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Are you hypnotised yet?  LOL! image Andrew Bolt: MalcolmTurnbull the “Idiot” james, Wednesday, Mar 30 2016, 1:50am
Arch-conservative commentator Andrew Bolt pilloried sitting ‘unexciting narcissist’ PM Malcolm Turnbull for his divisive tax plan, which would allow the States to raise money via their own taxes, notwithstanding that the struggling Australian public would be forced to pay EXTRA taxes shortly after this inane proposal was realised – makes sense if you are a political idiot! (story and 1 image)
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Radovan Karadzic receiving sentence at the ICTY image Karadzic Found Guilty of War Crimes justin, Tuesday, Mar 29 2016, 9:07pm
Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has been found guilty of various war crimes by the ICTY and sentenced to 40 years imprisonment – few would denounce the verdict; however, his case was tainted by the partial – to this day – ICC/ICTY, a politicised body that has constantly displayed extreme bias toward Serbs and has treated other major offenders very softly indeed; I refer to Richard Holbrook’s darlings, KLA terrorists, and Germany’s puppets in Croatia, the fascist Ustasha, which role was pivotal in fomenting the Balkan war – major war criminals from both groups have been released after show trials to give the impression to the world of impartiality but never has that sordid leniency ever been extended to the demonised (by the US media) Serbs. (story and 1 image)
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Whinging Pom, John Durkan image Coles MD/CEO John Durkan Loses Plot on Retailing in Oz shopper, Monday, Mar 28 2016, 3:55am
In a recent interview conducted by ABC business journalist, Ticky Fullerton, Coles MD John Durkan, threatened to increase the price of products in regional areas based on the excuse that the regulator’s (ACCC) advice to government that it apply certain tests regarding non-competitive practices, for which major offender, Coles, under previous MD, Ian McLeod, has been hauled before the courts and fined heavily. (story and 1 image)
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text Destabilisation -- a two-edged Sword jack, Sunday, Mar 27 2016, 6:42pm
During the cold war the USSR had the upper hand regarding infiltration of other nations and the spreading of socialist ideology. It achieved great effect by targeting labour and unions, race relations and the obvious inequality of capitalist society, which is simply an exploitative ideology favouring an elite.
international / prose / post

Turnbull, full of himself, full of shit! image Malcolm Turnbull's Neoliberal Economic Claptrap Disemboweled rex, Saturday, Mar 26 2016, 7:47am
In this interview, Michael Hudson, the world's leading alternative economist completely exposes the ruse of elitist, parasitic economics. Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull, a former Goldman Sachs employee, espouses the parasitic "innovation" economics of neoliberalism, which is destroying the national and the GLOBAL economy as I write. Paper juggling or 'money economics' is NOT production or growth, make no mistake. Do not be daunted readers, an economics degree is not essential in understanding plain, simple, economic facts. (story and 1 image)
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colorrevolutionsmap.jpg image US Incorporates Post-Modern 'Chaos Theory' into Foreign Policy Dr. Vladimir Prav via sue, Friday, Mar 25 2016, 12:17am
Steven Mann, a US foreign policy expert, who took part in developing many of the current “controlled chaos” hotspots in various parts of the world, speaks openly of the need to use “controlled chaos” to secure and promote US national interests. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Brussels Bullshit – Most Probably a ‘False Flag’ Attack justin, Tuesday, Mar 22 2016, 11:24pm
First, let me emphasise what informed analysts and commentators have known from the start – ISIL/ISIS/Da’esh is a CIA creation aided and supported by Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Turkey and other Gulf States, which (Saudis) have come out and stated they control the ‘terrorists’ (and proxy fighting groups) like turning a switch on and off – re: threat to Putin’s face prior to Olympics.
international / prose / post

'Bill Turnbull' image It’s Always About Them -- Oz Politicians – NEVER the People cyd, Sunday, Mar 20 2016, 9:08pm
Well, surprise, surprise, the conservatives are in a panic over their plummeting polls and the lack of direction/competence/ACTION at the helm and so predictably, ‘unexciting’ PM, ‘paralysed mullet’ Turnbull called a press conference today to announce an early DD based, July 2, federal election, the consultants and marketers can’t be wrong – or could they be? Not even the crocodiles in the Territory are surprised -- you see, it’s always about them and their internal squabbling, consultant-led tactics/timing, and as usual, a hat full of rain for the AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria? Pepe Escobar via james, Sunday, Mar 20 2016, 6:46pm
It's spy thriller stuff; no one is talking. But there are indications Russia would not announce a partial withdrawal from Syria right before the Geneva negotiations ramp up unless a grand bargain with Washington had been struck. Some sort of bargain is in play, of which we still don't know the details; that's what the CIA itself is basically saying through their multiple US Think Tankland mouthpieces. And that's the real meaning hidden under a carefully timed Barack Obama interview that, although inviting suspension of disbelief, reads like a major policy change document.
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text Give Me a Break! cyd, Saturday, Mar 19 2016, 9:49pm
I mean really, is the Truth so unbearable that the vast majority prefer to ignore it and live in an elite orchestrated delusion? Well, unfortunately the simple answer to that question is YES! However, the informed and thinking minority are not surprised, with a little diligent research the public minority are able to peel through government tissue-thin, facile bullshit and view the unpalatable Truth in all its beauty and ugly wonder.
international / prose / post

