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text “Peace in our Time” -- My Arse! jake, Sunday, Sep 25 2016, 11:13pm
Today is almost a replica of pre-WWII politics; it was Neville Chamberlain who returned to England to declare “peace for our time” and wave a peace pact with Nazi Germany to the desperate, frightened masses -- The Munich Agreement -- which the Nazis, like the neocon Nazis of Washington today had/have no intention whatsoever of honouring. You see, the Nazis had an agenda, world domination and the Thousand Year Reich, as indeed Washington has a similar agenda today -- PNAC or world hegemony, and any nation or leader that opposes or obstructs this plan is targeted for military conquest and elimination.
international / prose / post

text If TRUTH sets you FREE then America is the most Imprisoned nation on Earth Finian Cunningham via jess, Thursday, Sep 22 2016, 11:19pm
US President Barack Obama made his eighth – and final – address to the United Nations General Assembly this week. What a relief, not to be subjected to any more florid speeches filled with vacuous, psychopathic lies.
international / prose / post

'Braveheart' Turnbull image Parochial Aussies Living in Their own Private Dubbo stan, Thursday, Sep 22 2016, 9:53pm
A recent poll -- which the pollster repeated, as the results were astonishing -- indicates that 49% of media pliable Aussies support a complete ban on Muslim migration. Yet our spineless lackey politicians have been ordered by the US to accept ‘refugees,’ from ultra-violent central American nations, as the US clearly does not want a bar of these migrants -- and for very good reason. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Hesitant and overly cautious Putin may become known as the RUIN of Russia image Russian Bear or Russian Mouse? Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Monday, Sep 19 2016, 10:01pm
The Russian government's sincere and diligent effort to prevent chaos in Syria and additional massive refugee flow into Europe, all the while avoiding conflict with Washington and its vassals, has been brought to an end by Washington's intentional attack on a known Syrian army position, thus wrecking the cease-fire agreement that Russia sacrificed so much to achieve. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

digitalcurrency.jpg image Central Banks Moving to Digital Currencies Xiong Yue via kwang, Sunday, Sep 18 2016, 9:27pm
On January 20, 2016, People’s Bank of China (PBoC) released an announcement on its website about its digital currency conference. At the conference, the PBoC urged its digital currency team to speed up effort and release its own digital currency quickly. Similarly, Bank of England, Bank of Canada, and some other central banks also expressed similar intentions to or claimed that they had considered issuing their own digital currencies. Since its creation, Bitcoin and other digital currencies have inspired the issuance of many private-issued and denationalized digital currencies. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Non-Sense and Un-Reason jill, Saturday, Sep 17 2016, 8:08pm
It was English mystic, poet and prolific writer William Blake who drew attention to a peculiar dichotomy in the human species, one actually known throughout the ages, but by numerous other names/representations; Mary Shelley drawing on the inspiration provided by Blake’s dichotomy, Sense and Reason, extended it in her age and wrote Frankenstein, which incorporated a cultural element.
international / prose / post

bombingsyria.jpg image Demonize, Distract and Conquer - Sanitizing Perpetual War for the Masses Jason Hirthler via darcy, Monday, Sep 12 2016, 3:37am
An excellent piece: factually accurate, informative and compelling. Well done Mr Hirthler -- Eds (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text As It SHOULD Be ... Founding Fathers via the People, Saturday, Sep 10 2016, 9:47pm
“We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
international / prose / post

text U.S. In Denial Over Sponsoring Terrorism Is Why Syrian War Rages On Finian Cunningham via gus, Saturday, Sep 10 2016, 2:36am
Indeed, Mr Cunningham, the solution is LEGAL. It is open public record knowledge that the USA and its Gulf State allies have been arming, training and supporting terrorist proxy fighters on the ground in Syria and Iraq since day one. Reaching an agreement for the cessation of conflict and allowing a sovereign nation's right to self-determination is nigh impossible if not a downright futile exercise between the superpowers. Russia, which has complied with international law throughout, must clearly make the case internationally that the USA and its allies are engaged in a criminal war and are in breach of countless international laws.
international / prose / post

text Civilisation Lost jess, Friday, Sep 9 2016, 12:40pm
Those poor deluded souls waiting for the revolution missed it. The world has already undergone the most profound revolution in its history; indeed, the revolution that occurred in the first years of the 21st century had a global impact though in the negative. A handful of mega-wealthy psychopaths intent on ruling the world, assisted by their bought political servants, required an excuse to wage ‘perpetual war’ with the sole aim of global domination, militarily and by media propaganda. And it's plain as day they succeeded.
international / prose / post

text America the Illiterate Chris Hedges via cyd, Monday, Sep 5 2016, 8:04pm
We live in two Americas. One America, now the minority, functions in a print-based, literate world. It can cope with complexity and has the intellectual tools to separate illusion from truth. The other America, which constitutes the majority, exists in a non-reality-based belief system. This America, dependent on skillfully manipulated images for information, has severed itself from the literate, print-based culture. It cannot differentiate between lies and truth. It is informed by simplistic, childish narratives and clichés. It is thrown into confusion by ambiguity, nuance and self-reflection. This divide, more than race, class or gender, more than rural or urban, believer or nonbeliever, red state or blue state, has split the country into radically distinct, unbridgeable and antagonistic entities.
international / prose / post

text Pathology Incorporated: The Facade Of American Democracy Nozomi Hayase via jaxie, Sunday, Sep 4 2016, 9:28pm
With the rigged Democratic presidential nomination behind us, the US election reality show continues. The mass media is creating sensations around what has become a national embarrassment with this contest of the lesser of the two crazies. On the one hand we have Donald Trump, depicted as a quintessential narcissist and on the other, Hillary Clinton who is often portrayed as a sociopath. Hype is created by putting these labels on the candidates, pitting one personality disorder against the other.
international / prose / post

