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Malcolm Turnbull, finished! image Turnbull has Irretrievably Lost the Confidence of the Australian People gail, Sunday, Jul 17 2016, 9:14pm
And so it goes, no-one can put ‘Humpty Malcolm Dumpty’ back together again. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

'Sultan' Erdogan image Erdogan's Transparent Coup Designed to Remove HIS Political Opponents Al, Saturday, Jul 16 2016, 11:14pm
For those that have short memories it was megalomaniac 'Sultan' Erdogan that was willing to risk WWIII by shooting down a Russian bomber over Syria -- an attemp to force NATO's hand -- in order to further his insane political ambitions. Paranoid and extremely unstable nut-case is not too harsh a description. Now consider the almost schoolboy planning of the so-called coup. No attempt to (easily) capture Erdogan in a hotel or any of his most important political allies, and that's not a fraction of it! No proper military planning whatsoever, and yet it was supposed to be a military coup -- my arse! Cadets could have planned it better. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

shadowgovernment.jpg image Establishment Lies And Crimes Are Leading Us To Catastrophe Mark Taliano via shirl, Thursday, Jul 14 2016, 11:49pm
Corporate media messaging about the war on Syria is corrupt and distorted to an unprecedented level despite years of verifiable evidence that contradicts the gross lies and misinformation. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Tony Blair, War Criminal image Blair Damned Daniel Margrain via jaxie, Wednesday, Jul 13 2016, 10:32pm
Having mounted sustained attacks on Jeremy Corbyn since he became the Labour leader, the Blairite factions within the right of the party stepped-up their campaign of vilification and hostility in the wake of the much anticipated release of the Chilcot report in what they hoped would be one last concerted push to depose him. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Chilcot: The Clearly PARTIAL Hague Court Refuses to Prosecute Blair claire, Tuesday, Jul 12 2016, 9:08pm
Let’s start with the obvious: The Hague criminal court has no problem prosecuting leaders of other States, as its record indicates, yet it refuses to investigate Blair’s crimes; instead it attempts to throw-off on the UK military when clearly Blair, Bush and Howard are responsible for the most horrific murderous event of the 21st century, which subsequent effects continue to DESTABILISE the Middle East, Europe and the WORLD. The only effective way to prevent further criminal incidences of this nature is to PROSECUTE KNOWN WAR CRIMINALS TODAY.
international / prose / post

text Chilcot: Known War Criminals Must be Held To Account Eric Margolis via jan, Monday, Jul 11 2016, 9:04pm
This week’s Chilcot report on Britain’s role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq was as polite and guarded as a proper English tea party. No direct accusations, no talk of war crimes by then Prime Minister Tony Blair or his guiding light, President George W. Bush. However, the Report is DAMNING, notwithstanding its avoidance to accuse and demand that justice is served.
international / prose / post

Blair receiving and 'honour' from Bush image Chilcot Inquiry -- An Embarrassment darcy, Sunday, Jul 10 2016, 10:51am
The very thin, translucent veil attempting to hide massive political fraud, treachery and crime has been perforated by the Chilcot Inquiry and subsequent DAMNING Report. Anyone that reads it easily CONCLUDES that Bush, Blair, Howard of Australia and their respective administrations lied through their teeth, yet no-one has the balls to state it plainly. Furthermore, it is clear that these three CRIMINAL leaders were following a pre-planned agenda and worked in concert as the ‘Coalition of the Willing,’ which of course indicates an orchestrated conspiracy. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

LYING puppets of the mass murdering global elite image Tony Blair's deputy PM John Prescott Now believes Iraq invasion illegal David Milliken via dulcie, Saturday, Jul 9 2016, 9:40pm
London: John Prescott, who was British Prime Minister Tony Blair's deputy PM at the time of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, now says the war was illegal. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Are You Planning Your Retirement? Forget It. You Won’t Survive To Experience It. Dr Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Friday, Jul 8 2016, 7:45pm
The Israeli agents who comprise the Neoconservatives, a collection of war criminals that control US foreign policy, have already handed you your death certificate. The neoconservatives have far more power than they have intelligence or humanity.
international / prose / post

text Putin Warns Western Journalists of War Enrico Braun via jess, Thursday, Jul 7 2016, 8:44am
Not sure about the effectiveness of Putin's intelligence network but surely he should know that the western 'news/propaganda' machine is directed by the elite owned CFR in New York. So it's no surprise that mainstream journalists toe the western propaganda line and specialise in distraction and 'newstainment' rather than real journalism. How else do heinous and obvious western war criminals, responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent civilians evade prosecution? Surely Mr Putin, you could do a lot better than squeak like a mouse!
international / prose / post

