, there you have it, Rupert Murdoch couldn’t be happier, he failed to dismantle the Oz ABC, his largest competitor, via Abbott, but succeeded in eradicating fair media ownership laws. The two out of three rule is gone, the Oz media is now less competitive than its ever been so prepare for the one Orwellian voice, similar to the US media/propaganda apparatus. This is the end of choice and any semblance to a dissenting voice or real reporting as the news will now be more packaged than it’s ever been -- of course dictating ‘reality’ to the mindless masses and spineless Oz journalists, which overwhelmingly do not support such laws, as it’s either report ‘this’ or find another job, the truth has no place in the privately owned corporate mass media. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Ample Evidence of the Fact jess, Monday, Feb 29 2016, 9:43pm
I mean c’mmon! Since the US/NATO Balkan intervention in the 90’s and the fragmentation of a former sovereign state into powerless, exploitable, subservient statelets, based on ORCHESTRATED (proven) humanitarian crises, the same criminal force has since intervened in numerous other sovereign nations using the same now obvious, tired strategy of exploiting sectarian divisions, destabilising and then taking military control. Who today is unable to see the obvious? Lies, lies, lies, mayhem and mass murder for the profit of the few, are we happy allowing these criminal forces to continue murdering and destroying with impunity when reams of documented information and media coverage have exposed ALL the LIES and CRIMES? Criminals must pay for their crimes, or haven’t you heard of civilised law and morality?
international / prose / post

Malcolm Turnbull, the pretender -- deserving of criticism from all quarters image Abbott Rules Liberal Party via conservative Proxies -- Turnbull Now Proven Jellyfish cyd, Saturday, Feb 27 2016, 12:34am
Remember that lying duplicitous bastard Abbott, I know most Aussies would prefer to forget? However, his lies and treachery not only extended to the Australian people but also to his own party, especially regarding his relentless attacks on Malcolm ‘do nothing’ Turnbull, the spineless elite-serving narcissist masquerading as Prime Minister, whom Abbott promised he would not interfere . (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The National Insecurity State Henry A. Giroux via jess, Friday, Feb 26 2016, 11:45pm
I think it is fair to say, following Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, that each country ravaged by neoliberalism and its attack on the social state will develop its own form of authoritarianism rooted in the historical, pedagogical, and cultural traditions that enable it to reproduce itself. In the United States, a "soft war" is being waged on the cultural front aided by the new electronic technologies of consumerism and surveillance.
international / prose / post

text The Displacement of Peace Discourse by a Warmongering Media jude, Friday, Feb 26 2016, 9:17pm
It is no secret that the primary social discourse determines social character and behaviour. And so what have we all been witness to over the past 15 years? Yes, indeed, the eradication of all discourse on Peace. Both mainstream and alternative media have been harnessed or nose-ringed, almost all media discourse relates to war and its consequences, refugees, widespread destruction etc, with the usual titillating distractive content. The result of course is current world reality, permanent escalating wars, no surprise.
international / prose / post

text Sticking Point in Syria Truce: Washington’s Support for Al Qaeda Bill Van Auken via james, Thursday, Feb 25 2016, 10:33pm
Testifying Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry faced intensely hostile questioning as he defended a Syrian “cessation of hostilities” reached with Moscow that is supposed to go into effect this weekend.
international / prose / post

Errand boy for the corporate-banker elite, John 'dunce' Kerry image John Kerry says partition of Syria could be part of ‘plan B’ if peace talks fail Patrick Wintour vial gail, Thursday, Feb 25 2016, 6:05am
Plan 'B' my sweet fanny, it has always been plan A. Carving up the Middle East has been the plan all along. Now an excuse, the failure of designed to fail 'peace talks', really, who does America think it's kidding, its fly has been undone on this issue for decades? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Hillary 'elite-serving bitch' Clinton image The Fuse of WWIII -- get it straight! des, Thursday, Feb 25 2016, 4:56am
Make no mistake, the US/NATO criminal alliance is hell bent on removing Assad and redrawing the maps of the Middle East. Retired general Wesley Clark spelled it out, Syria and then Iran, and nothing will deter the US from attempting to achieve its nefarious ambition, so all the, ‘this way and that’ bulldust of commentators, propagandists and others amounts to hot air. The US has an agenda it will never depart from and the world has only two choices to allow the criminal forces that constitute the shadow government to succeed or to oppose them and place them on trial for their many recorded crimes against humanity, you see, it’s all about profit, slavery and appropriating diminishing resources. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The End of Turkey's Erdogan Michael Collins via cyd, Thursday, Feb 25 2016, 1:39am
If Erdogan and his advisers seriously believe that they can publicly blackmail a superpower like the USA then their days are numbered.
international / prose / post

libyaakcartoon.jpg image Russia Donates 10,000 AK-47 with ammunition to Afghanistan Mirwais Harooni via shirl, Wednesday, Feb 24 2016, 10:37am
The AK-47 is the preferred weapon in the entire region. No doubt the gift from Russia will be well received, as Russia demonstrates it is more interested in States maintaining sovereignty and independence rather than the US vassal or military occupation approach which is universally resented. Let's hope the weapons are put to 'good use' by the Afghans which have no need for troops from any foreign nation. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

einstein_quote.jpg imageaudio Digital Insularity, Social Disconnect and Self-absorption Equals Social Slavery james, Tuesday, Feb 23 2016, 10:57pm
Whether or not Einstein actually said the following is not important as it is as accurate as could be! It's not the fault of the technology, it is how it's used. The CIA was behind the development of Facebook (tracebook), Google is a CIA partner, until recently Apple had a secret keystroke logger in all its iPhones, Microsoft was exposed decades past for supplying a backdoor in its OS to government agencies. So you see, it was no accident but a concerted plan by Big Brother to enslave, monitor and direct the attention of the masses. (story and 6 images and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

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