Desperate, bereft and incompetent PM Turnbull image Malcolm Turnbull now wishes to follow America's lead in sordid, criminal enterprises darcy, Friday, Sep 2 2016, 3:10am
In the wake of the USA flouting evermore international and domestic laws, for instance, gone are the excuses formerly used to assassinate foreign leaders, euphemistically once called ‘regime change,’ which of course is an illegality in and of itself under international law and the transparent 'humanitarian' military invasions of the past; we now witness overt military invasions of Syria by Turkey and the USA; hearken back to the criminal invasion/bombing of Libya under the pretext of the R2P ‘corporate oil interests’ and also the blatant theft of Gaddafi’s vast gold and other monetary wealth for large international banks and the use of fledgling ISIS proxy fighters to finally viciously murder Gaddafi when NATO bombs failed. Why bother with excuses State crime has been naturalised today and so the world follows suit as the people have failed to uphold moral imperatives and civilised LAW. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Useless, corporate-serving, narcissistic prick image Australians About To Learn a Bitter Lesson Regarding UN-representative Useless Governments stacey, Thursday, Sep 1 2016, 11:48pm
It’s already evident, no sooner than the 45th parliament began the conservatives blew it by not ensuring their minimal numbers were on the floor. It allowed for the opposition to make a point at the expense of the nation, bickering and adversarial tactics will only continue as the nation goes backwards at speed. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text One Good Outcome of the US Presidential Election claire, Tuesday, Aug 30 2016, 1:43am
Don’t kid yourselves readers, the global elite that appear as the Bilderberg group, CFR, Trilateral Commission and other invitation only organisations, never allow anyone not ‘chosen’ to become president of THEIR nation, America. Numerous contributors to this site have stated it plainly supplying numerous accounts of how these groups, which comprise the global elite, have hijacked all western governments but particularly the American, the jewel in the crown. Voting and the election race is a charade, as the outcome has been predetermined. And so it will be this time around, Hillary was promised the presidency at the Virginia Bilderberg meeting some years back, when she was instructed to step aside and allow Obama to run.
international / prose / post

text The Illegal War on Syria: The Western Media vs. Truth/Reality Ian Sinclair via jane, Sunday, Aug 28 2016, 11:48pm
“The sinister fact about literary censorship in England is that it is largely voluntary”, George Orwell noted in his censored preface to his 1945 book Animal Farm. “Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need for any official ban”. Orwell went onto explain that “at any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it”.
international / prose / post

us_population__dumb_and_dumber.jpg image Smartphones - far too smart for the majority of users vax, Sunday, Aug 28 2016, 12:39am
Indeed, the astounding features of smartphones are a juicy target for those interested in monitoring and surveillance, and I would add that not only government agencies (NSA) are involved in this type of hacking, private corporate hackers have exploited smartphones to rake in $zillions by selling their mal/spyware to any large entity that wishes to spy on its population. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text How Western Media Misreports and Propagandises the Illegal US War on Syria Gareth Porter via jill, Saturday, Aug 27 2016, 12:07am
Coverage of the breakdown of the partial ceasefire in Syria illustrated the main way corporate news media distort public understanding of a major foreign policy story. The problem is not that the key events in the story are entirely unreported, but that they were downplayed and quickly forgotten in the media’s embrace of themes with which they were more comfortable.
international / prose / post

text The Broken Chessboard: Brzezinski Gives Up on Empire Mike Whitney via james, Thursday, Aug 25 2016, 11:02pm
Zbigniew Brzezinski, academic, author, adviser to US governments, implementer of proxy fighters and more recently, recantor, seems to have finally realised that ‘power’ is a fluid ‘substance’, something French academic Michel Foucault was acutely aware of. Power is never possessed for long, no sooner do those that imagine they possess it, watch in horror as power begins to trickle or rush away, as is happening to the USA as I write and has happened to every major empire in history. Brzezinski, would have done well to analyse historical empires prior to making a fool of himself in the form of asserting such idiocies as the USA is the world’s sole superpower and as such should embark on a ruining plan for global hegemony -- which I would emphasise, is the accelerating force in America’s road to ruin, not only as the ‘world’s sole superpower,’ but also as a viable, independent nation.
international / prose / post

text Backed By US, Turkey Illegally Invades Democratic Sovereign Syria Brandon Turbeville via jess, Thursday, Aug 25 2016, 1:18am
On Wednesday morning, Turkey abruptly launched an all-out military assault on Syria, sending in tanks, troops, and engaging in airstrikes, in concert with airstrikes from the United States, to the northern portions of Syria near the Turkey-Syria border under the guise of combatting ISIS forces. At this time, the military operations seem focused around Jarablus.
international / prose / post

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