The Coalition of WILLING Criminals image Andrew Wilkie: Howard, Blair and Bush should be in an international court Gabrielle Chan via shirl, Wednesday, Jul 6 2016, 7:52pm
"We know this now more clearly than ever that the Howard government took us to war on a lie. Every time it said that Iraq had a massive arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and it was cooperating with al-Qaida it knew that that was not the case, that it was either clearly not the case or at best for them it was ambiguous. They took us to war on a lie. No wonder John Howard and Tony Blair and George W. Bush do stand accused of war crimes. I’d like them to see an international court. I would like them to defend their position and try to prove their innocence because all of those people who do accuse them of war crimes, I think make a pretty compelling case." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Blair image “It’s The End of the World as We Know it...” - if we don’t Act NOW! judd, Wednesday, Jul 6 2016, 10:50am
The title is a variation of a popular song which has now become a bitter reality. Heinous murderers and war criminals Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton, the latter not charged for a serious though clearly illegal offence, while the former is a (guilty) war criminal, have BOTH evaded legal prosecution, though their guilt reeks to high heaven. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Disconnected, delusional and inept, Turnbull image Inept Malcolm Turnbull has to go, for the sake of the Coalition and the country Terry McCrann via gail, Sunday, Jul 3 2016, 8:16pm
The title says it ALL. After forgoing the chance to call an early election immediately after he knifed Abbott in the back and his popularity ratings went through the roof, Turnbull FAILED to assess the nation's mood and the relief of the country over Abbott's demise. Of course the gross error in judgement is easily attributed to Turnbull's conceit stemming from his pathological personality flaw of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Turnbull imagined he was God, and bathed in delusion completely oblivious to the fact that his American empty political style based on hollow unsubstantiated slogans and an undefined 'plan' would carry him through. However, AUSTRALIANS are NOT mindless, slogan susceptible yanks and the result is as was predicted, Turnbull FAILED monumentally, as indeed do all NPD sufferers. Australia cannot afford hugely flawed personalities and political dunces in the highest office in the land! Resign Mr Turnbull and save some face or be trounced by your own party. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

turnbull__unable.jpg image The BIG Loser -- Disconnected elitist, Malcolm Turnbull darcy, Saturday, Jul 2 2016, 11:57pm
Regardless of the final outcome it is now plain that the REAL loser is Turnbull, who displayed the utmost arrogance falsely imagining -- and led by the nose by antiquated thinking, formula-driven consultants/strategists, which to a person, should all be unceremoniously sacked -- that he would coast home. Turnbull’s born-to-rule arrogance extended to him making the astonishing statement to the public that he would easily be victorious, a truly divorced from reality ASSUMPTION, as today’s post-election REALITY dictates. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Washington’s Not-So-Invisible [Economic/Military] Hand Jason Hirthler via shirl, Friday, Jul 1 2016, 9:23pm
Scottish philosopher Adam Smith famously noted the “invisible hand” of the market that shaped the character of economies near and far. The rightwing neoliberal capitalist movement, dominant in the West since the early Seventies, has turned this phrase into the sacrosanct dictum of its secular religion. All human behavior must be submitted to the “free market.” (This is the notional credo, but in practice corporate elites are subsidized, bailout out, and given every possible taxpayer benefit to ensure higher private profits.) So now, when nations fail, it is typically said in the media to be the product of a) a crazed dictator threatening counter-intuitive genocide on his own people; or b) foolish state interventions by deranged socialist ideologues.
international / prose / post

Eureka Stockade image Oz Election: Final Word cyd, Friday, Jul 1 2016, 6:11am
On the eve of voting day it would probably assist those who have not as yet seen through the utter garbage issuing from the mouths of both major party puppet leaders. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

votingsheep.jpg image Pre-emptive Oz Election Results justin, Wednesday, Jun 29 2016, 9:52pm
After the majors receive the shock they deserve from a disillusioned, IGNORED public tired of the LIES, meaningless babble, scare campaigns, empty slogans and FAKE financial figures based on “future projects,” wishful thinking in other words -- as if in this extremely unstable world, created by American illegal interventionism and trade wars -- anyone could predict financial outcomes; however, one thing is clear, Shorten must, for the good of the party, GO! Not due to his inability or lack of negotiating and organising skills but simply because he has no presence or leadership bearing and would never be able to gain the support of the majority of Australians. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

rupertmurdochmono.jpg image How the Elite Owned Mass Media Easily Dupes the Public liz, Tuesday, Jun 28 2016, 11:26pm
Distraction and the mind-wiping 24 hour ‘news’ cycle are the principal means today’s mass media employs to shift the focus of the public away from critically important issues to meaningless/fabricated, emotively hyped threats/titillation. Now, choke on this outrageous story which has not been pursued by ANY mass media outlet. Heinous war crimes committed by Tony Blair and his government and G W Bush and his administration remain un-prosecuted! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Hysteria Grips Markets after Brexit tan, Tuesday, Jun 28 2016, 1:27am
Despite assurances from Wall Street, European Central Bank president Mario Draghi, and Britain’s Finance Minister, world markets are in a frenzy. Nevertheless, rational human beings -- unlike neurotic, hysterical, skittish brokers and traders -- are acutely aware that nothing in the real world has changed, trade deals remain, legal obligations/contracts etc, etc, remain in tact, so, what is the key to these losses, unstable currencies, credit downgrades, etc, and not to forget the GAINS made by the mega-wealthy few? Answer, the game is rigged, MANIPULATION -- there is no such thing as the ‘free’ market, the proof is in your face.
international / prose / post

text How The West Was Lost -- Brexit, Widespread Social Discontent and Demagoguery David Michael Green via cyd, Monday, Jun 27 2016, 9:56pm
Does it matter? Well, for some folks it does. In particular, if you’re dis-empowered, lacking a personal sense of agency, and you’ve watched your world get whittled down bit by bit over the last several decades; the sense of doing something, anything, even the sheer joy of authoring some real wreckage, becomes tasty. And all the more so because of its rarity. It’s been so long since you poked a ruling elite joker in the eye, who cares who it is or what comes next, eh? Just do it!
international / prose / post

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