text America: World's Leading Terrorist Nation jas, Friday, Mar 18 2016, 8:35am
This Oliver Stone documentary tells it straight, America is a terrorist nation.
international / prose / post

text People Have a Right to Know What They are Eating Jill Richardson via jane, Thursday, Mar 17 2016, 7:42pm
People have a right to know how their food is produced and if it contains unnatural or engineered components.
international / prose / post

Putin image Did Putin Blink? justin, Wednesday, Mar 16 2016, 8:03am
Putin’s sudden withdrawal from Syria has everyone guessing, however, a few indicators cannot be ignored. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Windsor -- the Peoples' Representative image Consultants Destroy Oz Politics darcy, Wednesday, Mar 16 2016, 5:44am
The disillusioned voting public of Australia wonder at times why both major parties do not reflect majority wishes or pursue pre-election promises/policies. Well, our pollies have been harnessed by consultants that view the majority as a mindless herd to be deceived and lied to, a la’ Tony Abbott style, well, he paid the price and so will his party, which have been advised never to reveal policies for fear they will be assessed and shown to be transparently serving elite corporate and banker interests and not the public-- so for God’s sake do not allow the public time to think. Meaningless political babble has become the order of the day for our major parties but particularly the conservatives, which are now becoming a laughing stock due to their consultant-led inability to speak freely to the electorate, the people they falsely hope would vote them back into office! (story and 1 image)
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Donald Trump, rogue element image ‘Anonymous’ hackers Declare War on Trump fritz, Tuesday, Mar 15 2016, 6:54pm
The Independent UK recently ran a story about the Anonymous hacking group targeting election disruptor Donald Trump. Firstly, it should be made very clear that there is nothing anonymous about this FBI and agency hacking group. The elite hacker underground is fully cognisant of the fact that ‘anonymous’ was formed to entrap hackers whose attacks were disrupting elite powers. Indeed, the headlines were full of stories of busts the FBI made as a result of their ruse and entrapment vehicle. Kiddie hackers have also steered clear of this organisation as a result, notwithstanding the elite hacker fraternity made it known from the start. (story and 1 image)
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text The Global Suicide Ritual Arlan Ebel via jane, Saturday, Mar 12 2016, 5:30pm
In our time, the issue that subsumes all others is the issue of the survival of the human species. The primary threats to this survival are climate change and global nuclear war. Of course the interiors of these primary threats are swarming with countless contributing secondary issues.
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Cameron and Sarkozy to blame, never the US!  image Obama Loses His Rag - blames Cameron for Libya Fiasco Paddy McGuffin via jane, Saturday, Mar 12 2016, 4:58pm
Anyone tuning into the news headlines yesterday could have been forgiven for doing a swift double take at the calendar to ensure we hadn’t somehow fast forwarded to April 1. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Corruption USA -- Public Awareness on the Rise David Rosen via gus, Saturday, Mar 12 2016, 12:19am
It is the Truth that will defeat corruption in the USA -- no weapon is stronger than Truth.
international / prose / post

Search Youtube and the Internet for this nefarious organisation image Hillary: The Bilderberg, CFR, Poison Pill Paul Edwards via jaxie, Friday, Mar 11 2016, 9:33pm
The Republican supernova hissyfit over Trump with the faux-Latino twits snapping at his pantlegs has so owned the media that the Gorgon trying to herd Democrats to their own implosion has escaped serious scrutiny. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Democracy, you won't find it in the USA Patrick Buchanan via shirl, Friday, Mar 11 2016, 9:24pm
Over the long weekend before the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, the sky above Sea Island was black with corporate jets. Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, Napster’s Sean Parker, Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk, and other members of the super-rich were jetting in to the exclusive Georgia resort, ostensibly to participate in the annual World Forum of the American Enterprise Institute.
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